

Anthony has been reborn! Placed into the remarkable game-like world of Pangera. However, something seems a little off. What's with these skills? Bite? Dig? Wait.... I've been reborn as a WHAT?! Follow Anthony as he attempts to adjust to his new life, to survive and grow in his new Dungeon home!

RinoZ · แฟนตาซี
1309 Chs

Chapter 1208 - Golden Globes

Jern woke with a start.

"What was that?" he mumbled sleepily.

It's me.

"Who's me?" he wondered as he rubbed at his eyes.


"Who's Anthony? Can I go back to sleep, Anthony?"

You were asleep? Sorry about that. I don't sleep much.

"So… can I?"

No. Well… you can in a second, I just need your attention for a minute. Two minutes. Look, I'll be honest with you, five minutes probably, then you can go back to sleep.

"I'm really tired, Anthony. Can this wait until the morning?"

I mean… it could? But I've already woken you up, so we may as well do this now. Can you go and get your friend?

"Wha… what? Which friend?"

The other golden glowy person. The girl.



"You don't know?"

Well, I haven't spoken to her yet, I figured I'd just talk to one of you and then you could get the other.

"She's… she's in the girls' dorm. I can't go in there."

Dammit. Look. Just put some pants on or whatever and I'll get her to meet you outside. I want you to be able to talk to each other while I figure this out.

Jern blinked a few times and rubbed at his eyes again. The fuss over the new Class he and Alis had unlocked had gone on for ages, and frankly, he was exhausted. He didn't need this right now. He looked down.

"I'm already wearing pants."

Good man. Go stand somewhere Alis can come meet you. Oh! If you see Beyn, do NOT mention that I'm talking to you.

That was odd.

"Why, are you a bad person? Does Beyn hate you?"

Hah! I wish. No, he doesn't hate me. He likes me too much.

"He loves you?"

I would REALLY prefer we did not use that phrasing. Alright?

"Okay. Okay. I'm getting dressed, I'll stand outside."

Thanks, I appreciate it.

He pulled a coat on as quietly as he could so as not to wake those still sleeping around him before he crept to the door.

There was no nighttime beneath the ground, no sun that travelled across the sky, something he was still getting used to. Outside, the light from the Dungeon veins was the same as always. Patrols of humans and ants were constant, and several gave him odd looks as he ducked low under the door frame and stepped out.

Shortly after, Alis found him, similarly stumbling with fatigue. He poked her in the arm and she glared up at him, a little fire returning to her eyes.

Alright. I think I can talk to both of you at the same time…. Yep. I can. Nice. Hey, how are you two?

Jern shifted his feet but Alis glared at… the air?

"I'm tired," she snapped.

He agreed.

Look, I'm sorry I woke you up! Sheesh! You've only got yourselves to blame, showing up all shiny in my Nave the way you did. I certainly didn't invite you.

Alis sighed and pinched her brow.

"Look. Could you perhaps just explain to us who you are? And how are you talking to us? This doesn't feel like a mind-bridge."

"It doesn't?" Jern wondered. Then he thought about it. Then he nodded. "It doesn't," he confirmed.

I'm Anthony. I mean, that's my name. Which you've probably never heard. The Eldest? The… ugh… 'Great One'. Does that ring any bells? 

"The Great One?" Alis said sceptically.

Yep. Call me Anthony. Please. 

Jern frowned.

"Should we… kneel or something?" he asked Alis.

"No! Wait, you believe it?"

He shrugged. Why not?

"The Great One is on the fourth stratum according to priest Beyn! They couldn't possibly talk to us! And why would they talk to us?!"

Well… under normal circumstances, I probably couldn't. And I AM on the fourth stratum. As for why… that's what I want to know! You guys have a Class change or something recently? Something ant related? You're on the pilgrimage right?

"How do you know where we are?" Alis hissed, eyes darting at the darkness around her.

I would really prefer we get through this without me having to talk to Beyn. Between the three of us, he can be a bit… intense. And loud.

Jern nodded. That was true.

"I like a good fiery sermon, though," he said.

Whatever floats your boat. I find it hard to enjoy them since I'm typically the subject.

"I can understand that," Jern nodded.

This guy gets it. How about you, girl? No? You seem to just be getting angrier. Fine. FINE. Have it your way. Wait a second.

They did.

There was a strangled scream from somewhere in the camp which caused everyone to turn and grow tense. Was it a monster? Was someone hurt? Before anyone could investigate, priest Beyn sprinted out of a tent, shirtless, and stared wildly around the camp until he spotted Jern and Alis.

He charged toward them as if they were salvation itself, his eyes bulging and red. Jern found it… somewhat frightening.

"Listen to the Great One," the priest choked out, sounding as if his throat were constricted by a pair of giant mandibles.

Then his mouth began to twitch, followed by his whole body. Soon, he was spasming wildly, as if he desperately wanted to say more, to do more, but was prevented, until, with a despairing cry he spun and ran back to his tent, vanishing from sight.

See what I mean? The guy just needs to relax a little.

"He's been under a lot of pressure," Jern defended him.

Alis' jaw was still working, shock plain in her eyes.

"So… you actually are… the Great One?"

Yep. That's me. Anthony. Hello! I haven't got your names yet.

"I… I… I…" Alis seemed to be broken.

"I'm Jern and she's Alis," he said for her.

Nice. Now, if you could just explain to me if you've had a Class change to something ant-related, that would be great. Then you can go back to sleep and all that.

"I… I… I…" Alis was starting to worry Jern.

"We recently advanced our Classes and were offered Templar of the Great One Initiate, which we took. There was a huge fuss. The Class benefits were a bit weird as well. The stats are strong, but the effect gives us an improved connection to the Great One, and marks us as defenders of their sanctum? Your sanctum? I guess?"

Ohhhh nards. There's going to be more of you soon, isn't there?


Stupid priest! Forget I said that. I'm just frustrated. Alright, I think that's all I need for now. Thanks very much for your cooperation, Jern. And Alis? Alis? Snap out of it!

"I… I! Uh. Sorry!"

Good. Don't turn into another Beyn, I beg you. Chill out. Okay. You two can head back to bed now, thanks for your time. I'll probably get in touch again… soonish. Try and learn as much as you can about your new Class so I can ask about it.

"You don't know about it?" Jern asked, confused. "It doesn't come from you?"

No! I don't control the System! Who told you that? Nobody controls that. That I know of anyway. Maybe the wizard? I can neither confirm nor deny that someone controls the System of this world. Now go to bed.