

A group of young orphanage kids begin their life of exciting adventure taking on several hurdles including the cops, the government and the bad guys as they reach for the top

Mayowa_Olurotimi · แอคชั่น
15 Chs



Things were going on smoothly for Jay-Dee and the rest of the 'rogue' Tech Minds...except Steve. He had just emptied the fat account of the accountant- general of a top-tier government corporation who Jay-Dee had earlier worked for before joining the Tech Minds. To Jay-Dee, ruining the life of this famous accountant was motivated out of pure revenge with a side dish of greed. Newspapers editors had a field day the next morning after the incidence and the reporters kept asking the unanswered question, "who is this serial hacker?".

A week after the incidence, a special guest visited the facility and started a revolution in Steve's mind. It was the state minister of science and technology who had met them at the airport after China and this time, he had come to employ the services of the Tech Minds to help 'clip' the 'wings' of the rogue hacker who ravaged the internet space of everyone. In his speech with the whole group which included Jay-Dee, the last of the board members who enjoyed the decadent actions of the self-made CEO and the thirty-two ex Tech Minds workers, he said, "This world was created for everyone to live in peace and tranquillity and every man was created not to infringe on the space of his fellow man. The law of nature and the laws of this land compiled in the constitution of our beloved nation made sure of it but one particular man whose identity is unknown to us decided not to follow these laws of peace and war against our private media space. I'm sure you've all heard about the occurrence that happened last week. The man whose account was hacked is presently in the General Hospital private ward battling with chronic hypertension and on the gasp between life and death. Over the week, our best tech guys here in Lagos have struggled to find who this hacker is but to no avail. We were thinking of importing some techies from abroad when the thought struck me. Why waste millions inviting foreigners to work for you when you have the best guys on the planet here with you?. So on behalf of the government of Lagos state, we've decided to invite you to work for us and get to the root of the matter. The citizens and netizens of this country needs answers, they need a face behind the scary mask, they need the assurance of a safe and private media space, they need security of their properties and in all, they need you!. So the question is, are you in or....in?..."

This was it!, the motivation Steve needed all this while, it seemed his brain always worked better with motivational speeches. After the minister's speech, Jay-Dee took to the podium to assure the minister the Tech Minds would 'work towards it with all their might to bring the criminal to justice'. As a result of the development and to prove the Tech Minds were actually 'working towards it...', Jay-Dee proposed the hacking spree be halted for a month to give the media space some breathing space and during this period, Steve had what he called, 'absolute peace of mind'. Each day, he would work for his clients on Steve's Key, enjoy the bountiful profits with Kate, take evening strolls with her and have a nice sleep afterwards. It continued for the whole four weeks halt duration and when the break was over, now assured that he had the 'best guys on the planet', Jay-Dee took the spree to a whole new level. This time, he made Steve hack into anything or anywhere hackable. In a matter of weeks, loaded bank accounts of shopping malls, event centres, schools, public facilities were raided and anywhere Jay-Dee had his eyes on, Steve brought money forth from there. Being a greedy person, the huge amount of money Jay-Dee was making off these guys wasn't enough for him and one day, he decided to hit it big time!.

A charity organisation called Save-The-Kids Foundation founded by Honourable Omopariola, a U.S. retunee and former House of Assembly politician who decided to give his widow's mite to charity and doing so, he encouraged others to follow in his steps and do likewise. He took to the stage a week after his arrival from The States to announce his plans to help millions of displaced, under-privileged, malnourished and disabled children all over the country find a reason to continue living. In a bid to achieve this, he started a nationwide fund-raising event to raise a staggering sum of five hundred million naira to be deposited in an open account whose details would be announced to the public to make their own donations. In his speech when asked about the serial hacker and the threat posed by his unknown identity, he said, "...I'm aware of the present online security threat disturbing the internet space and I stand here to aussre you that your donations are safe with us. The charity account is practically impossible to hack into and this has been ensured by professional and experienced computer guys who have dealt with similar and even more difficult situations like what's happening in this country. I assure you that nothing of such would happen here, your money, our money are in safe hands and would be spent on the right purpose. Thank you!". His statement seemed to assure the minds of many and the jourmey to five hundred million naira began. On the side of the Tech Minds, Jay-Dee gave his alternate version speech to his 'workers', encouraging them to think big and aim for gold. 'Gold' here was the prize of the five hundred million naira to be contributed by the general public. The daily donations were revealed publicly on the charity online page and day after day, the money grew from a million to two and on like that. The fact that the money hadn't been carted away by the serial hacker made the people assured that the Honourable was right about him having experienced men on his side. Plans were made and strategies were mapped out day by day at the Tech Minds facility to achieve the daunting aim of hacking into a whole country's donation, that's huge!. Jay-Dee had to make sure things were right with himself and Steve so he offered Steve a deal:work for him this last time and he could have his Kate back, no other strings attached but Steve had it at the back of his mind that Jay-Dee was never going to let him go even after gifting him the five hundred million naira of the country, his pride and greed made sure of that!. Steve took the deal and began his own part of his plans to hack into the funds account.

A couple of weeks after the Honourable's statement, the public showed the politician how generous they were after they achieved the five hundred million mark. The Honourable took to the stage to appreciate the nation's kind gesture towards helping the needy and assured them the money would be used for the right purpose only....but the Tech Minds had other plans!. The account was closed for donations and preparations on how to spend the fund began and experts began strategise on what to do to make sure they did their best to put smiles on the face of millions of children across the nation. Steve and his team were also ready to launch their own part of their already perfected plan into motion.

Another dinner event was scheduled for this particular evening at the one- thousand capacity hall of the luxurious Honourable Omopariola Events Centre, this time it was to appreciate the invited general public for their generosity in terms of their quick donations, the Honourable was to mount the podium to give his own quota after all has being said and done by the experts and financial analysts who would take the stage to explain in details how each kobo would be spent to help those it was donated to help. The Tech Minds group were to hit the events centre: the funds account couldn't be hacked remotely from the Tech Minds facility so they had to fake their invitation, access the server directly in the events centre and work their magic. Steve and Cole, a loyalist to Jay-Dee were assigned to go for the op.

"Okay guys, this is it...", Jay-Dee addressed both Steve and Cole as they were about to leave the facility for the event, "I'm sure you know what you are about to do. You have the three-dimensional print of the events centre on your tabs so locating the server room shouldn't be a hard nut to crack, we would also be working from here to deliver the location of the server room and save you the stress of peering into your tabs- since you wouldn't want to attract attention. Avoid security and don't look too friendly or too hostile, the security should be top-notch and they would be expecting the hacker either to try hacking into the system or come down to the event to do it manually, here....", he brought out two name tags from his breast pocket and handed it to the both of them, Steve first, "here Steve, your name for tonight's event is huh....Fred and here Cole, I guess you are just...Cole, both of you are biological brothers from the billionaire Morgan family. Shalom would be working on fitting your new names into the invitation list of the event and you have to help her too by bringing this...", he brought out a small device that looked like a cuff link, "...near the tablet of the security men at the gate when they are searching the list for your names. Cole, you can put it on as an accessory of your coat so no one would detect anything. It would take up to a minute or two so you have to deploy your social skills and delay them while Shalom fit your names in, okay?, meanwhile we at the facility will have you on comms so we can monitor your every action so don't hesitate to reach out to us in case you have to plan an emergency exit if your cover gets blown. That would be all for now, have a nice evening boys"

Dressed in expensive corporate suits, Steve and Cole looked stunningly attractive as they alighted from the Uber that rode them only to the events hall, Steve wore a silver coat with matching trousers and shoes while Cole darned a deep-blue glittering suit with both of them putting on sunglasses, Jay-Dee really spent much on making these guys look like young millionaires.

"Nice suit boys...", the lone security men who checked-in invited guests at the gate commented, "...it's a pity I would have to check your names on the list 'cos I'm definitely sure it's on the list, but one can't be too sure right?, let me just have a little peek at my pal here...", his 'pal' here referred to his tablet. Cole clasped his hands and brought it forward near the tablet and I guess the magic started.

"Not to mean disrespect to those suits but funnily, I can't find the names; Fred and Cole Morgan on the list..."

"Oh...", Cole stated, "there should be a glitch in your system because I'm very sure we definitely received the invitations, maybe you should try refreshing the list, I'm pretty sure your would find our names there"

"Glitch?, our computers and servers here are the best, haven't you wondered why the serial hacker hasn't been able to hack into the five hundred million naira jackpot?, I'm very sure he tried but he just couldn't beat the servers but I'm gonna try the refresh option, we learn new things everyday don't we?".

It was over a minutes now and they reasoned Shalom should be done with her job now but she wasn't, the security guy kept scrolling and scrolling but did not seem to find any Fred or Cole in the list, time was not on their side as the long queue grew in numbers and impatience.

"Sirs, I'm sorry but it seems you are at the wrong event and the rule clearly states, 'no invitation, no entry', I'm sorry but I can't let you and your fancy suits in!, please move aside, we have a growing number of invited guests still on the queue behind you..."

"Done!", Shalom exclaimed over the comms, it took her only a couple of minutes, little wonder she topped the class each year!.

"Sir, I suggest you refresh the list one more time, these gadgets could be funny, I'm very convinced we recieved the invitations. It's worth trying once more...", Cole brought out neat naira notes from his suit inner pocket and stylishly handed it to the security man, "at least this time more carefully...". The security guy now convinced they were millionaire spoilt kids decided to check the list one more time for the sake of the new notes now lying in his trouser pocket.

"Oh!,..my bad, turns out your names were actually on the list, so sorry for the delay and the little embarrassment, these tablets could be indeed funny sometimes, have a good evening boys!"

They entered into the large hall and were approached immediately with champagne flutes as part of the celebration. The podium was already set and the Honourable was almost ready to give his appreciation speech...that was the only chance Steve and Cole had to do what they had to do, when everyone were paying attention to the speech, they would just slip out of the audience and make for the server room.

"Good evening great Nigerians", the Honourable began as he mounted the podium with his flowing native dress, the one the Yorubas call 'Agbada', "I welcome you all to this event, it is indeed an epoch-making one. You all have decided to contribute your sweat and blood towards this charitable event. We've all gathered here to celebrate three important events. The first event we are here to celebrate this evening is the completion of the five hundred million naira funds donation, the road to this fund was rather quick and unexpected, honestly, I hadn't expected it to be achieved this quickly but I guess you all thought differently and made it work even during this present economy we find ourselves in...."

"Guys....", that was Shalom over the comms, "I've located the server room, it's on the second floor right above where both of you are standing right now. I've managed to hack into the CCTV footage, it reveals you would have to deal with a little problem on the way, it's not much of a problem, just a armed guy..."

"How armed?...", Cole interrupted as they made for the elevator.

"Nothing that you two can't handle, a semi-automatic rifle in hand, pistols on the sides, a gas mask and a dark bulletproof vest to top it. Not much of a problem like I said earlier. You get past him and you get the work done"

"Not much of a problem I guess...", he brandished a pistol from the inner parts of his coat much to the surprise of Steve, he hadn't expected a firearm to be involved in the op, he thought the whole idea was too sneak in and out and everyone would go home happy...at least the Tech Minds would.

"Hey man, you did not tell me there was a gun involved, how are we supposed to beat the throng of armed men with a single pistol, this is definitely suicide!", Steve complained

"I've known you to be a coward from the beginning and honestly, I don't like you neither do I fancy either your personality or your fancy tech skills. I was just putting up with you throughout the whole time. Jay-Dee knew this was going to happen here, that you were going to shiver, develop cold feet and back off like the coward that you are that's why he sent me with you, to deal with your inefficiencies. You can think of running off just have one thing at the back of your mind, I've got your back!...", Cole explained staring at Steve maniacally. Steve swallowed the spittle that had accumulated in his throat region, he was in the midst of an enemy within his prime enemies...well they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!

"Guys...", Shalom .came back online, "get it over with. Steve, get over your fear and Cole, stop bullying my friend. I'm working on jamming the surveillance cameras in the server room as long as you still have the cuff links on Cole, we should have no problem with aftermath investigations from those pokey detectives searching for what's not lost..."

They reached the last turn before approaching the corridor that led to the server room where the armed guy stood valiantly, ready to shoot at any thing or anyone that looked like a hacker. They could still hear the Honourable's speech loud and clear from the mini speakers hung on the walls. As he spoke, they ruminated on a plan on how to beat the skills, tactics and gun power of their armed friend.

"...The second event I personally chose to celebrate is the strength of our supercomputers as well as the prowess of our technicians, together, they've stopped the notorious serial hacker from carting away what doesn't belong to him. I appreciate the media and technical team, you've been awesome. The last event we all are here to celebrate is the beginning of a new and improved quality life for the millions of children all over the nation. They must have never seen it coming and this fund would indeed serve as a breakthrough for them and put a lovely smile on their faces, isn't that what we all want?. Thank you all for coming and enioy the best of our catering staff and the rest of the evening...", there was a loud cheer and applause , everyone loved the Honourable for his benevolence and his unending love for the dying all over the world....only if they had knew what was coming!.

"Alright...", Cole jerked back to life after the end of the speech, "this is what we would do: we raise a false fire alarm, that should get him out of the way, here...", he pointed to the fire alarm right above my head, "break the glass and press the button while I go ahead to distract him, it shouldn't be that hard for you".

In a jify, Steve had the whole hallway noisy and Cole went ahead to play his part.

"Hello sir, there's a fire downstairs, Head of security said I should call for help.."

"Fire?, where?", the security repiled hoarsely. Was he deaf?, couldn't he hear the noise in the hallway?, maybe his gas mask was affecting his hearing.

"The alarm is blaring sir. The fire is downstairs near the event hall, said you the most effective guy around"

"Okay then, you are a guest here?"

"Yes sir, I'm here for the event sir"

"Very well then, stay right here till I come back. Nobody goes through this door....in fact it's locked but still do not allow anybody in, do you understand?"

"Yes sir!, nobody gets in, understood!"

"Alright, let me attend to the fire, I will be back"

Their armed friend was out of the way and now to the business of the day. The door to the server room was locked digitally and now a digital lock wasn't what they wanted on their way.

"Shalom...", Steve called out over the comms, "are you there?"

"Of course, I'm with you, didn't just want to disturb your plans. Nice plan by the way Cole, trust you would always come up with something".

Cole smirked, he enjoyed that one from Shalom.

"Now Shalom, we have a DZ-37 digital lock obstructing us, can you help us with it?, I would have done it here myself but Jay-Dee said 'travel light!'"

"Okay Steve, let me see what I can do...hmmmm....alright, drag out the keypad slowly, you wouldn't want to jam the door permanently..."

Cole reached out for the keypad and removed it out of its place.

"Done, what's next girl?", Cole asked.

"You've got a scissor or a blade?, 'cos you are going to need it now"

"Are you kidding me Shalom...", Steve exclaimed, "we came for a party as guests not as handymen!"

That made Shalom laugh.

"I've got a paper knife here with me, that would do right?", Cole said calmly.

"Perfect, I thought I heard someone say he did come here as a guest..."

"Focus Shalom, we might have visitors soon", that was Steve.

"Okay, remove the safety panel and reach for the green wire then cut it. Simple, the door would obey your further commands"

"Okay...", Cole reached for the panel and then another issue rose up, "Shalom, there are three green wires here!, which one is our guy?"

"No!, there is only one green wire. The one that connects straight into the keypad..."

"Are you kidding me?, that's not green..."

"Just cut it man, I am the one looking at the system here so if I tell you it's green, it's definitely green!, but if you wanna argue, go ahead, it should be about time your friend realises there was no fire after all", Shalom responded boldly, she definitely did not like questionings.

Cole cut the 'green' wire and the door paved way.

"Here...", Cole handed a drive to Steve, "you know what to do. I would man the door here and alert you of any bogeys"

Steve went around the room and located the particular server responsible for the funds. He plugged in the virus- carrying drive and brought out his tablet...time to work.

"Guys...", Shalom's voice came in hot over the comms, "we have a problem. The surveillance room has noticed someone on their system...I guess I wasn't good enough but that's not the issue, they've noticed the blurry vision and the other technical irregularities the 'cuff link' is causing on the CCTVs in the server room and now they've sent probably a whole army to check it out. You've got....let me say, three minutes until impact, so do what you're supposed to do and get out of there!"

Cole jammed the door and locked it permanently from the inside, "it would take them a couple of minutes to get through...Shalom?"


"You know what, do me a favour, order a Uber, tell the driver to pick us up at the West gate of the event centre in ten minutes pronto!"

"Copy that boss, working on it right now"

"Good....how are we doing Steve?"

"Almost done, just a minute, I've gotten through the whole process, I guess their server wasn't much of what the Honourable boasted...transferring the funds now...Shalom, do you copy?...do you confirm the funds?"

"No...nothing yet...oh, wait, let me refresh the....holy pizza!, transfer confirmed Steve!, we are five hundred million naira richer boys!, now get out of there. Those guys are there already"

Steve dropped the tablet back into his coat pocket, removed the drive and notified Cole, "I'm done here, what about you?"

"I wasn't doing anything here, just manning the door in case we have any..."the door was pushed violently by the armed guys, "company!"

The security men blasted bullet shots on the metal door and it proved it could withstand a few more before giving way.

"Steve,quick... the window!"

The window opened to the garage of the events centre and the only sane way down was to cling on a iron pole and slide down. Steve went first and landed on his feet and as Cole wanted to follow suit, the server room door gave way and the armed guys rushed towards Cole and missed him by a fraction but got a hold of his coat.

"They've got hands on my suit guys, they may ask around and get a description of us, Damn!", Cole complained bitterly as they left the garage area and headed stealthly for the West gate that was close by.

"Okay guys...", that was Shalom again, "the Uber is ready to pick you up right at the West gate, where are you now?"

"Almost there", Steve responded.

The Uber car that came to pick them up was almost like the same car that dropped them off, the only difference was that this car was painted pink!; Shalom's favourite colour. They hopped in and the car drove off, passing through the main grand entrance. Steve could see the armed guys that had attacked them earlier holding Cole's blue suit, mumbling some words to the security guy that checked people in, they were probably asking if he had noticed anyone that had worn the suit to the event. In response, the security guy responded in the negative, Steve and Cole sighed a sigh of relief, they had thought he was going to rat them out...or maybe it was because the money they gave him that lay in his pocket that proved more important than loyalty!. As soon their ride exited the last gate, the whole event centre was alerted and put on instant lockdown, nobody got in or out...they had already noticed what the boys had been there to do!.