
Chronicles of two powers

With the situation within the Pacific raise from Chinese aggressive, Japan and the united states hold on to their strong relationship, and the belief of a chance of invasion within Taiwan was deep in their head. After the civil war and world war 2, Japan was an economic powerhouse within the pacific being the country that china distinguishes as an obstacle to their expansionist plans. With article 9 not subsisting, current events discover that japan's willingness to fend Taiwan was strong within their head with their fleet of 4 carriers their willingness to defend it was vital for the Japanese government. And everyone in the pacific, but plans for those wouldn't come, as both Japan and the united states soon would be absorbed by a powerful storm which would soon send them to a world where magic and dragons are fundamental. With an acceptance of the new world both Japan and the united states soon would make a new coalition, as their influence and strong ideals would be brought upon for the new world to take. With agreements made both America and Japan would soon join on a joint expeditionary force to see the new world, and seeing that the new world are more likely not to join their coalition. Conflict and ongoing wars would be seen within their eyes as the new world they saw were far brutal than the one they once left, leaving them and there fewer allies, they would rapidly become the new world superpowers, peaceful or not, the new world would soon learn upon Japan and America. Based on the series of Nihonkoku Shoukan. The story is now available on Scribble hub. and is soon to be in Royal Road. Editors - @Projectvideogames @Dannytheweeb @areyn120 and @yang-yang-dang-dang @Gxq

VerySmokey · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - New world

rays of sunlight hit the deck of his commanding ship, the screams of desperate sailors in the distance flooded the air. His first mate beside him panicked as the rest of his commanding officers chanted nonsense as they desperately attempted to fight back. His Fleet, once known as the Pride and the greatest baby of the Artesian fleet, was being destroyed within his view, for each one ship blew up. The hostile ship was so distant, merely a blob in my telescope, yet with the deadly accuracy from those shots, we could not even fight back.

"How did they fire at such a distance?!.."

"They didn't get any close and yet, they are winning. "


"T-this is impossible!"

The Admiral sweats rapidly. This was the same legendary Admiral who once took down a mighty Alervian fleet using ingenious naval tactics and skill, now felt lifeless. There was no victory in this battle, and retreating now would mean losing his head and his family's name being stained for being 'cowards'. He had just two options, retreat, or full speed ahead. He clenched his fists, grinning like a mad dog, looking to his right, and commanded his XO.

"Send a message to the prince now! Tell them we have lost the fight! No, tell him that this was no fight but a massacre!"

The officer watched the admiral as his face was brighter than an apple, he simply looked at him and said.

"Yes sir!"

The officer hurriedly left, leaving the admiral and a few of his officers alone, watching the fight. He could only watch to see his ironclad ships get picked off by the single large gray warship.

He then looked at the flag flying majestically atop the bridge, A flag that resembles a red rising sun.


Those were the last words he would yell out, as 3 large arrows flew towards them, smoke and fire trailing behind it, with speed like no other. The Admiral knew that this was going to be his end. He watched his officers beside yelling enhancement chants, attempting to do anything.

This was his end. At least he would go down with his ship. He closed his eyes as the arrows hit, exploding on impact.


Tokyo, Japan.

November 10, 2021

Loud wails from distant traffic could be heard in the streets, as people outside with their umbrellas walk home from their unfaithful day. Dark clouds hover in the sky. With the rain showering less, as news reports at a nearby electronic store, reports about ``Chinese tension on the senkaku islands``

Within a building in Tokyo, Prime Minister Takahashi was at his office doing paperwork when he looked out the window to see the heavy rain, he got close and placed his finger at the window dragging it down to see the outside.

"It's raining heavier than usual," he muttered, "better get my jacket when I come home." The sight of raining Tokyo night city was something to see after a good watch, he walks back to his desk and looks at his paperwork, looking through the papers reports regarding the small islands near a loud knock came at the door, Takahashi quickly turned to the door, hearing it being knocked once more, he exhaled and went back to his deck not before letting the person get in.


the door opens to see a young man carrying a folder which Takahashi could notice in his right arm, he walks towards him, Takahashi could notice the young man with a concerned face as the senate looks, Takahashi as he places the folder at his desk.

"Prime Minister Takahashi, we have a report from our weather station about a weather anomaly heading towards Japan in about 2 hours from now,"


"Is this normal?"


"No sir, this isn't just any storm that we always encounter, it's something different sir"

It was a unique report to say, even he was surprised to hear, 'Different storm?' He wondered, 'must report this to neighbor countries' knowing that if notifying countries which could be hit by a storm, the situation would be worse if it was not warned.

"Report this to the Koreans, and nearby regions, about this 'heavy rain', have the residents be notified by this as well."

"Yes sir!"

Before the senate heads out, Takahashi felt something was missing from his request with the thought of leaving something out, he remembers as before he got to the door, he stopped him by clearing his voice, the senate noticed it, and turned around with Takahashi clearing his voice.

"Should we inform the Americans?"

"If it's necessary, then yes."

Leaving no other option he sees that having America be informed would be something of a good sight to tell.

"Well, tell them about it."

The Senate heard his final request and soon left the front door, he closed it back and Takahashi went and leaned on his desk, picking up the picture of his old comrades.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there," he said softly.

As he recollects the days from the Great Japanese Civil War, horrifying events that happened within Japanese history as it was known within Japanese narrative as the "Japanese Imperial War" a fight for power as the pro-imperialist Japanese fought against pro-republicans Japanese, like him, he too joined the fight as that he knew what he did was the greater cause of his nation.

But the days when the Imperial Family had full sovereignty long gone. But still, they are very important to the society of Japan.

Takahashi placed the picture back as he began to remember when he was a soldier during the Great Japanese Civil War.


Washington D.C, United States of America

November 10, 2021

The rain was hitting hard in D.C.as barely any people could see walking on the crossroads, traffic hit hard, as loud beeping could be heard. Inside the White House, the newly elected President Howard Thompson was hunching at his desk wondering about his daughter's upcoming birthday was on the phone looking at the Amazon app as he scrolled for "Best Toys" in the market app. He was looking at the window, thinking what gift he should give to his daughter. Then. a loud knock came at the door.


"Good afternoon Mr. President. We have a report from Japan. They reported a weather anomaly heading there within 2 hours. Our weather stations also reported a similar storm forming in the Atlantic that was heading here" the man said.

"I don't have a good feeling about this. So how powerful is this "storm" ?" he asked.

"Well, they reported it's far larger than any typhoon or hurricane ever recorded"

Thompson then replied.

"Alright, tell the weather station to make everyone be in their houses and have every plane be grounded"

The man looked at the president and said,

"Yes sir!"

The man left the room as the president looked behind to see the city of Washington. He then got up as he walked closer to the window to look at the skyscrapers, he then looked up at the sky. The feeling of uneasiness is becoming stronger.

Then something unexpected came. The rain intensified and Thompson looked at his desk to see it shaking, then this shaking turned into a powerful earthquake. The earthquake was so strong that the president was sent flying from his desk causing panic.

The agents in the White House hurriedly rushed inside the president's office.

"Mr. President, are you alright?!" said the worried agent.

"I'm fine,"

"Mr. President, we prepared a safe place for you! Please come with us!"

The president nodded, as he followed his security detail As they walked, Thompson got to see everyone panicking as somewhere down at the tables concerning for an earthquake as he looked at the janitor hiding a nearby deck, Then they got out of the White House and another powerful earthquake as an outcome a wave of lights moved across the city along with cars were flying. The light disappeared and the cars began to fall as a nearby agent yelled.


The president and his bodyguards jumped to the side as the car landed next to them, more cars dropped down. The president looked around the city and he saw that this storm isn't normal, then multiple lightning strikes came with thunder as the alarm in their cars started going off and screams of people could be heard.

The president and his bodyguards got up as they went inside the White House. As he looked out the window, he saw that the storm began to dissipate as it turned into a light rain then stopped.


Washington D.C, United States of America

November 15, 2021

5 days after the anomaly, the news reported the new "earthquake bombs" that happened yesterday. Thompson during those days stated to the people that help was on its way across the nation. Mass destruction was made from the storm as coastal cities got hit worse, and mass flooding made it worse from what could be seen on the flat LED screen. Thompson was watching the news broadcast as he looked at the senator with the report. A senator came to the president who looked to his men.

"What's the bad news?" He asked. And even the senator then looked at him which frightened his face, he cleared his mouth as he then told him the report.

"Mr. President, this "typhoon" is bad news for us.32 people dead and like this, our natural and disaster team, have been working day and night as we have reported more information of people getting stuck in their destroyed homes"

Thompson was shocked as he could only be upset by the news, he never thought that something like this would occur, as he looked at senator to hear more reports, "not only that, NASA has reported that we have lost all communication satellites.

Thompson never thought to hear such a statement, as it was the reason why internet connections were not working, as reports made across the country with phones and electronics were not working properly, even the TV that Thompson is looking at was not working properly as it was found that the American satellites were no longer under their control He got up as he quickly asked.

"Can we reconnect the satellites?"

Thompson question.

"Unfortunately, we can't sir. We tried to contact them 5 times yet they didn't respond." The president was undermined and disappointed, he got down to his chair as he could hear more info.

"And we also lost contact with other major countries, Mr. President"

After the man said that America lost contact with other major countries, as it was nothing like before, airliners that were traveling to Europe or Asia were told to be gone on the radar screen. The worst part, Thompson glanced at him and was shocked to hear.

"What do you mean we lost contact with every major country?!"

"Not only the major countries, Sir. We lost all contact with Europe, the Middle East, and Asia!"

President Thompson was at the desk, upset. The reports of losing satellites and the communications with its allies are the worst as reports more about convoys from America and other nations reportedly didn't come, Thompson could see that his nation economic growth would be damaged as foreign trading has been severed, he felt like he wanted to give up, as his senator then told him the good news.

"But for some reason, we still have a line of communications with Japan Sir." the senator said. Thompson then looked at him as if the face of his senator wasn't joking or grinning. He then leaned properly as he then asked him.

"So, Japan is with us and we can contact them if needed," said Thompson, realizing him of the thought that his country would be alone, he then looked at the senator once more with his eyes as joyed at the fact that his nation isn't alone.

"Well, contact them! And tell them that we should hold a conference with the Japanese diplomats at the White House while NASA finds any satellites to connect with"

The man said "Yes, Mr. President" then he left the room. Left alone, Thompson began to connect the dots from data made so far, as he sees that Japan is with them. "But why Japan?" he asks as he could see that most major allies with America are now gone.


Tokyo, Japan

November 15, 2021

Takahashi scrambled through the papers to see how bad the damages were during the earthquake bombs. Outside the window, damaged cars and roads could be seen everywhere as Japanese workers began fixing the damaged road, and a mass clean-up could be seen, as the TV began to broadcast what has transpired.

"Did anyone die during this?"

"No reports of any deaths but we have reports of 20 injured people" worried more he then looked to his senator worried about the imperial family.

"How about the Imperial Family?"

"They are fine, Sir. Emperor Yokohama and his family are unharmed."

Takahashi was relieved that so far no deaths had come from the earthquake bombs and the Imperial Family was also unharmed. He took a deep breath as he then sighed from the summary, his senator then told him some extra reports.

"But unfortunately sir, despite us having no deaths, we also lost connections to our satellites. Not only that, but we also lost contact with every country in Asia"

shocked by the report, as he never expected something to come.

"Lost connection to major countries?" That was ridiculous he thought as he was worried about this as, by this time, it was stated that China would attempt an invasion on Okinawa,

"What do you mean we lost contact?"

"We tried contacting South Korea, but they didn't respond sir. We have also tried to contact China as well but they also didn't respond.

Takahashi is now confused. Every nation that Japan had connections with seemingly vanished. With this report, he is now worried that his country has become isolated and he doesn't want that. The Japanese economy will drop, no, it will collapse. And his nation might have another civil war if he wasn't able to solve this massive problem quickly.

"Are there any nations we can contact?" Takahashi asked

"Unfortunately, there--"

A knock came at the door, not making the senator finish his words, Takahashi looked behind and made the men enter the room, he went close to the prime minister's paper with his left hand, and raised the paper, and said the following to Takahashi.

"Prime Minister Takahashi, I have great news! America has contacted us and they requested to send diplomats to the White House"

the man said with joy on his face.

This news greatly relieved Takahashi.

Japan's most powerful ally is with them and has the same situation as well. Takahashi looked at the man and said

"Very well, send the diplomats to the White House. Tell them that I'll be joining"

"Yes, sir," the man said, then he quickly left. Takahashi looked at his desk and made sure that he wouldn't make his country fall apart again.


Washington D.C, United States

November 17, 2021

At Dulles International airport, an aircraft from the Japanese just landed on the ground. The American president, a few senators, and some from the media were there waiting for Prime Minister Takahashi to appear on the plane.

The plane came to a halt. Slowly, the doors opened and the stairs were prepared. Prime Minister Takahashi came out first then his subordinates joined him.

President Thompson became delighted to see him and went to him first as he pulled out his right hand to have a handshake.

"Prime Minister Takahashi, welcome to America," he said with a smile as he shook his hand.

"Thank you, Mr. President, I'm thankful that you've contacted us" Takahashi replied happily as he knew that his country wasn't going to be alone.

As they shook hands, the president looked behind to see a crowd of news reporters. He looked back at Takahashi and whispered.

"Well, should we go?"

"Yes, we should," Takahashi responded.

They left the area with security around them they walked inside, the airport, the security in the buildings got closer to the two leaders, with reporters flowing towards them, asking questions,

"MISTER PRESIDENT! Did the earthquake make the country lose contact with other countries?!"

"MISTER PRESIDENT! Do you think this earthquake was caused by the Chinese?!"

None said anything else, with both looking at each other chuckling at what happened, they made it into the exit and got to the presidential state car. Moving within the roads outside police motorcycles and few police cars move information as in the center both President Thompson started a conversation with Prime Minister Takahashi. Looking outside Washington city was a sight he saw, and he remembers it being different since 2007.

"I may say that Thompson, the capital, is far more different since the last time I visited."

Thompson chuckled from the response. He was behind to see a bottle of whisky, and he looked at Takahashi with an expression of Takahashi craving some. Takahashi smoked at him which made Thompson grab a glass and give it to Takahashi, he took a sip and the prime minister's face looked pleased.

"Thank you, Mr. President, need that one."

They both drank the whiskey, taking time on the drink, and seeing that things were getting quiet, the president asked a question, Takahashi.

"Prime Minister, do you know what happened during the past week?"

"As of now Mr. President, I'm not yet sure what happened. We tried to connect with our satellites but we couldn't"

Thompson could see that the prime minister is in the same situation as him, not only that both of their nation's economies had a big dip when the "typhoon" came.

After that, they reached the White House, then proceeded to the Oval Office to begin the talks. With the Japanese prime minister and a few commanders with the president. The room went dark as the meeting began. A young man who works at NASA came into the room.

"Good morning gentlemen, my name is Richard Afield. I will begin explaining what happened to our country during the 7-day silence"

"2 days ago, I and a few colleagues of mine found something flying over the new planet's orbit. We found out that it was a satellite. We later worked to connect with it for 4 hours and after we got in, we found out something shocking"

Afield showed everyone in the room what happened to the United States and Japan.

"Gentlemen, it seems that we're not on Earth anymore"

After he said that, everyone in the room began to mutter. Finding themselves in an almost impossible situation, some of them didn't even believe it but some were wondering what would happen?.

One of the senators got up and asked

"Is the mainland the only one that got transported here?" She asked.

"No. We looked closely and found the islands that belonged to us came along with us to this new world" he said.

Then another man asked a question

"Does this new world have any resources like oil and other raw materials?"

"Perhaps. There's a chance that raw materials exist in this new world, and the same goes for crude oil."

Then one of the commanders asked a question.

"Have you found any country out there? Even if there is, would they even do diplomacy with us?"

"We currently do not know whether or not there are nations out there as we're currently working on it. But even if there are nations out there, I cannot say whether they will do diplomacy with us or wage war" Afield said.

People started to talk about this new world but President Thompson told everyone to quiet down.

"Mr. Afield, I thank you for sharing this information with us."

Afield then nodded and left the room

Everyone at the office began planning their next move.

"So, does anyone have ideas?"

"We should conduct reconnaissance out to this new world. Mainly planes and possibly, the navy" one commander said.

"Yes, and we can have them send a message to us if they're willing to have diplomatic relations."

"But what if that nation is hostile?"

"Well, we can fight back if needed to"

As everyone looked at the president, then the president looked at the prime minister.

"Japan will join in as well," Takahashi said

President Thompson then ordered.

"Begin preparations for a fleet and also put diplomats in it in case of the first contact. Remain alert in case the contact doesn't go well"

"Yes, Mr. President"

President Thompson, seeing that the conference is gonna end, suddenly spoke

"We should discuss our plans for this new world and our economy. Oil prices will soon rise due to our oil trading partners being gone. People would soon start hoarding oil and gasoline if they can't find any oil. Dismiss"

Everyone in the room got up and left the room. President Thompson went to Prime

Minister Takahashi to say his thanks before he leaves for Japan.

"I thank you for coming to the US, Prime Minister Takahashi"

"It's not a problem, President Thompson, I see that our country is near to a continent bigger than ours" Takahashi replied

"Well, you should start watching on your New Sea of Japan" he joked

The prime minister chuckled at the president's joke.

"Well, we'll have to see about that."

Outside of the White House, President Thompson shakes the hand of Prime Minister Takahashi to say their goodbyes.

In the car, one of Takahashi's senators spoke up

"Prime Minister, we should begin preparations in case of a diplomatic contact," he said

"Tell the Navy to prepare an expeditionary fleet. Also, tell the Coast Guard to extensively patrol the New Sea of Japan, and alert any naval vessels to move near Japan"

His senator simply nodded as they heard this. preparations began for the Americans and the Japanese.


Sollan, Kingdom of Alervon

November 17, 1773

The city was nothing like before, as people could be seen walking on the road as it was another day in the capital of Alervon, the streets were filled to the brim with people walking by as carriages at the stone roads moved along the street, and atop of a hill sits an enormous mansion with white color being a something for the locals call a significance of the city.

A young girl was running through the royal hallways and as she soon reached her mother's throne room and knocked on the door. Royal Guards behind the door proceeded to open the door and saw the Queen of Alervon and her mother reading a book that came from the 2nd civilization.

"The concept of nations being transported and being sent here is a very interesting theory."

It was an interesting book for herself to read seeing it with a unique concept between them and people from another world, to her knowledge from the book, the theory concept was made from the 2nd civilization a book that could be barely be given as the story goes that when people or countries would get transported if an occasion happens to the world, the concept was somewhat convincing to say and seeing that the book was published by a person from the 2nd civilization see this a rare book to have and keeping it was the best choice for her to do. To her, knowing books from 2nd and 3rd was rare to get, due to the technology prohibition made from the superpowers. She placed the book back in its cabinet and walked to the window where there was a full view of the city and dock's bay.

The young princess walks towards her mother. standing at the site of the city and smiling from the view

"Good Morning, mother." The young Princess greeted, as she bows at the sight of her mother. She turns to her and gives a quick smile.

"Good Morning, Elizabeth."

Both stared at each other as their beautiful eyes couldn't be ignored and seeing it being awkward the princess loomed at the cabinet with fewer books to be noticed. She looks back at her mother and asks about the book she read earlier.

"What book are you reading, mother?" the princess curiously asked.

"Oh? This? Well, it's a book from one of the countries in the 2nd civilization. It's about a theory that nations would come here because they were transported."

Interesting concept to say, but knowing that she isn't the type of person to read books and learn something, she asked more as to make the queen make a conversation.

"Interesting. Do you think that this theory is real?"

"Well, I'm not sure about that, but I'm very sure that I'll be joining the 4th Civilizations Kingdoms Conference,"

The conference was something for her to attend due to the capabilities of her kingdom being recognize as a potential superpower she wouldn't mind attending once as a way to show respect.

"What's so important about it?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, this conference is also an opportunity. If the superpowers invite you to this event, they will see your country as a strong nation"

Before Elizabeth asked another question, a knock came at the door opening. A man with a formal uniform came inside looking around to find her highness seeing her sitting down, he walked towards her with the sight of elegant women bowing towards her.

"Your highness!" The messenger greeted "one of our wyvern knights reported a massive grey dragon with a red circle-like emblem at the side of it,"

'Grey dragon with a red emblem?' The queen mumbled, confused by the statement she asked once more as she wasn't able to understand what the messenger said.

"Your highness! Reports from the port stated that there's a flying grey beast! Flying low at the port! This beast has a Red circle at the side."

Sound dangerous to say, with the queen heard this she was interested, seeing this as a potential threat, the queen looked to the women at the door, standing with her black hair, the girl walked towards the queen and the messenger valve at her as she got down on one knee as she waited for the command.

"Have the royal wyvern squadron be alerted, but down attack immediately, if it did something kill it at all cost."

The girl immediately got up and thanked the left without any word she walked to the door and closes it behind, and looking back at the messenger, she coughed twice which made the messenger turn back.

"Go on." She said, which made the messenger get back to his senses and look at the paper once more.

"Yes, it was reported that it can climb to the sky far greater than any other dragons and that it tried to communicate with us,"

It sounded worse than a dragon as most wyverns she had, wouldn't be capable of flying higher than the clouds, seeing this far dangerous as she thought.

"Did the dragon attack any places around sollan?"

"No your highness, the dragon has yet to attack and it was something odd."

"Your highness I'll like to mention that, this type of dragon has been trying to look that it wanted to speak or communicate!"

It was something for the queen as she didn't expect that from her own personal messenger, 'dragon that didn't attack and tried to communicate? That's unusual,' she thought. Then she made a decision seeing it as a gamble but being a woman with a big heart she spoken her words and making the messenger know.

"Try to communicate with this dragon and if possible, have it land in our airfield."

It was shocking to hear, he hasn't expected something she would order, but being the Queen herself and risking something that can be dangerous he bow and before leaving the room.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

He walked out with the queen and the princess being all alone in the room, "im gonna check on the report." The princess said walking away as she headed to her mother's desk, she didn't say anything like the question about the dragon was filling her head, seeing this as a risky option he didn't want to make it worse, she knows what she commanded can lead to life or death and hearing this question she begins to see that something would change by the time she meets this so-called dragon.