
Chronicles of the Arcane Prodigy

In the quaint town of Eldoria, a mysterious rift opened, pulling the unsuspecting teenager, Adrian, from his world into a realm of magic. With the news of his family's tragic demise, he finds himself alone, penniless, and grieving. Little does he know that his journey has just begun.

Daoist8SsAW6 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The school's awakening ceremony-Chapter 2, Part One

The military helped him get to a city, namely magic city number 1223, into a shelter for refugees.

After all, he couldn't stay in his hometown anymore, as it was turned into a feasting place for monsters.

Modern cities were numbered instead of having names. It was strange, and only the ancient towns, villages and cities had names.

His family's death dealt a huge blow to him, but he had not given up on life. He set a goal: kill as many wicked creatures as he can!


Some time has passed, and he was still in the shelter, after the disaster.

'So basically, there are ordinary people and mages. Mages are like the heroes of this world. There are different types of magic known to mankind, that fall into the category of: elemental magic, white magic, dark magic, and dimensional magic, but each person can only awaken one for life, when they receive their first awakening in middle school's first or second year. There has never been any person that could awaken on his 3rd try, so I'm basically fucked for a lifetime if a can't awaken it for a second time, and it seems that I have already tried it one time, because I'm now sixteen. I will have another try when the second middle school year starts, which is approximately.. hmm one and a half month away? Fuck I wanted to at least learn magic to kill monsters, but I have to wait that long?!? What the hell?'

He was holding a strong grudge against monsters for of course who knows what reason...

After calming down a bit, he analyzed: 'Well, let's look at the bright side. I will have more information about it then, and i can progress faster.'-he thought, after collecting his thoughts, information he learned so far by asking around. He had gotten a little better mentally after some time passed away since the incident.

'Okay. Let's go earn some money finally, and get myself out of this shitty life I'm living right now'

He went to the nearby magic school's library and gotten a job there, so he could learn about magic while also earning some money. He was overjoyed whenever he got the chance to read about magic, as he didn't have anything like this in the world of science.

He also figured out that there are 7 levels of magic, namely: beginner, intermediate, advanced, master, transcendent, immortal, and true immortals.

But, as one's cultivation progresses and reaches new levels, the body gets purer and purer, and thus can reach immortality against age, preserve their youth, and only die if other powerhouses kill them. Diseases don't have any effect on them either.

It seemed logical. Think of a legendary god that dies to an illness. Wouldn't it be hilarious?

But he came across some information that mentioned that it is already close to impossible for ordinary foes to reach to reach the transcendent level: only the most talented and lucky can get to it, through many decades of hard work and dedication. Their power is so huge the spells they cast are more powerful than modern day nukes in his previous world of science.

As for above, it is real, but these existences rarely show themselves.

He also got to know that there are many different types of wicked creatures that are at war with humans, and only the mages are powerful enough to take them on.

They correspond to the human mages' levels, namely: slaves, warriors, commanders, rulers, emperors, defiants and true demons.


The day came.

He went to the magic school he always wanted to go to ever since he got to know about it.

He didn't want much, only to awaken something. It didn't matter what he awakened. He would accept anything, as long as he got something.

The principal gave a short but surprisingly motivating speech, and it was time to start the ceremony.

There was one awakening stone on stage, and the person called up would be seen by everyone-yes, even the beauties, so one could impress them, or make them laugh by failing: only the strong were respected here, even if you could buy private jets and shit with your money, a strong mage would still be preferred.

More than 3/4th of the people that were admitted to school couldn't awaken a talent. Those who couldn't could only live mediocre lives if they failed again in the second year.

"Adrien Pyshko"-the loud voice of the dimensional magic teacher sounded, who was in charge of the awakening ceremony.

He walked up onto stage, while the gazes of curious, disappointed, and hopeful students landed on him...