
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

DonPablos · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 19

Alexander deflected harpoon-like attacks with his short sword. The impact of the collision caused his body to constantly regress. After a while, they accelerated so much that Alexander didn't seem to be moving his sword at all.

The Shadow Blow and the Wind Blow acted in support of each other.

Klang, Klang, Klang!

"It's so weird."

The Herald raised his eyebrows as he increased the load on Alexander's body with his attacks.

"You're all so talented, but why are you so weak? I don't understand."

Their attacks accelerated more and more. Alexander could no longer afford all the attacks. Because all the Qi in his body slowly began to draw its water. There were a lot of differences between the others. Both the quality and quantity of his Qi were not suitable for this battle.

"Amazing. You can only stand up to me even though you're at the first level. You have to be a genius in war. It's a shame that you're going to die here today. You can curse your fate for meeting me."

Alexander avoided the attacks on his heart by turning his body. Immediately after, he threw the kunai hanging from his waist. Just after the Herald blocked the kunai by shielding his arms, another Kunai landed exactly in the same spot.

One more, one more, and one more...

Alexander threw a Kunai with each breath until the distance between them exceeded twenty meters. This gave him the opportunity to escape.

"In vain. You're too weak to confront me. Look at this, even though we've only been fighting for three minutes, you're covered in blood and sweat. If you keep going like this, your body will collapse."

Alexander took a deep breath. He didn't want to admit it, but what the Herald said was true. He had already done the best he could. He had to leave the rest to the others. Now that they had learned their moves, they should be able to cope.

"You can die."

There's no way the Herald cared. He lunged toward Alexander, and both of his arms broke through the air at the same time.


His arms were very fast and there was no way to stop. But there was no worry on Alexander's face. He had a small smile on his face.

The Herald was surprised for a moment when he saw the smile on his face. Why was he smiling like that, he would be riddled with holes in a matter of seconds.

As he was thinking about this, both of his arms suddenly stopped moving. Silvery wires were shining under the moonlight wrapped around his arms. And it didn't stop there. A few of the silver wires also wrapped around vital spots on his body.

He bent his body over in no hurry to save his arm.

He eluded the powerful kick tangentially to his head at the last moment. Graham's kick didn't stop there. Dozens of different kicking combos followed one after another and landed on the Herald's body. The twins' short swords cut deep cuts in the Herald's body.

"It's a bit of a hassle..."

"Shut up and die!"

Graham kicked furiously. Kicks that could tear an ordinary person's body apart were pouring in like rain. But because of the Herald's sudden movements, most of the kicks were missed.

The Herald's movements were limited by the silvery wires surrounding his arms. He couldn't move his arms much because his arms would shatter when he moved. Yet despite this, he was still stronger than the others.

After a while, he couldn't take it anymore and risked everything, trying to free his arms from the silver wires.


His skin, including the veins in his arm, was completely split and covered in blood. The Herald moved his arms expressionlessly and attacked Noah, who gave him the greatest sense of danger. Noah weaved a net of wires and protected himself with it, but he wasn't very successful.

The silver wires were control-type weapons created to set traps. It was difficult to use effectively in direct conflict. It required a proper strategy and a prepared environment. Noah was an expert on silver wires. If the Herald were on the same level as him, Noah would have the upper hand.

Unfortunately, the Herald was one level superior to him.

Noah stepped back as he padded his wounds.

"Graham! Haven't you learned to use Shadow Claw?"

Shadow Claw was a high-level assassin technique found in the Shadow Cathedral. It was a technique that could be used by combining the Shadow Blow with a higher skill the Shadow of Darkness. It allowed the person to step forward, make a few scratches, and then make dozens of different scratches.

It was a skill that only Graham could learn, as there was a level cap. But Graham couldn't because his steps were so complicated.

Using this skill, they could have defeated the Herald.

Everything was up to Graham.


Graham gritted his teeth.

"I haven't found out yet."

It shouldn't have happened like this. As the strongest person in the group, he had to lead the battle with the Herald. He must have been the one who killed him. What was he doing wrong? Why did he lag behind Alexander, even though he was more talented and stronger?

"Why do you think you're weaker than him, right?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the bottom of his ear.

The Herald was looking at him with eyes curled like crescents.

"Some people are born more advantageous than others. We call them 'monsters'. In this world, there are many varieties of monsters. Monsters that gain strength at birth, monsters that destroy dreams, monsters that are more capable than others, and... monsters pretending not to be monsters. "

The Herald's elongated arms have reverted. He spread his arms wide and struck Graham on the chest with his palm. Graham's eyes bleed, and after vomiting a mouthful of blood, he flew over Alexander.

"You know what? Which one is the scariest of them?"

"What are you talking about?"

Alexander caught Graham's flying body in the air and slowly lowered it to the ground. All the vortexes on his body were working like crazy. The amount of Qi absorbed was so great that his body was like a gigantic vortex.

The Herald looked at Graham, not caring about Alexander.

"Monsters who pretend not to be monsters are the ones who are the most troublesome. They lie all the time. Even if they don't understand the human heart, they behave like them. Although they are not powerless, they always pursue power. Although they have no interest in academia, they work constantly. They look for friends even if they don't know how to love."

He moved slowly.

The twins and Natasha attacked desperately, but they couldn't stop him. It was like a child attacking an adult. There were gaps in between. There was no one who could damage him except Noah, Graham and Alexander.

Noah wrapped Alexander's body with his silver strands and pulled him towards him. He wanted to take Graham as well but suddenly gave up. The Herald stood at Graham's head and expressionlessly stared at his bloody face.

"Are you okay?"

He took Alexander in his arms and began to transmit Qi to his body. But surprisingly it failed. As soon as his Qi touched Alexander's body, he completely disintegrated.

Noah looked at Alexander with overgrown eyes.

Alexander had a blood-curdling look in his eyes.

The slots formed one after another were spinning frantically and constantly attacking the acupuncture point. In the battle for life and death, his potential was at its limit.

Alexander had moved to break his boundaries again.

"Alexander, listen to me well. There's a strange connection between the Herald and Graham. I think he empathized with Graham, so he gave us a few seconds to breathe. Others are seriously injured, so they can not move. Only you can move."

"What do you mean?"

Alexander looked at Noah with emotionless eyes wide open. Noah's body shuddered as he looked at him. But he endured these gazes, gritting his teeth.

"We can't beat him. I'm going to buy you time, Alexander, you have to escape from here and then take our revenge."

Noah was not a warrior or saint. He had no obligation to care for Graham and others, with whom he had no connection. There was no difference between their deaths and their lives. But Alexander was different.

Alexander had been by his side for years. They had a relationship much more than a brother. Together they had survived many life-or-death battles. They cried together and laughed together. He was someone he considered even more valuable than himself.

The slightly older one had to protect the younger one.

The chaos of the campsite and the Herald's unnecessary self-confidence created an opportunity for them. At least Alexander should have been able to escape.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Noah?"

Noah lowered his head and looked at Alexander, who smiled despite being in his arms. There was terror in his eyes. It was the first time he was so afraid of Alexander.

"I can kill him."