
Chronicles Of The Celestial Martial Inheritor

"In the enigmatic tapestry of destiny, Zhou Fan, a Warrior once dismissed as talentless, emerges as an unforeseen hero. Bestowed with celestial blessings, he leads the illustrious Heavenly Dragon Legion against threats that loom over the mortal realm. Betrayed by a trusted comrade and martyred in battle, Zhou Fan's soul embarks on a transformative journey, gaining the Heavenly Martial Emperor Inheritance. Armed with the power to master martial arts in a heartbeat and a resilience that thrives on adversity, he is reborn to vanquish the malevolent Shadow Dragon Sovereign, ushering in a saga where destiny wields the mightiest sword."

Satsui_sama · แอคชั่น
21 Chs

Chronicles Of The Celestial Martial Inheritor,Deadly Dance Of Blades

Chapter 17:Deadly Dance of Blades

After I combine my newly found martial art my travel and reaction speed has reach mach 5,my speed increase over twenty fold it is equivalent to an average speed of an martial sage I have surpas my prime in terms of speed alone, I encountered with the 30 iron puppets, it was yet another testament to the tomb's treacherous nature. The mechanism tile that I had inadvertently triggered had sprung the ambush, sending a wave of adversaries my way.

As the 30 iron puppets descended upon me, their movements were synchronized, like a well-trained army. They moved with a mechanical precision, each strike aimed at exploiting the smallest openings in my defenses.

But I was no stranger to adversity. The battles I had fought, the betrayals I had endured – they had all forged a warrior with an unbreakable will. With the Silent Shadow Stride in my arsenal and the Umbral Shadow Dance as my ally, I moved with a fluid grace and precision that defied their relentless onslaught.

With each step, I countered their strikes, evading their blows with a finesse that left them bewildered. The combination of my new martial arts and my formidable body tempered to the late Silver Body stage gave me an edge in the skirmish. I unleashed the energy I had absorbed from the puppet's core, fueling my techniques and attacks.

My strategy was simple – isolate and dismantle. I focused my attention on a single iron puppet, dodging and parrying the rest as I closed in. With the 12 forms of the Dragon's Thundering Lance at my disposal, I launched a series of strikes that shattered the first puppet into a cascade of shattered steel.

One down, and the remaining 29 iron puppets closed in. The battle was fierce, each clash of steel on steel resounding like a thunderclap. I continued my calculated assault, meticulously picking off the iron puppets one by one. The Silent Shadow Stride allowed me to move in and out of their ranks undetected, while the Umbral Shadow Dance granted me an unparalleled mastery of spacing and timing.

The iron puppets fell, their once relentless advance now dwindling. The tomb's darkness bore witness to my unyielding fury as I fought with the determination of a man who had defied fate time and time again.

With each puppet that crumbled beneath my onslaught, I felt a sense of triumph and the exhilaration of progress. I was a warrior on the path to mastery, and the trials of the reaper tomb only fueled my resolve.

As the final iron puppet met its demise, I stood victorious amidst the wreckage. The path ahead was uncertain, but I was undeterred. The secrets of the reaper tomb lay waiting, and I was determined to unveil them, no matter the cost.

The reaper tomb was a labyrinth of mysteries, and as I moved deeper into its heart, I encountered more traps and dangers than I could have ever anticipated. With every step, I had to rely on a combination of my wits, skills, and the new martial arts I had acquired to navigate this treacherous path.

I approached every trap with caution, my keen senses probing for any hint of danger. The proficiency I had gained in the Shadow Steps allowed me to avoid pressure-sensitive plates and tripwires with uncanny precision. I danced through the shadows, leaving no trace of my presence behind.

In some instances, I encountered traps that were beyond my ability to disarm. When faced with this dilemma, I chose an audacious strategy—I triggered the traps intentionally. As the mechanisms sprung to life, I swiftly melded into the darkness, my form shrouded in the Umbral Shadow Dance. The deadly contraptions triggered in vain as I evaded their clutches with the agility of a phantom.

The tomb was unyielding in its tests, with each chamber presenting new challenges. Some traps were intricately designed, relying on sound or scent to detect intruders. But I had learned to master the art of silence, my movements and even my breath completely undetectable.

The further I ventured, the more the enigmatic patterns of the Reaper Moon tomb unraveled before me. With each trap disarmed or evaded, my understanding of their mechanisms deepened, making me more adept at neutralizing them.

Yet, the true test lay ahead. The reaper tomb held more than just traps and challenges; it concealed ancient knowledge, untold treasures, and the answers to questions that had plagued the murim for centuries. With every passing moment, I felt the weight of anticipation and curiosity pressing down on me.

As I pressed on, the shadows of the reaper tomb embraced me like a cloak of resilience. I was a silent and invisible guardian, ready to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead in this tomb of secrets.

The chamber before me was a death trap waiting to spring. It was filled with an intricate grid of pressure-sensitive tiles, each one capable of slicing through flesh and bone with surgical precision. To proceed, I had to tread carefully and precisely, for a single misstep would mean my demise.

As I surveyed the treacherous terrain, I contemplated my next move. The Reaper Moon tomb was known for its deadly challenges, and this room was no exception. I couldn't trust my mere instincts to navigate this maze of peril. Instead, I had to rely on a careful and calculated approach.

I reached into my bag and retrieved an apple. It was a small but essential tool in this precarious situation. I needed to test the waters without putting myself at risk. With a swift and precise throw, I sent the apple skimming across the chamber, letting it collide with one of the pressure-sensitive tiles.

The room came to life with a sudden and terrifying display of the deadly mechanism. Blades, thin as a hair's width, sprang forth from the tiles with unparalleled speed. In an instant, the apple was reduced to a flurry of sliced fragments.

My heart pounded as I watched the outcome of the test. The lesson was clear: a single step on these tiles would result in instant annihilation. A bead of sweat formed on my brow as I contemplated the severity of the challenge before me.

I knew that brute force alone would not see me through this trial. To navigate this chamber, I needed a combination of keen observation, profound understanding, and a dash of daring. It was time to unlock the secrets of this chamber and continue my journey deeper into the heart of the Reaper Moon tomb.

The blades' speed was nothing short of astonishing, reaching an unfathomable Mach 10, a velocity that surpassed even the most advanced weaponry in my previous life. They moved with ruthless precision, each one as thin as a hair's width, a testament to the advanced craftsmanship of the Reaper Moon tomb's creators.

My initial tests had already confirmed the deadly nature of the pressure-sensitive tiles. These blades moved at a speed that was twice as fast as my top travel and reaction speed, which barely reached Mach 5. In essence, I couldn't react to these blades using conventional means, for they were faster than even the swiftest martial artists I had encountered.

The truth was clear: relying solely on my instincts and agility would be a death sentence. Trying to evade these blades was like attempting to outrun a lightning bolt during a thunderstorm. It was a futile endeavor, and a more calculated approach was required.

I couldn't afford to be reckless in this chamber. However, I was not one to back down from a challenge. A sense of determination welled up within me as I considered the perilous dance that lay before me.

It was then that I remembered my martial arts training and the concept of timing. In the chaos of battle, timing was often the key to victory. It was a principle I had ingrained within me during my days as a warrior and a leader.

With a newfound resolve, I took a deep breath, preparing to make a daring move. As I gazed at the perilous floor, I visualized the rhythm of the blades. They moved with remarkable precision, like a well-practiced symphony.

I readied myself, adjusting my posture and preparing for the first step in the deadly dance. As I moved forward I barely avoid the trap and I timed my steps to match the openings between the blades. It was a calculated gamble, a matter of inches between life and death.

I felt the blades pass dangerously close to my feet and legs. The margin for error was razor-thin. Every step was a heartbeat, a pulse of anticipation. My heart raced, and my senses were hyper-alert.

With steady determination and the wisdom of experience, I continued to advance. Each step was meticulously timed to coincide with the blades' retracting motion. I felt like a dancer in a deadly ballet, moving to the rhythm of potential demise.

Time and time again, I ventured further into the room, closer to my goal. The blades sliced through the air, mere inches from my body. My movements became a fluid, precise sequence, an intricate dance that transcended peril.

I could feel the sweat on my brow and the rapid beating of my heart. But I pressed on, undeterred, for I was determined to conquer this challenge. I was not merely surviving; I was thriving in the face of danger.

As I reached the other side of the chamber, my heart swelled with pride. I had defeated the perilous dance of blades through timing, precision, and the indomitable spirit of a warrior. The chamber of danger had become my arena of triumph, and I was one step closer to the secrets of the Reaper Moon tomb.