
Chronicles of the warborn

In the mystical World, a kingdom once steeped in grandeur and magic, the tranquility is shattered by the thunderous march of war. As the unified armies of neighboring lands converge upon Eldrador, the capital city, the fate of the World hangs in the balance. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, a newborn prince is born into the House of Zark, the rulers of the Kingdom of Zarkenia. Destined for greatness, yet thrust into a world torn apart by strife, the young prince becomes the unwitting centerpiece of a battle for supremacy. With the fall of Eldrador, the prince's life is plunged into peril. After the fall of Zarkenia, he is spirited away by a loyal guardian, embarking on a journey fraught with danger and discovery. The prince must navigate treacherous landscapes and face unimaginable foes to reclaim his birthright and restore peace to the Kingdom. But as dark forces gather and ancient prophecies unfold, the prince realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of Zarkenia itself. With courage and determination, he must rise to the challenge, harnessing the latent magic within him to confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a tale of epic proportions, filled with magic, intrigue, and adventure, the newborn prince embarks on a quest that will test his mettle and define his legacy. For in the heart of chaos lies the seed of hope, and only through courage and unity can the Kingdom of Zarkenia be saved from oblivion.

Mr_Storyteller · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

A King's Welcome: Confusion and Duty

A silence descended upon the dimly lit hall inside the Silver Ravens' clandestine stronghold, Mount Araka. The fading light from the torches flickered over the weathered faces of the gathered rebels, their expressions bearing marks of both expectation and fear. Awaiting word from the Vorgath hunters who accompanied Prince Aurelius on his treacherous trek to their mountain stronghold, they waited. 

The tense silence was broken with the moaned opening of the hefty oak doors. With a dramatic billowing of his scarlet cloak behind him, a person stepped into the chamber. The material was remarkably similar to the Zarkesian flag, with its magnificent gold dragon set against a red background. 

The Silver Ravens automatically went to intercept the newcomer as their faces turned suspicious. A man by the name of Hamson, who had spent years resisting the Empire, stood up and spoke firmly. 

"Stop! "Please identify yourself," he said, placing his palm on the dagger's hilt. 

The figure came to a standstill, back rigidly straight. He turned slowly and saw the face of an elderly man, his eyes shining with a strange intensity and his beard as white as snow. On top of his head rested a ruby-coloured circlet, with the dragon emblem reflected in the flaming stone. 

The elderly man blasted, "I am Aedan, Grand Priest of Zarkenia," with a voice unusually robust for his age. "And I demand an audience with Gabriel, leader of the Silver Ravens." 

A collective exhalation echoed. In front of them appeared the Grand Priest, a legendary figure veiled in mystery and folklore. A man who, in the eyes of some, was nothing more than an imperial puppet, while others held out hope that he still had a spark of rebellion. 

Gabriel's face flushed a little as he heard the great priest was at the door, and for a split second, terror flickered in his eyes. He hurried out and made a deep, respectful bow. 

"Grand Priest," he stumbled to himself, "what has brought you to this place of humility? You could have sent word, for sure, and I would have come to see you." 

With his lips pressed thinly, Aedan looked around the room. Gabriel snapped, "I am not here for pleasantries." "I am here on a matter of utmost importance—to verify a rumour." 

Gabriel repeated, his face pinched in perplexity, "A rumour?" 

"The rumour of a young man, a boy of fifteen, claiming to be Prince Aurelius, the rightful heir to the Zarkesian throne." Aedan's voice was barely subdued when it cracked. 

Gabriel felt his heart pounding in his chest. The Grand Priest must have been informed about Aurelius's journey in some way, possibly by Imperial spies. He needed to be cautious and deliberate with every word. 

He nodded thoughtfully and replied, "Yes, Grand Priest." We've also heard this kind of rumour. We are looking into its validity right now." 

Aedan squinted, staring at Gabriel with narrowed eyes. "Looking into it? Do you not recognise how serious this situation is? This boy's life is in serious jeopardy if he is indeed the prince. The Empire would do everything it took to get rid of him." 

Once again, the room doors exploded open before Gabriel could reply. A juvenile Silver Raven charged in, fear engraved on his face. 

With a raspy voice, he gasped, "We have news!" There's an attack on a group in the Forest of Deadly Smiles! Figures dressed in black are ambushing them!" 

Aedan gasped for air. "Black-clad figures?" he repeated, a hint of fear in his voice. "And how many are there?" 

"We're not positive, Grand Priest," the youthful Raven stumbled. "But there seems to be a young boy with them, around fifteen years old!" 

The realization lingered in the atmosphere. Aedan's face went pale, the earlier skepticism giving way to a look of dawning terror. His voice was scarcely audible as he grasped the ruby circlet atop his head. 

"You need to send assistance right now! Elara, send your best healer! The prince that he might be. 

His words trailed off, anguish choking him. Gabriel lost no time in comprehending the seriousness of the situation. 

"Send Elara and a contingent of our most skilled warriors to the Forest of Deadly Smiles at once!" he yelled. "Find the prince and his escort, and bring them back here, alive!" 

His voice tight with urgency, he turned to face the young Raven. "Tell them to get moving! They might have to move quickly to determine Zarkenia's fate." 

With a frenzied nod, the youthful Raven darted from the chamber, leaving a resounding sound of his boots hitting the stone passageway. With his eyes closed and a quiet prayer spilling out of his mouth, Aedan stood still. Aurelius felt a surge of relief as the warriors of the Silver Ravens appeared from the shadowy Forest of Deadly Smiles, leading him and the remaining members of his Vorgath company back to their fortified mountain fortress. The cool mountain air was a welcome respite from the stink of terror and blood, and the glaring sunlight felt like a blessing after the stifling shadows of the forest. 

Weariness tore at Aurelius's very being. The savage nature of the battle was evidence of the Valtanian spies' unrelenting pursuit. That's what he think. With a dull ache, the crossbow bolt buried in his shoulder throbbed as he grimaced and adjusted his weight. 

The sight of Mount Araka, a stronghold chiseled into the mountainside, welcomed them. The massive oak gates creaked open as they approached, revealing a busy courtyard full of Silver Ravens. Young faces scarred from battle looked at them with a mixture of wonder and fascination. With a grim determination, older figures stared, their eyes etched with the wounds of battle and sorrow. 

As they arrived at the headquarters, Kieran saw many young and old faces around which he saw his old friend, an elderly man with a waterfall-like white beard.

It was Gabriel's old buddy Senator Darius, Kieran. His worn face, which was usually creased with a cosy smile, was now bearing a serious look. He moved towards Kieran, took Kieran's arm gently, and led him away without saying anything, muttering that he needed to rest and that they could talk about it later. 

An uneasiness crept into Aurelius. There was a tension in the air that he couldn't quite pinpoint. A few others in the crowd gave him a hopeful, unabashed look as their eyes flashed rebelliously. A doubtful expression marred their faces as they stared with distrust. Others, however, had dejected expressions on their faces, as though grasping at a frail thread of hope. 

Observing that Aurelius was uncomfortable, Kieran put a comforting touch on his shoulder. "It's okay, boy," he stated firmly. They'll change their mind. Let us now take you to Gabriel." 

Aurelius manoeuvred through the crowd with Kieran besides him, the words and looks they exchanged hanging heavily in the air. Feeling like an object of curiosity, he was a remnant of a bygone period pushed into the centre of a rebellion he did not fully comprehend. 

Kieran stopped abruptly as they approached Gabriel's chamber's huge wood doors, a jolt of horror coursing through him. The doors were ajar, and a person in crimson robes stood in front of Gabriel. 

"Grand Priest Aedan?" With a scarcely audible whisper, Kieran gasped. 

There was silence among the assembled crowd. Even Aurelius, exhausted as he was, was staring in disbelief. A mysterious and powerful presence emanated from the Grand Priest, a legendary character that was spoken in whispers. 

At the sound of Kieran's voice, Aedan turned, relief and amazement imprinted on his features. He looked at Aurelius, and for an instant, his eyes flickered with recognition. Then he bowed deeply and spoke, his voice resonating throughout the room. 

His voice was full with emotion as he stammered, "You... you carry the aura of the Founder." "You... you must be Prince!" 

Saying this, the Grand priest bowed at that very moment. A startled stillness fell across the space. With a mixture of wonder and reverence on their faces, Gabriel, Kieran, and the other Silver Ravens bowed down. 

Unsure of how to respond, Aurelius stood motionless. He had not anticipated this.

When the Grand Priest noticed that he was confused, he stood up and walked over to him, his intense eyes sending shivers down Aurelius's spine. Everyone gasped when he bowed down in front of the young man in an act of extreme surprise. 

"My Prince," he said, a tiny shudder running down his spine. "You represent Zarkenia's last hope. We've been anticipating a miracle for a very long time." 

With his eyes fixed on a Gold ring tucked under his finger, he stretched out and softly grasped Aurelius's hand. a ring with the regal crest of Zarkenia, which had been handed down through the line of Zarkenian monarchs for millennia. 

Seeing the ring, he kissed Aurelius' hand and said, " My prince, you and this ring will pave the way to Zarkenia's freedom Take good care of it, As in the near future it will show its worth." Left Aurelius with many unanswered questions about the ring and the things he saw.