
Chuunibyou in Cultivation World

With the increased confidence and severity of her 8th grade syndrome and because of her other personality help, she who called herself Queen of Catastrophe dies to the hand of some mob character and reincarnated into the other world. Although she forgets almost everything about herself in the other world, as her age progresses, a lot of things will come as surprise in her life. No, let me correct that I mean a lot of things will come as surprise in HIS life.

YuKosaka · ตะวันออก
118 Chs


"To all new student of Myriad World…please gather at the school entrance in 15 minutes, failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion…"

A new day comes, yet what happened this morning was chaos, no…it's utter chaos.

All of the new students, no matter where they are now, immediately run as soon as they heard the announcement inside their mind, but what makes them run is the fact that they will get expelled if they fail to arrive on time!

Yin Yu also heard the announcement and looked at the map which suddenly appears on his mind before he calmly rises and wears his clothes. His long silver hair flutter as he opened the door of his room and the first scene he saw this morning is how all of the children run like a pack of animals which is chased by a scary predator.

'Ah…mortals, rushing like an animal to reach their goal no matter the cost, truly a pitiful creature…'

Yin Yu shook his head when he saw this scene, yet, magic happens when Yin Yu shook his head as someone suddenly stop on his track and cause the person on his back accidentally clash with him which cause the domino effect to happen and result in floor which is full of children who's writhing in pain.

Yin Yu who's shaking his head in disapproval toward these children action got awakened by a loud sound and got surprised when he opened his eyes. Yin Yu didn't know what had happened when he closed his eyes for a while, yet the scene where every new student rush as fast as they can have changed with the scene where all of them lie on the ground while writhing in pain.

"As I said, haste makes waste, all of this can only happen because all of you tried to go as fast as you can." Yin Yu says with a sigh.

Yin Yu obviously didn't know that the primary cause of this scene is because of him shaking his head which causes the student who saw him unconsciously stop to admire the beauty of his action, yet the moment that student stopped, a chain reaction was fated to happen and result in the current scene.

"Why do all of you trash gather in front of my room!"

Yin Yu unconsciously look over when he heard that voice and saw Lan Yiyan who just got out from the room looking at every student with clear contempt on her eyes before she turns around and walks toward Yin Yu while stepping on some of the students who's still lying on the ground.


"It hurts!"


Yin Yu blankly look at Lan Yiyan who step on those students mercilessly until she arrives in front of him and says.

"What are you standing blankly for, let's go, we don't have that much time left…"


Yin Yu and Lan Yiyan walk toward the school entrance together followed by the group of students who are walking slowly now as they didn't want to fall for the second time and get expelled even before entering this school.

Yin Yu and Lan Yiyan walk behind them by a large margin while they following behind them with admiring gaze, and one of the students who gets stepped by Lan Yiyan brag to his friends because of that.

"Is that a new hairstyle?" Lan Yiyan asks after she saw Yin Yu had tied his hair now which.

"Yeah, I didn't realize it until yesterday that my short hair has gone longer without me noticing, I feel like I've turned into a woman when I saw my long hair." Yin Yu calmly replied while touching his bang.

"Cut it then. You're a boy aren't you?" Lan Yiyan smirk and say with a teasing voice and Yin Yu who heard her words lift his head and look at her before he shook his head and answered.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what do you know? Aren't longer hairs much cooler than shorter hair? Although I feel that my cool side has decreased a bit after my hair gets longer and want to cut it up, I figured that tying my hair into ponytail solve the problem and make me cool again! In fact, I'm much cooler and beautiful with long hair that I can't stop admiring myself for hours yesterday." Yin Yu says with pride. "Don't you think that I'm much more handsome than before?"

Lan Yiyan who heard Yin Yu words can't help but shook her heads before she mutter.


All of them arrive in front of the school entrance with some time to spare while seeing the dense amount of student who has arrived before them. After the entire new student arrives in front of the school entrance, Elder Tang who has been waiting for them to come forward and say.

"Today will be the day where all of you officially enter the Myriad World School! However, there's still one more things needed to do before all of you can enter …Yin Yue and Lan Yiyan, come forward…"Elder Tang says lightly while Yin Yu and Lan Yiyan walk forward to his place and bow at him with respect while Elder Tang who saw that nod his head and say.

"Both of you are the official winner of the tournament, yet a slight problem happens because of the result, which is why both of you need to choose between the two gift, I'm going to give you to…" Saying so, Elder Tang summons three jade bottles in front of Yin Yu and Lan Yiyan while explaining it to them. "Both of you can choose between1 Myriad Foundation Establishment Pill, or 4 Central Foundation Establishment Pill added with ten thousand Myriad contribution point for both of you." Yin Yu and Lan Yiyan start to look at the three jade bottle which is floating in front of them with 2 Central Foundation Establishment Pill on left and right and Myriad Foundation Establishment Pill on the middle.

Yin Yu who has trained as an alchemist can immediately see that both Central and Myriad Foundation Establishment pill is, in fact, one and the same, with only the pill state differing them, where the Central Foundation Establishment pill has only reached the beautiful state while Myriad Foundation Establishment pill has reached the flawless state!

Greed starts to appear in front of Yin Yu as he gets the desire to dissect the Myriad Foundation Establishment pill to learn how to create a pill with a flawless state while greed also temporary appear in Lan Yiyan eyes, yet after remembering a particular matter, the greed in her eyes disappear and replaced with calmness.

'Choose the Central Foundation Establishment pill!'

A cold essence invades Yin Yu minds which make his burning greed disappear and replaced with calmness. Yin Yu who has calmed down finally remember that there's still Lan Yiyan who win with him, which means selecting the first choice means sacrificing one to help one while selecting the second choice will be a benefit to both while sacrificing immediate strength.

Yin Yu also didn't know what just happened as he never feels such greed toward a particular item before which makes him thinks that there's some problem with that item! It's like the item is calling him to choose it consciously or unconsciously.

That revelation causes horror to Yin Yu as if his guess is right, then eating that pill will cause some irreversible things to happen! Call Yin Yu paranoid but that's how he feels toward it after he's affected by greed, yet ignoring the best pill for some pill which is much more weaker than that will be suspicious to the onlooker, which is why Yin Yu brain starts to spin before he shook his head and said.

"A genius wouldn't become a genius if all they know is taking shortcut…I choose Central Foundation Establishment Pill."

I'm gonna passed out for a while and relax for now to face the dreadful long work days which will come again tommorow.

YuKosakacreators' thoughts