
Civilization system

Ajax, a 9 years boy who was in a army civilization camp, he was a brave boy. His only goal was to became a solder but from badluck he unfortunately was kicked out of the camp, he dint have any way for sirviving. Then something happened witch changed his life forever That thing made him a advanturer and marksman. Ajax trained a lot for becoming a good marksman and a fighter. He got weapons, armour, skills and levels to became overpowerd. But this was not enough for the hazards on the planet. This story is about ajax's journey and the troubles he faced.

Lakshmi_Sandeep · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs

planning for making a own civilization

Ajax put the tent and queen lize went inside it.

Jack was going to stay with queen lize and Wolfie also.

Xplo and 2 guards were going to stay in a tent.

And Ajax and more two guards were going to stay in a tent.

It was evening and Ajax was just walking here and there.

Jack came from the jungle and said

"Hey guys see i have so many fruits"

Jack bring banana, apples and oranges.

It was the dinner.

"Nice, but how you did it, your right hand is damaged" asked Ajax

"I am a left handed, so i can work easyly"

"Your a left handed?" asked Ajax

"Ya" Said jack

Jack took 3 apples and for him and rest was for other.

4 apples 6 bananas and 10 oranges was left.

It was enought for today's dinner.

The sun was setting and they had to sleep early today because tomorrow they had to get up early.

They ate the dinner.

There was some shortage but it was shortly enought for 8 people.

Ajax went to sleep with two guards

"Hey hi, i dint even talk to you from so much time" said Ajax to guards

"Hii bro, i saw you in the fight, i loved your fight"

"Thanks, what your name?"


"And Yours?" asked to another guard


"Nice names"



*They had a long talk*


In that talk Ajax knowed about both.

Natix was a simple firearms boy, he loved to fight with Guns, his family was poor so he joined this security work for some money.

Folyo was a fighter, he loved to fight with fists, Same, even his family had money problem so he joined this job.

They slept.

The sun was rising and the sun rays was falling in the tent.

Ajax woke from it.

Ajax yawned and he felt little good.

Ajax went in the forest to get some fruits for breakfast.

Ajax went little far and he saw it was the end of trees.

Ajax saw there and he got shocked!

it was a very big open area

"How is this big open area?!?" he asked himself

The area was more than his vision.

Ajax went to call xplo and others.

He reached and xplo and Jack was woken up.

"Hey guys....Good morning, bro do you know what i have discovered"

"A new species of trees?" joked xplo

"What- xplo.....Jack you know there is a very big open area"

"So what" asked xplo

"I think we have to start a civilization there"

"What the hell, are you joking" said jack

"No, we- we are 8 people, we can just start a small civilization"

"How is that even possible" wondered xplo

"Sorry, i mean 9, Wolfie is also counted. I think we can build, no we can buy small houses and start a civilization"

"Bro, i mean why- how can be build a "civilization" it's civilization! It's not easy"

"Bro we have money, we have space, we have some people we can build it"

"I think your plan is good" said jack

"Let's see, i am ok with this plan" commented xplo

"Bro wait, how can you guys forget the guards who were sleeping with me?" said xplo

"Oh ya, sorry we are 11" said ajax

"Yes" said jack

In the time natix and folyo woke up and Jack explained the plan to them.

"Bro, we don't have many guns, armours and things for a civilization" said natix

"We have, i have M4A1, 1911 pistol a sword and very good armour, xplo have two swords, Uzi and knight armour, jack has M16, MP5, and good armour, natix have MP40 and decent armour, folyo has a axe, sword and a good knife and he is used to fight with fists, We have Wolfie and it has armour and i don't know what more 2 guards have"

Xplo went to call more two guards.

Two guards came with xplo

"Hey guys, we all are woke up, do you think it's your house, you have to wake early na!" said jack

"Sorry, i dint realise it's morning"

"Ok, what's you name?" asked ajax


"And yours?" asked ajax pointing another guard


"Nice names" said Ajax

"What guns do you guys have" asked ajax

"I have AK-47, 1911 pistol, a axe and a sword" said Lester

"I have M1887, famas" said Sam


Ajax explained the plan to Lester and Sam.

"Hey Lester, Sam do you guys have money"

"Yes Ajax, i have a white gold coin and i have a silver coin" said Lester

"I don't have anything" said Sam

"Ok, we have to rob a small Bank for money"

"Nice, there will be some banks, we can rob it" said jack

"Ya" said Ajax

"Hey Ajax show me that place" asked xplo

"Sure, everyone come with me" said Ajax