
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

DonPablos · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 26: Encountering an Expert

Draegan shuddered as he made love to the concubine queen from Sky Blue Mansion. His family, House Roseberg, was an imposing dynasty. He had gotten to where he was without any effort. All he did was pretend to be the enemy of the nobility and fool the fools.

He had no combat experience, even though he was in the fifth echelon.

In short, Draegan was an empty man. A courtier who, from the moment he came into this life, had never met death, rarely bowed, feared the strong and crushed the weak.

Dragan looked up with a frown.

But just then something covered in the aura of death slammed into his body with force. It was so fast and stealthy that he could not avoid it.

He opened his mouth but could not say anything. His whole body was pinned to the floor of the terrace by the force.


The black arrow came out of his back and destroyed the ground.

A single arrow had turned his perfect moment and his whole life upside down.

The remains of the terrace destroyed the floor below. The surrounding guards were stunned for some time. Those who came to their senses rushed to the scene, but a second later another explosion caused them to retreat.

With a hole in his chest the size of two fists, Draegan could not have survived. But at the moment of his death, the explosion of the arrow lodged in the ground, erasing all physical traces in an instant, stunned the guards.

With so many guards, how had Dreagan been killed?

Everyone was thinking about this question and what would happen next.


After firing the arrow, Alexander took the Fergana Horse and his equipment and left the city. Soon after his departure, all entrances and exits to the city were closed and the whole city was on the move. Especially the Knight Order of Aldmoor was in chaos.

A chancellor under their protection was assassinated.

They had not only lost two fourth-level men. They had lost their honor and dignity. No one could trust them anymore.

Two miles from Roseberg Manor, on a high hill.

"The attack came from here. The place is extremely clean, the perp didn't leave any trace. He must be a professional."

Treznor Murik was the master of the Knight Order of Aldmoor. He was also a chancellor present at the assembly. Behind him was Garnotin, the thick-browed man who was surveying the scene with the crime scene investigation team.

"Just because your men can't find anything doesn't mean there are no traces. You don't have to deal with this. Go look for powerful people moving in and out of the city. I'll ask Mole to take care of it."

Garnotin's face soured. He clearly didn't like Mole.

Treznor came to the top of the hill and looked out over the surveyed mansion: "A shot that can kill a level five warrior from this far away... There are very few experts, even in all of Elysium, who can do that."

"You're right."

"You can leave."

"Yes, sir."

Shortly after Garnotin left the scene, a strange man appeared on the hilltop. He was a light-skinned man, almost two meters tall, with long arms and cat eyes. His hair and eyebrows were the color of wheat.

"Who am I going to kill this time?"

Treznor sighed and turned away.

"Draegan is dead. Find his killer and bring him back alive if possible. If he causes trouble, feel free to kill him. If he succeeds, I won't interfere with what he does in the back alleys."

Mole was surprised.

"Draegan is dead? I thought cowards lived long."

"It doesn't apply to cowardly fools."

Dregan was a coward. So cowardly that he locked himself in the mansion and dared not come out. In the end, he was killed where it was safest. with an arrow fired from two miles away.

Mole cocked his head, "Don't worry boss, I'll find the killer and bring him to you."

"I leave this place to you. Feel free to use the Knight's Order."

When Treznor left the hill, Mole began to look around. Soon he saw something the others could not see. A sandwich trash buried underground. It was an important clue for him, even if it was useless to the others.

"That's the killer's scent. I memorized it."

His cat-like eyes could see in the dark as if it were daylight. His nose could follow scents for miles around. Once Mole had memorized the scent, he left the city with a squad of men from the knightly order.

Meanwhile, Alexander, who was advancing madly, was unaware of the freak who had found him.

He rode for ten hours without stopping, at a rate of fifty kilometers an hour. The Fergana Horse was dying of exhaustion. But Alexander didn't let him rest. He knew they would send men after him.

Moving forward without stopping was one of the simplest but most effective ways of losing the trail.

In just ten hours Alexander had covered the distance he had previously covered in two days. He was now in the Sharp Rock Region, very close to the Drachen Hills. The eerie silence of the Sharp Rocks, the moans and sighs of the wind were quite chilling.

Alexander had made little progress in the area when his horse suddenly collapsed. Blood oozed from seven holes. His body was exhausted. It was clear that from now on he would go on alone.

He carried the collapsed body of the horse and rode on, constantly changing his path. After an hour in the Sharp Rocks Region, he changed direction instead of going to the Drachen Hills. Twenty kilometers beyond the Sharp Rocks was a large stream.

Before setting off again, Alexander threw the horse into the stream and left everything to the will of the earth.

"You have served me well."

As the raging current of the stream carried the horse away, Alexander picked up the bag and continued on his way.

A day later, Mole and ten guards stepped into the Sharp Rocks Region.

His face looked paler than before. His hair was so disheveled that it resembled a bird's nest. His face and clothes were covered in dust. He was obviously tired from the chase, their horses had died a long time ago and they had to continue on foot.

The mole was worried. He had few rivals in Elysium when it came to tracking. His nose could smell for miles, his eyes could see what others could not. But his opponent was also very skilled at covering his tracks.

He could lose her if he kept this up.

That meant they would never find him again.

At last he decided to get some rest. Both he and the guards were about to faint from exhaustion. He would need to rest, of course, as there was a human being on the other side. When that time came, they would move and try to shorten the distance.

They rested for half a day in the Sharp Rocks and set off at nightfall. After leaving the Sharp Rocks, they set off towards the Drachen Hills. It was not long before they reached the Drachen Hills.

Mole was moving fast when he suddenly paused.

"I found you."