
Chapter 3.

Laurel whined as she snuggled deeply into the soft pillow. If she could wish for anything, it was never to get up from the bed.

Well, it wasn't until what happened in the night flashed through her mind. She jumped from the bed with a start.

"What the heck…" She wondered as she took in her surroundings. Bright lights, soft bed, white sheets, cool breeze blowing in from the window...it could mean only one thing.

"To answer the question on your face, none of my men touched you." A man suddenly said. He was seated close to the open door just in case she wanted to escape.

"Although if I had given the order, Luis would have removed that cute apron sitting on your body…" He continued talking like she wasn't there at all. It gave Laurel the creeps. Then he stood up.

Laurel's heart beat increased in realization. It is Boots man! "Stay away from me!" She scrambled to the far end of the bed. She was sure he wouldn't let her escape. Not after she had seen him kill a man.

"Why are you so afraid? You don't know me." Boots man paused at the foot of the bed, merely meters from where she folded herself.

"I know you well enough and guess what? You are a murder!" Laurel gritted out angrily.

He has no shame, asking her such a question of why he was afraid of her. Laurel narrowed her eyes as she tried to read the emotions on his face.

He was impressively tall, had a day old stubble on his face and even from the distance, Laurel could smell his clean clothes. He was a neat freak and had a weird way of describing things.

Looking at his eyes, she almost gasped at its coldness. It was the eyes of a murderer!

"Relax." Boots man repeated.

Laurel couldn't help but tremble as his deep baritone voice made shivers run through her spine. But she quickly shook of that feeling. "How can I relax when you killed a helpless man in front of me?"

"You shouldn't have seen that. I specifically instructed Luis not to let anyone come to the club yesterday."

Laurel scoffed. "Oh, so I just happened to be there? Where is everybody? Did you finish them off just like you did to that poor man?"

Boots man gritted his jaws. His actions didn't go unnoticed by Laurel as she swallowed. She wondered if this was the moment she would die.

He exhaled. 'I am here to inform you that you are to stay in my house. I wouldn't want to stain my beautiful walls with your blood. What you saw at the club is what happens who betrays me. They never live to see the next day."

Laurel recoiled in horror. "Then, let me go home you freak!"

"Luis told me you were feisty. I could have sworn you look so innocent." He shook his head in amusement.

Laurel didn't like his intense gaze. It gave her the creeps in a delicious way.

"Sorry for the spoilers alert." Laurel shrugged. "Now can you tell me, who the hell is Luis?"

"You never give up do you?" Boots man chuckled.

Laurel felt her heartbeat normalize. It wasn't so hard to get to him right? Now, she can find a way to escape. The window was the first choice and Laurel couldn't wait for him to leave her alone.

"I know your type. You think you've gotten to me..." He suddenly said, shaking his head. "If you try jumping down from here, you could break your neck." He added nonchalantly.

Laurel grimaced. How could he read my thoughts so easily? Was I acting too obvious? "Where is my bag?"

Boots man pointed to the table beside her. Laurel had been so anxious to escape that she had failed to see the table beside her. On it was her bag and phone.

Without thinking of the consequences of her actions, she grabbed the phone, quickly dialing 911. From the corner of her eyes she could see the smirk on his face. He looked so relaxed and it made Laurel wonder if she wasn't making a mistake.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He calmly stated, watching her with those lifeless eyes.

Laurel smirked triumphantly "Stop me if you can." To her horror, the call went straight to voicemail. She dialed and dialed but it didn't go through. "I don't understand…"

"You see, someone took the pains of explaining your personality to me. Luckily I adhered to his warnings. You guessed that person right. Luis." Boots man smirked.

Laurel knew he was teasing her. She saw red. "So you kidnapped me? Why not end it here and now? Why am I held here against my will?"

Boots man tilted his head like he was in deep thoughts. "You are here because you just showed me that you cannot keep your mouth shut. Whatever happened to try not to escape?"

Laurel's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Please, let me go home. I am too young to die…."

"You are not dying woman!" He yelled, making Laurel scramble further to the far end of the bed.

It was the first time she was seeing him angry during their conversation and Laurel felt the urge to cry. Why was he so concerned about her dying when he had killed a man without flinching?

No matter how she wanted to erase that image from her mind, it was going to be in her mind forever.

Laurel cleared her throat as sudden peace washed over her. It was time to act civilized and negotiate with him over her freedom...

"What now? What do you want from me?"

Boots man sighed as he took his seat. "I don't want you to escape. You might get shot so," He shrugged like it was something he said every day. "I would stay in this room if I were you." He whispered coldly.