
Chronicles of the Apocalypse

In "Chronicles of the Apocalypse," we follow the struggle of Sergio Romero, a young Colombian whose life is turned upside down by a sudden apocalypse. With memories of a parallel earth where animes and movies exist, Sergio joins Valeria, a former soldier, on a journey to a remote military base in search of safety. Facing dangers, mutated creatures, and emotional challenges, Sergio must adapt quickly and fight to survive in a world on the brink of collapse.

Titan106 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 05: Escaping the City

Day 11

The sun had not yet risen when Sergio and Valeria finished loading the truck. The tension in the air was palpable, both aware of the danger of the mission they were about to undertake. Sergio looked over the supply list one last time, making sure they didn't forget anything important.

-Ready? —Valeria asked, adjusting her rifle.

"I am," Sergio responded, feeling a mixture of adrenaline and fear. He started the truck's engine and they began their journey towards the outskirts of the city.

As they continued, Sergio found a newspaper in the glove compartment of the truck. As he looked through it, he realized that it belonged to the previous owner of the hardware store. The first few pages described the chaotic opening days of the apocalypse, providing valuable information about the plight of other survivors and how the radiation had begun to affect the creatures.

Valeria shared more about her military past, revealing that she had been stationed in several conflict zones. Her experience and skills explained her combat efficiency and her tactical knowledge. This conversation helped strengthen their bond, as they both realized that they needed to rely on each other to survive.

Day 12

As they made their way through the deserted streets, they noticed an increase in the amount of debris and abandoned vehicles. The atmosphere was increasingly tense. They avoided several groups of creatures and noted the increasing violence among the survivors. At one point, they passed an abandoned barricade, littered with bodies and remains from a recent battle.

"This is not good," Valeria murmured. The situation is getting worse.

"We need to find a safe route out of the city," Sergio responded, his gaze fixed on the road.

The rough terrain began to take its toll on the truck. Mechanical problems became evident, forcing Sergio to stop several times for quick repairs. He used his vehicle repair skills to keep the van operational, but he knew they would need a safer location to perform more extensive repairs.

Day 13

They arrived at an abandoned gas station. They decided to stop to repair the truck and look for additional fuel. The station was partially destroyed, but some useful resources still remained. As they explored, Valeria remained alert, her rifle always ready.

"I'm going to check inside," said Sergio, entering the main building.

Inside the station, they encountered an unexpected threat: a creature mutated by radiation. She was faster and stronger than the zombies they had faced before. Its skin was covered in jagged bumps, and its eyes glowed with inhuman ferocity.

-Careful! —Valeria shouted, firing her rifle.

The battle was intense. The creature was agile, forcing them to move constantly. Sergio used a combination of his metal bar and the tactics he had learned from watching Valeria. Eventually, they managed to defeat the creature, but not without suffering some injuries.

Day 14

After the battle, Sergio and Valeria took a moment to rest and tend to their wounds. Sergio, feeling the need to document what they had faced, took out his notebook and began to write.

-What are you doing? —Valeria asked, curious.

—I'm starting an "Encyclopedia of Monsters" —Sergio answered—. If we are going to survive, we need to know what we are facing.

Sergio drew a picture of the mutated creature and wrote a detailed description:


Monster Encyclopedia

Creature Number: #001

Name: Zombie

Danger Level: I

Description: A person who is presumed dead and reanimated by something or someone unknown, has an insatiable hunger.

Weaknesses: Attacks to the Head and forceful attacks on vital points.

Observations: He is very slow, but exceeds the strength of a normal human adult before the apocalypse.


Creature Number: #002

Name: Mutated Zombie

Danger Level: G

Description: Faster and stronger than normal zombies, with irregular bumps on the skin and glowing eyes.

Weaknesses: Sensitive to headshots and forceful attacks on vital points.

Observations: Mutated by radiation, it shows more aggressive and coordinated behavior.



That night, while Sergio wrote in his encyclopedia, Valeria reviewed his maps and plans.

—We need to get out of the city. "The radiation is rising too fast," Valeria said, looking at the readings on her handheld device.

—Any idea where to go? —Sergio asked, without looking up from his notebook.

-Yeah. I know of an abandoned military base in the mountains. It could offer us greater protection and resources.

Sergio nodded, trusting Valeria's experience. He knew the days ahead would be even more challenging, but with a plan and a clear goal, he felt a renewed determination to move forward.


Thus she concluded her day, with both of them more determined than ever to find a safe place and continue their fight for survival in an increasingly hostile world.