
Chronicles of Eclipse

In a world where gods wield unimaginable power and ancient legends come to life, "Awakening of Eclipse" tells the epic tale of Eclipse Noctis, an ancient vampire whose legacy spans centuries. As the story begins, Eclipse finds himself facing a formidable assembly of godly beings in a battle that threatens to reshape the very fabric of reality.

YungnSenerity · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 11: Capital city

The grand entrance to the kingdom's capital city loomed before them as Eclipse and Aster's carriage rolled to a stop. The towering gates were adorned with intricate carvings, depicting scenes from the kingdom's history and legends. Guards in ornate armor stood at attention, their expressions stern and vigilant.

One of the guards stepped forward, his gaze shifting between Eclipse and Aster. "Entrance card, please," he requested, his tone formal but not unfriendly.

Eclipse retrieved the entrance card from his belongings, presenting it to the guard. "We're here for the academy enrolment," he explained, his voice carrying a mix of anticipation and determination.

Aster followed suit, offering her own entrance card. "And I'm here on business, delivering goods and preparing for trade," she added with a smile.

The guard scrutinized their cards briefly before nodding in approval. "Very well. Please proceed."

As the gates slowly swung open, revealing the bustling city beyond, Eclipse and Aster exchanged a glance filled with a mix of excitement and wonder. They were stepping into the heart of the kingdom, a place where dreams were woven into reality, and opportunities abounded.

The capital city stretched out before them, a vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds. Towering spires reached for the heavens, adorned with colorful banners that fluttered in the breeze. Cobblestone streets bustled with merchants, citizens, and travelers, creating a harmonious symphony of life.

Tall trees lined the avenues, their branches adorned with enchanting lanterns that illuminated the cityscape as the day transitioned into night. The aroma of exotic spices and delectable treats wafted through the air, enticing passersby to indulge in the culinary delights offered by street vendors.

Eclipse's gaze swept across the cityscape, his senses alive with the energy that thrummed through the air. It was a place where ambitions were realized, where knowledge was shared, and where the echoes of countless stories intertwined to create a vibrant tapestry of existence.

Aster's eyes were equally bright as she took in the sights. "It's even more breathtaking than I imagined," she murmured, her voice carrying a sense of awe.

Eclipse nodded in agreement, his own excitement palpable. "Indeed. This city holds a promise of growth and discovery."

With their entrance validated and the city's embrace enveloping them, Eclipse and Aster's journey was far from over. As they navigated the bustling streets, they couldn't help but feel that they were on the cusp of something monumental—a chapter of their lives that would be filled with challenges, friendships, and the pursuit of their dreams

Eclipse followed Aster through the bustling streets of the capital city, the symphony of sounds and sights enveloping them. Eventually, they arrived at a charming shop nestled among the other merchants' stalls. The sign above the entrance read "Aster's Armory," and beneath it was a collection of intricately designed weapons, each a work of art in its own right.

As Eclipse stepped into the shop, his eyes widened in awe at the array of weapons that adorned the walls. Swords of various sizes and shapes, axes with intricate engravings, bows and arrows neatly arranged on racks—it was a paradise for any warrior or adventurer.

Aster beamed with pride as she gestured to the collection. "Welcome to Aster's Armory," she said, her voice tinged with enthusiasm. "I've crafted each of these weapons with care and precision."

Eclipse's gaze swept over the weapons, his admiration evident. "They're truly impressive," he remarked, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

As they moved deeper into the shop, another figure emerged from behind a counter. This new arrival was a dwarf with a large mustache that nearly matched his stature. The dwarf extended a hand to Eclipse with a hearty grin. "Name's Jack, and I'm the resident craftsman and merchant of fine wares here," he introduced himself.

Eclipse shook Jack's hand, noting the strength in the dwarf's grip. "Eclipse Noctis," he replied, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"A pleasure to meet you, Eclipse," Jack said with a nod. "Aster's been a gem in this city. Her weapons are second to none."

Aster chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes at Jack's compliment. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Jack."

The shop itself was a marvel of craftsmanship, with wooden shelves and display cases showcasing the weapons in an organized and appealing manner. The walls were adorned with various weapons and shields, their craftsmanship and quality evident even from a distance.

Eclipse's eyes lingered on a particularly ornate longsword, its hilt adorned with intricate designs. "This is exceptional work," he commented, his gaze fixed on the weapon.

Aster stepped closer, a proud smile on her lips. "That's one of my finest pieces, hand-forged with the finest materials. If you're interested, I can give you more details."