
Chronicles of the warborn

In the mystical World, a kingdom once steeped in grandeur and magic, the tranquility is shattered by the thunderous march of war. As the unified armies of neighboring lands converge upon Eldrador, the capital city, the fate of the World hangs in the balance. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, a newborn prince is born into the House of Zark, the rulers of the Kingdom of Zarkenia. Destined for greatness, yet thrust into a world torn apart by strife, the young prince becomes the unwitting centerpiece of a battle for supremacy. With the fall of Eldrador, the prince's life is plunged into peril. After the fall of Zarkenia, he is spirited away by a loyal guardian, embarking on a journey fraught with danger and discovery. The prince must navigate treacherous landscapes and face unimaginable foes to reclaim his birthright and restore peace to the Kingdom. But as dark forces gather and ancient prophecies unfold, the prince realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of Zarkenia itself. With courage and determination, he must rise to the challenge, harnessing the latent magic within him to confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a tale of epic proportions, filled with magic, intrigue, and adventure, the newborn prince embarks on a quest that will test his mettle and define his legacy. For in the heart of chaos lies the seed of hope, and only through courage and unity can the Kingdom of Zarkenia be saved from oblivion.

Mr_Storyteller · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

From Ashes to Fire

A flickering oil lamp casts dancing shadows across the worn tapestries lining Chief Throk's tent. The air is thick with the smell of wood smoke. Kieran, Around the table with Chief Throk, Aurelius, and some wise elder of the Vorgath tribe planing, What will be their next step, with Kieran telling them about silver ravens a group of people that fight for Zarkenia's freedom, led by his Close friend Gabriel Flynn who is the son of Duke Asher Flynn of Eldoria. Kieran adding he didn't even tell Gabriel that he and the prince were alive and that sending a letter about the prince being alive would set the people who have lost their will to fight, and might ignite their hearts 

KIERAN (voice barely above a whisper) ...and the reason why I haven't told Gabriel. Not until now is that. Gabriel's head is full of dreams and glory. News of Prince being alive might set him off on some reckless charge. We need a plan, not another impulsive outburst.

CHIEF THROK (gruffly snorting) Aye, that he would. Still has the fire of his father in him, that one. But dreams are fickle things. A false hope for the lad can be worse than despair. We need to be sure these Silver Ravens are strong enough to bear the weight of such a burden.KIERAN They are Chieftains. Small, and scattered, but they fight. They hit supply lines, harass patrols, and keep the embers of rebellion alive. They may not be an army, but they're the only ones who haven't given up.AURELIUS (stepping forward, his voice surprisingly steady despite the tremor in his hands) Hope can be a double-edged sword, Kieran. A false dawn can be more destructive than the darkest night. We need to be certain the Ravens are strong enough before we reignite the rebellion.KIERAN (his fingers tightening around his dagger hilt) They are. They're not a grand army, but they're fiercely loyal. They learned about the Empire's weaknesses, their troop movements, and information the Ravens have could use to strike a real blow.CHIEF THROK (eyes narrowing) And how do you know this, Kieran? All these years, you didn't keep your connection with these Ravens. Why the sudden change?Kieran hesitates, shame flickering in his fiery eyes.KIERAN Because... joining them after the fall was a mistake, It was dangerous for the Prince so I held up to this. until he grew up to hold his responsibilities.Chief Throk (with a hint of understanding) The war takes a toll on you, Kieran. It leaves scars, both internal and external.Kieran nods, his gaze dropping to the floor.KIERAN They Learned the Empire's vulnerabilities, their arrogance. Information the Ravens could use to their advantage.CHIEF THROK (leans forward, his voice low) And you believe these Ravens are ready for a true uprising? They'd face the full wrath of the Empire if they failed.Kieran meets the Chieftain's gaze, a flicker of defiance igniting in his eyes.KIERAN They're not strong now, but with proper leadership, with you, Aurelius, at their head... they could become a symbol. A symbol that tells Zarkenia, that hope is not lost. We can still reclaim our land and our freedom.KIERAN (folding the letter carefully) There. A message of hope for Gabriel and the Ravens.

Chief Throk reaches out, his calloused hand taking the letter. He hefts it with a thoughtful grunt.

CHIEF THROK This is a heavy message, Kieran. Words that could ignite a rebellion or bring swift retribution upon the Ravens. Are you certain they're strong enough to bear the weight?

KIERAN (nodding grimly) They have to be, Chieftain. Zarkenia needs a symbol, a beacon of defiance. The Ravens are the only ones who haven't surrendered to despair.

AURELIUS (eyes gleaming with a newfound determination) And with proper leadership, they can become a force to be reckoned with.

Chief Throk lets out a bark of laughter, a sound that echoes through the tent.

CHIEF THROK Leadership, eh? You're barely a man yourself, boy. But there's a fire in your eyes, that much is true. Perhaps there's more to you than just a fancy title.

A faint smile touches Aurelius' lips. He glances at Kieran, a silent understanding passing between them.

CHIEF THROK (clapping his hands) Enough talk. We have a message to deliver. Boran!

The flap of the tent opens, and a young Vorgath warrior steps in. His face is weathered, his eyes sharp.

BORAN You called, Chieftain?

CHIEF THROK (pointing to the letter) Take this to Mount Araka. Deliver it to the Silver Ravens. It's urgent.

Boran takes the letter, his gaze flickering between Kieran and Aurelius. A question hangs unspoken in the air.

CHIEF THROK (grunting) Don't worry about what it says, boy. Just get it there. Alive.

Boran nods curtly, tucks the letter into his jerkin, and exits the tent.

KIERAN (a hint of worry in his voice) He'll be alright, won't he? The road to Mount Araka isn't exactly a walk in the Field.

CHIEF THROK (stroking his beard) Boran's been through worse. He's fast, he's cunning, and he knows these mountains like the back of his hand. Still, there's always a risk. But that's the price of freedom, lad.

Aurelius rises to his feet, a newfound resolve hardening his features.

AURELIUS Then let us hope he delivers his message. For the sake of Zarkenia.

Meanwhile, Baron is on his journey to deliver the letter, an important task he is assigned to.

Boran navigates the treacherous mountain path with practiced ease. The Vorgath Mountains are a maze of jagged peaks and treacherous valleys, a natural fortress for the tribe. But for those unfamiliar with the terrain, they can be a death trap.

Boran rides a hardy mountain goat, its hooves surefooted on the rocky slopes. The wind whips through his hair, carrying the scent of pine and snow. He keeps a watchful eye on the horizon, the weight of the message heavy on his shoulders.

The journey is arduous. Boran has braved scorching sun and freezing nights, navigating treacherous cliffs and foraging for food. Fatigue gnaws at him, but the thought of his mission spurs him on.


As dusk settles, casting long shadows across the mountains, Boran seeks refuge in a hidden cave. He builds a small fire, the flickering flames offering a meager comfort against the encroaching darkness.

Suddenly, a twig snaps in the distance. Boran grabs his dagger, his senses on high alert. He strains to hear any further sound, but there's only the howling of the wind.


Boran reaches the foothills of Mount Araka, a formidable peak shrouded in mist. The air grows colder, the vegetation sparser. He knows the Silver Ravens have their base somewhere on this mountain, a hidden stronghold unknown to the Empire.


The climb becomes even more perilous. As he starts moving upwards, in a dense green spot, suddenly he gets attacked by a group of people, hit at his head by them, and they take him to their hideout.

Sunlight streams through a narrow slit in the rough-hewn wooden wall, illuminating a grizzled man with a dusty cloak pulled tight around him. He sits slumped on a makeshift stool, a black cloth obscuring his face. A tense silence hangs in the air, broken only by the rasp of a man sharpening a dagger in the corner.

The door creaks open, and a tall figure strides in. This is Gabriel, leader of the Silver Ravens. His face is a mask of battle-hardened determination, a stark contrast to his youthful age. He eyes the bound messenger with a cold intensity.GABRIEL Who are you?The Baron's voice is hoarse when he speaks.BARON (voice barely a whisper) A hunter from the Vorgath tribe. Sent with a message form Kieran.Gabriel's eyes narrow. The name hangs heavy in the air, a ghost from a past he'd almost buried.GABRIEL Kieran, huh? You wouldn't happen to pull a prank in your state tied up by ropes Hunter.The Baron flinches, a flicker of fear betraying the rough façade of a hunter.BARON He... he is alive and he has been living with us for the last fifteen years.A flicker of surprise crosses Gabriel's face, quickly replaced by a steely glint. He gestures to the guard sharpening the dagger.GABRIEL (voice low) Leave us.The guard hesitates, then throws Gabriel a questioning look before exiting the room. The silence stretches, taut with anticipation. Gabriel leans closer to the Baron, his voice a dangerous murmur.GABRIEL Get to the point, friend. What's this message from Kieran about?The Baron takes a deep breath, bracing himself for what he knows might be a perilous revelation.Baron (voice trembling slightly) The letter is in my bag.Gabriel took his bag pulled out the letter and started reading it,

To my dearest friend, Gabriel,

Fifteen years. It seems a lifetime has passed since the night everything was taken from us. I know the weight of loss you carry, and I am sorry that I was not there to help you as a friend I feel a guilt inside me, a guilt for not helping my dear friend but.The King, entrusted me with a sacred duty – to ensure the prince's safety. Driven by grief and a thirst for vengeance, I fled with him, vowing to train him, to prepare him for the day he could reclaim his birthright. Those years spent in the wilderness were harsh, and filled with constant fear of discovery. But slowly, the prince grew. He grew not just in stature, but in spirit and strength. He embodies the resilience of our people, Gabriel.It is with a mixture of trepidation and hope that I write to you now. The prince is alive, Gabriel. He is not a boy anymore, but a young man honed by hardship, a warrior forged in the fires of adversity. He longs to stand beside our people, to fight for the liberation of Zarkenia.However, vengeance alone will not win our freedom. We need a spark, Gabriel, a symbol to rekindle the flames of rebellion in the hearts of our people. Those flames have never truly died, my friend. There are pockets of resistance, whispers of defiance in the wind.Hear me now, Gabriel. The time for shadows is over. The prince is ready. The whispers can become a roar. With your leadership, the Silver Ravens can become the storm that sweeps away the Empire's tyranny. Join us, Gabriel. Lead us. Together, we can reclaim Zarkenia.With unwavering loyalty, Kieran

As Gabriel reads the letter a fire arises in his heart he shouts Henry calling his second in command, Henry comes in a tense manner and asks " what happened My lord ". Gabriel Replied " make everyone ready A hope is coming towards us, A light that will led us out of this darkness, A light that will illuminate our very existence, go tell everyone to be ready "