
Chronicles of Tarak

Suddenly the entire population of Earth is sent to a different plane of existence and has to survive in horrendous conditions. Will the citizens give into despair and fall? Will they rise and create magnificent empires? Although that has nothing to do with Diedrich, transported into this unfamiliar place his only goal is finding his siblings. Follow along the journey as Diedrich tries to find his family and the secrets of this new reality, all the while building a place to live safely. (Who knows maybe it will turn out to become an empire :)

TikiMasala · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

A New World

When Diedrich opened his eyes he saw a sky filled with dark clouds. Wind was aggressively blowing against his face causing his hair to fly wildly while in the distance he saw lightning, Diedrich was in a storm.

Standing up while taking in the refreshing smell of the wind he noticed that the ground was covered in grass that looked vibrant green, with a few small bushes here and there.

And similar to when the trial began there were hundred's of people laying around him, each spaced two meters apart.

The people were also standing up and looking around to see where they were, the only difference compared with the trail was that everyone was of different ages and people weren't as freaked out as before.

Moving around Diedrich somehow felt like all the previous injuries had been healed, checking his body to see if he still had the scars he accumulated during the trial he found out they were gone, surprised Diedrich began to check his surroundings.

People were still wearing the same coarse clothes that they originally had in the trial however it was now in pristine condition, even his ripped pants were back.

People were also still carrying the weapons they had in the trail and when Diedrich looked behind him he found his stone sword along with the orc pouch and two goblin daggers.

Grabbing his possessions while continuing to observe his surroundings he noticed that everything felt heavier it seemed his strength that he had in the trial had being reverted.

A bit disappointed that he lost his strength Diedrich Put the daggers in the pouch. Opening the pouch Diedrich found a foreign object in their, grabbing it he found a yellowish-brown cube that was slightly bigger than the Creation cube he got from the orc lair, when he focused his eyes to observe it something surprising popped up.


Village creation cube (Bronze)

Grade: Village (basic)

Affect: Creates a village.


When Diedrich looked at it he was stunned, "I can create a village?".

Diedrich had never heard of something like that in the books he had read and wasn't even sure how to activate it. Diedrich was also surprised by the information that suddenly popped up in his mind, however he had read about it before so it was easier to accept.

Diedrich however put his thoughts about the village creation cube in the back of his mind, as there was only one thing worrying him right now: Rio and Luna.

Diedrich quickly began exploring the crowds looking for them.

Diedrich came across multiple people however none looked like Rio or Luna after searching for an hour, people had started to form groups already but Diedrich still had not found his brother and sister.

Eventually Diedrich came to the conclusion that his siblings were not here, when Diedrich was searching he overheard people talking to each other and pretty much found out that everyone here had the same elemental affinity: Nature. Although Diedrich's was Beast it was the advanced element of Nature so it made sense.

Diedrich had also found people who had reunited with each other and when Diedrich asked them if they were close to each other when they were first teleported they said yes, so logically speaking Rio and Luna must have chosen another element and have being teleported to another place, Diedrich also didn't think they were the types to choose Nature as there element.

While walking around Diedrich had also found out that there were only about 4 to 5 hundred people here, all the people were staying in what he presumed was an open area in a jungle, surrounding the open area in a circular manner were tall tropical trees that only had branches at their top making them look a bit like green mushrooms, while vines covered their trunks.

And although it was a bit dark because of the storm, Diedrich could make out wild green mountains in the distance.

Having not found his siblings Diedrich didn't find a reason for staying here anymore, and decided to go check out one of the mountains so he could scout the surrounding land and maybe find a clue as to where they were.

After considering whether the risk would be worth it, he entered the wilderness, knowing he could expect to encounter anything.

Many people looked at Diedrich with curiosity as he stepped into the jungle however they only watched and did not dare to follow as Diedrich's visage slowly disappeared in between the trees.

Entering the jungle Diedrich held his sword in both hands vigilantly.

The wind blew eerily through the trees while he could hear the sound of animals in the distance, the sounds however were not pleasant like the beautiful chirping of birds but were more like growls and roars.


When Diedrich heard the howl of what he could only presume was some sort of wolf close by his first reaction was to find a tree to climb, only to realise he couldn't climb any of them so instead he hid behind a tree and looked around. Waiting for a little while and seeing nothing however he calmed down and continued his journey.

After heading towards the direction of the mountain for twenty minutes he suddenly heard an announcement inside his head.


Ding " Two hours sync time is complete. Inhabitants of Tellus (Earth) can now access their status, and minor essential knowledge about the world will be available".

"Grading system of the world:


1 (Lv0-19)

2 (Lv20-49)

3 (LV50-99)

4 (Lv100-199)

5 (Lv200-499)

6 (???)

7 (???)

Items classification:

Normal, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Hero, Legendary, ???.


Village/ Beast/ Dungeon creation stone classification:

Stone, Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, ???".


After hearing these strings of information Diedrich's head was flooded however what stood out to him was the first message about status.

Thinking about the word status in his mind a screen popped up in front of him, with information.


Name: Diedrich

Race: Human (✩✩✩✩)

Tier: 1 (Lv:1)

Stats: Strength: 7, Intelligence: 8, Agility: 7, EP: 15, Constitution: 6

Affinity: Beast

Class: Beast Guardian (✩✩✩✩)

Skills: Sapling of Life (✩✩✩✩), Treant Creation (✩✩✩✩), Novice Life Whisperer (✩✩✩✩), Wood Manipulation (✩✩✩✩)


Diedrich then directly looked at his skills and more information popped up.



Sapling of Life (✩✩✩✩)

Description: Able to Plant [1] seedling that will grow into a sapling of Life. Fully matured gives 30% increase to all stats of Planter and Plant based creations. Increases growing time of plant and Beasts [20% plants/ 10% Beasts]. Increases the amount of Beast element in the surroundings. Sapling of Life Area: 1 square kilometer.

Treant Creation (✩✩✩✩)

Description: Able to create [5] puppet creatures from a plant. (Strength and size of Treant is determined by the material used as a medium and amount of element used). Every [3] levels adds [1] extra Treant.

Novice Life Whisperer (✩✩✩✩)

Description: Can implant [Basic] instructions into a Treant.

Wood Manipulation (✩✩✩✩)

Description: Form any shape out of Wood the user is in physical contact with. [max 1 meter, uncommon material]. Length increases by 10cm every level.


Diedrich was quite shocked at the thought of having a status and this many skills already, from the looks of it they were quite powerful, especially Treant creation as it seemed the skill could make creatures out of wood that could fight for him, which was pretty cool as he thought of turning the surrounding towering trees into beasts that would fight for him.

Although Diedrich did not know how helpful the Sapling of Life would be as it could only be planted once and after that it was stationary, its area of coverage was also not huge he thought.

Still excited about the Treant skill Diedrich immediately touched one of the trees and tried to activate the skill, however nothing happened, no matter if he thought of the skill in his mind or said it out loud.

After trying it for a few more times with nothing changing he gave up, but promised himself he would try it again later.

So Diedrich decided to try Wood creation instead, Diedrich grabbed a fallen branch about 20cm in length and thought of the skill.

Green energy began to seep out his hands and cover the branch, only stopping after the entire branch was covered , after that nothing happened.

Diedrich was confused, but after a few seconds figured that he probably had to imagine the shape of it in his head. So he thought of a miniature spear, making the branch immediately begin to straighten while the tip became pointed.

Diedrich felt a sense of deep wonder overcome him as he could control MAGIC! or element in this case.

After changing the shape of the wood 3 more times he became a little light headed.

Looking at his status to see if it could show the problem he found out that his EP was only at 3. It seemed that altering the wood cost him 3 EP per use. Diedrich was glad that he now knew what EP was as it seemed to be the amount of energy he had that powered his elemental skills. Diedrich reminded himself to use it conservingly.

Waiting for a little while to see how long it would take for his EP to recover he found that after about ten minutes his EP went up by 4.

Having fiddled around with his status, Diedrich decided to continue heading towards the mountain.