

Angela Wills's intention was simple - face her career and stay clear of men. She is the Managing Director in her father's prestigious organization. Her perspective was altered when Dennis started working in her house, and she fell in love with him. Angela is from a rich and influential family, while Dennis is from a poor background. Her father wasn't in support of the relationship, and her close friend, Rita, became a thorn in her flesh. How will these two sail through the challenges? Will Angela be forced to choose between love and the people who claim to care about her?

Patrick_Meg · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Episode 5


I've had sex with a lot of men, but Denis was a rare and awesome experience. He made me feel what I've never felt before, feelings that words cannot explain. I think he has won my heart, Yes, I'm in love with him -what a bizarre definition for love at first sight. I just can't stop thinking about him. The way he handled me the other day? It's so incredible.

I keep smiling to myself anytime I remember him. His name ring bells in my heart, the thought of him fills my belly with butterflies.

But wait!

Angela must not know about this, she's gonna be so mad at me. More so, I don't want to jeopardize my friendship with her, we've come a long way. At the same time, she's apathetic and tepid when it comes to men. That's because of her last ship that wrecked. She's not gonna fall in love with any man anytime soon, even if she will, not with Denis.

Angela is sassy and too sophisticated for him. Well that kindles my chances because I want this guy and I want to go for him, but without Angela's knowledge. Even if he's a low-life now, I can brush him up and make him mine forever. I don't have a good plan yet, but one thing is; I'm in love with Denis and I must have him no matter what.


The week is just starting and work is already becoming so hectic. I work as a teacher and it's a profession I'm so passionate about, regardless of how demanding it is. It's just a dream come true for me, after all, it pays my bills. I just got back from work, and I'm exhausted, I need to rest, but I dare not, those test scripts won't mark themselves.

For a start, I'll take a cold shower. Before I recline to marking those scripts, I got myself a glass of juice from the kitchen. I sit to begin marking the scripts when I remembered Denis, the guy I met recently.

He looks calm, caring, and charming. I was lost admiring his crimson eyes that day.

Should I call this love at first sight?

Several guys have tried to be friends with me and I spurned them, but I went as far as giving this guy my number. He has a perfect spot in my heart.

However, I wonder why he hasn't called me ever since that day. Should I call him?

"No Benita, don't make yourself look so cheap,' a part of me said.

I debunked the idea of calling him, I wish he calls me soon. There's something about Denis that I'm yet to figure out. I don't know if saying I'm in love with him is the right way to decipher how I feel about him. I'll wait till he calls and if he doesn't, I'll call him myself.


I don't know what's going on with me? It's just my first week at work, and I've slept with two women. The last one caught me off guard. Are there still cheap women like that? I mean that was the first day I'll see her, and we have gotten intimate already.

I don't know what these women want from me, I wish I could control myself against shagging them, but it's not a susceptible mission. It is getting out of hand and I'm getting fed up.

The only woman I'm truly in love with is Angela, and I don't know how to go about it, she's too elegant for a broke guy like me, but I just can't wave off what I feel for her. I'm optimistic about it though, I'll give her a shot soon.

Oops, I just met another lady, Benita. She's just a girl I want to make friends with. I feel nothing romantic for her, if l should feel anything for her, it'll be infatuation, not love.

We exchanged numbers and I'm yet to call her, that's not ripe.

I pick up my phone and I dial Benita's number.

DENIS- Hello Benny.

BENITA: Hi, Good evening...

DENIS:-I'm sure you know who's on the line?

BENITA:- Yes, it's Denis.

DENIS-Oh, wow! How are you doing?

BENITA:- I'm fine and you?

DENIS:- I'm cool... It's nice to hear your voice again.

BENITA:- Yeah, same here.

DENIS:- So How's work?

BENITA:- Work is getting hectic, but we're managing through.

DENIS:-Uh, thať's how it should be. But you're diligent, you'll surely cope.

BENITA:- You're so hilarious, we've met only once and you've concluded about me already.

DENIS:- Yeah, because the skies told me you're such a genius.

BENITA:- (Laughing and blushing)

DENIS:- So tell me, what do you do?

BENITA: I work as a teacher.

DENIS:- Wow, you see what I'm saying, you're a genius. Teaching is for great and intelligent people. You're raising the leaders of tomorrow.

BENITA: Cmon, stop. You're pulling my legs.

DENIS:-No, I'm not. I'm being so honest here.

BENITA: Okay! If you say so... It's your turn to tell me what you do, I can remember you said you just started working at the place we met.

DENIS:- You're right! I work there as a gateman and gardener.

BENITA:- Oh, I see. That's a good one though, I hope you're enjoying the job?

DENIS:- I've got no option, I have to do it in the meantime. Man mustn't stay idle, you know.

BENITA:- Hmmm. You're right. I like your hustling spirit. You've got success ahead of you, never give up.

DENIS- Awwwn. Thanks, Benny. This means a lot to me, you just made my day.

BENITA:- You're always welcome

DENIS:- Alright Benita. It's a pleasure talking to you again. Probably one of these days, we'll get to see each other again.

BENITA:- Yeah, you can call me anytime.

DENIS- Alright then. Goodbye.

BENITA:- Goodbye Denis.

I hung the phone...

Benita is so friendly and accommodating, we just talked like we've known each other for a long time. She's indeed a nice person, I hope our friendship continues to wax stronger.


It's 7:45 pm and I'm sitting in front of my room staring at space. several thoughts run through my mind as I bury my head in my palms.

Angela walks out of the house dressed in a red bikini. "oh my god," I muttered to myself. She looks so sumptuous and I feel like eating her up. The bikini looks so perfect on her. I couldn't control myself as I admire her huge breasts. The way they were pulsating at the frequency of her steps.

Her backside was fire, damn.

This lady is too beautiful I wish I can have her all to myself. I keep glancing at her as she walks to the swimming pool. She sits by the poolside, with her legs inside the water.

A few minutes later, Grace comes to the poolside with atray containing a glass, a bottle of wine a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter.

Uh! Does Angela smoke? Uh, why will such a beautiful lady embrace such an irritating and destructive habit? She puzzles me the more when she opens the pack of cigarettes, picks one, puts it in her mouth, and lights it. She is smoking and sipping her wine simultaneously.

It looks like a turn-off to me, I never knew she had such a dreadful habit. That still doesn't scathe what I feel for her. I could change her someday.

Angela didn't notice 'd been staring at her, so l just kept feeding my eyes.

Subitaneously, Angela collapses and falls into the pool and she was drowning. Uh..what the.

My legs were hitting my head as I sprint to the pool. I jump in and swim towards Angela. I grab hold of her hand as I drag her out of the water. She was unconscious. I place her beside the pool.

Uh... I'm too muddled to think of what to do!

Okay... I get it. In movies, if a hero saves a drowning victim, they blow air into their mouth and put some pressure on their chest. Ensuingly, the victim will regain consciousness. I think I should do that right away.

I reach out for Angela's mouth, I breathed into her. Uhmmm, this is a dream come true for me I must admit. At the same time, I applied some pressure on her chest. The breasts I've been drooling at are right in my hands. Is God not wonderful?

Angela coughs out water as she regains consciousness. I carried her in my arms into the house. I took her to her bedroom and I lay her on the bed. Her body is still wet, I got a towel from the bathroom to clean her up.

"Denis, what's happening, how did I get here?" She said angrily.

"Hum, I saw you drowning in the pool and helped you out" I replied feeling like a hero.

"Did I ask you to rescue me? Why can't you mind your business? Now get the hell out of my room. Get out!" Angela yelled.

I ran out of the room fearfully.

What kind of creature is this?

Is that how to appreciate a man who saved your life? In the movies I watch, after being saved, the drowning victim ends up falling in love with their rescuers, but Angela chased me out like a stray goat.

By the way, something feels wrong. She's not happy about that. I saved her life. She looks sad and devasted. Why does she want to kill herself? Angela is too wealthy and precious to be suffering such trauma! What's going on?