
Chronicles of the Arcane Prodigy

In the quaint town of Eldoria, a mysterious rift opened, pulling the unsuspecting teenager, Adrian, from his world into a realm of magic. With the news of his family's tragic demise, he finds himself alone, penniless, and grieving. Little does he know that his journey has just begun.

Daoist8SsAW6 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The summoning-chapter 1

In the town of Eldoria, a mysterious rift opened, pulling an unsuspecting teenager. The town looked exactly like in the world of science he was pulled out of, but it was surrounded by a forest, with ancient trees everywhere. The people were quite strange. They all had worried expressions, as if they were going to die any second...


When the teenager woke up, he didn't notice anything unusual about his room.

He took a look into the mirror. Yup, as handsome as ever.

He turned around, opened the door, but what he saw shocked him. Everything was in ruins, covered in blood, organs and pieces of flesh everywhere. Only his room was fine. It was a truly terrible sight. His gaze then landed upon a monster that looked like a wolf, standing in the middle of the living room, eating his family member's flesh. It was the most horrible sight he has ever seen. HIS FAMILY!

He was so angry that he wanted to punch it to death, until it suddenly looked back at him, its eyes bloodthirsty.

He was shocked and scared out of his mind. However, he knew everything was real.And he knew he was no match for it. A moment ago he was still thinking of what to eat for breakfast, what game he would play on his computer, and so on. But now, he saw his family's remains, and a bloodthirsty wolf monster was staring at him.

He felt true grief like never before, and true fear like never before. It was as if he was in a horror movie, except it was broad daylight outside, and it shone into the house through the windows.

At the same time, he was also confused about his situation, but he didn't have time to think about that right now. He swiftly closed the door and locked it. His door was really sturdy, despite being made out of wood. But although it was sturdy, it won't last for long. The creature rammed into it with its body. It had low intelligence, but it knew this much.

Adrien was panicking, while also having the many negative emotions from the scene from before. He was just lucky that he survived so far. He would be torn to pieces if the monster got in. The others in his family were all finished by the wolf demon. He would be next. He even questioned if life mattered with his family all dead. It was only a matter of time until he joined them if things continued like this. No. He must stay alive, no matter what. He would not die. He grabbed a survival knife from his cabinet and awaited the wolf. However, there were no more sounds of the monster. Only humans speaking to the survivor inside to come out. He peeked through the keyhole, and saw several people in uniforms.

When he opened the door, he saw that the monster was dead. It was burned by something, and a nose piercing stink could be smelled.

"We are mages from the military, you are now safe."-The leader of the group told him.

"Thank you for saving my life."-The young man before the soldiers bowed, to show his appreciation, even tough he was feeling an enormous amount of grief.

He then went to check the remainings of his family members. The soldiers burnt their corpses, so as to stop diseases after some moments of him crying out his heart. It was truly depressing. He swore in his heart to become a monster hunter.