
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

DonPablos · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 18

Alexander and the ten most powerful members of the group infiltrated the Gold-Hunter Herald's room, while the others scattered throughout various parts of the castle.

Small campfires lit up the bloody corpses with their limited lights. Before long, the wind would change direction and the smell of blood would cover the entire camp.

Until that happened, they had to accomplish their goal.

The Gold Hunter's room was dark. Although it was much larger than the average room, it didn't even have a kerosene lamp to illuminate the inside. There was only one bed in this big room, and a big man was lying on the bed.

Alexander signaled to restrain the others. He felt that something was very wrong. He knew that fourth-level experts were people who could not be ignored. However, despite this, the Golden Hunter Herald slept very comfortably.

To be a thug meant living with constant death threats.

It was impossible for a bandit who managed to become the fourth level to be so imprudent.

Alexander thought. What could be the biggest fear of assassins who specialize in secrecy? A fourth-level thug is his greatest talent... He kept thinking carefully. Hundreds of different thoughts crossed his mind in two seconds.

But others didn't think as much as he did.

Struggling to hold himself, Graham slowly floated to the ground. Alexander was about to say something when he shut his mouth. He only gave a signal to Noah and those he found close to him. Those who were on the same side as Graham also landed next to the Herald.

'Thinking too much brings death. The fools forget that this was an assassination."

Graham lifted his poison-soaked dagger and stabbed it into the heart of the Golden Hunter Herald. The Herald's eyes on the bed opened wide open. First, he fluttered a little, holding the black dagger, then blood began to come from his mouth.

After a while, he stopped moving.

'It's as simple as that.'

Graham smiled and looked at Alexander. As he saw the terrified look in his eyes, he felt different emotions in his heart.

But something was strange.

Alexander wasn't looking at him.

Although it was pitch black, everyone could see it easily. So Graham was sure Alexander wasn't looking at him. He was looking right behind him... Terrified...

When Graham turned his head, he almost screamed.

The others were no different. With horrified facial expressions, they stabbed their daggers once again into the corpse and immediately rushed out of the room.

This included Alexander and Noah. It didn't take half a second for the whole group to leave the room. They came out faster than they entered.

The Herald, who had bloody stab wounds on his vital organs, stood up with a smile on his face and looked at the assassins who fled in horror. Something could be seen in his eyes...


As soon as Alexander left the room, he felt his back tingle. Before pushing Noah and throwing himself in the opposite direction, all he saw was surrounded by bandits.


After Alexander threw himself and Noah to the ground, a sharp silvery-colored arm passed through the middle of the two. It was so fast that it was like an octane. He had the power to inflate both Alexander and Noah at the same time.

Alexander rolled on the ground, stood up, and turned around.

"Wrap up! Don't turn your back on the enemy!"

Although they were assassins, they were children who didn't have much experience. Although their lives had been threatened many times, this was the first time they had encountered something so terrifying.

The Herald had a very different image than a human being. He had unnatural silvery slits on his body. Their arms also had silvery sparkles, they resembled a sharp knife and were quite long. But it didn't stop there.

"Don't rush so much, friends! We're going to cut more watermelons."

As soon as the Herald raised his arms slightly, the eyes of the nearest assassin opened in horror. A pair of harpoon-like arms aimed at his heart and throat within seconds. He had lost his ability to move for fear of death.

He closed his eyes.

It's all come up to here.

Klang, Klang!

As he closed his eyes, he heard a pair of sounds that resembled metal hitting metal. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the back of a boy who had deflected both attacks simultaneously. He had a short sword in one hand, and a Kunai in the other.

He was moving both of them so fast that they didn't seem to be moving at all.

"He who loses his attention in a life-or-death battle also loses his life. Graham, Natasha, Daniel, Samuel, and Noah! Attack the Herald with me. Let others take care of the mob! Focus your attention on the enemy."

Alexander's furious roar was like a bucket of cold water pulling the others out of the dream. The painful training they went through showed itself. They regained the control they had lost out of fear with a deep breath.

No matter what anyone said, they were raised to be murderers. It was a shame that they lost their cool in such a situation.

Noah looked at Alexander for a moment and then stepped forward smiling. There were ten other short swords that rushed forward at the same time as him. Each of them attacked the Herald from different angles.

Silver wires were his main weapon. Since the first stage, they had tried different weapons to improve themselves. Noah's most effective weapon was silver wires. Because it added both diversity and unpredictability to it.

It was very difficult to control, but Noah's mental capacity was endlessly sufficient. At this time, he could only control ten different silver wires at a time.

Graham didn't have much time to hesitate either. He entered one of the dual formations he and Natasha used, and the two were thrown into the Herald.

The twins had made the same move.

The attacks, coming from three different directions, increased the smile on Herald's face.

"You don't understand!"

When he shook his arms slightly, he simultaneously turned his body. Arms bent as whips landed like sledgehammers on the bodies of the children who approached him. Natasha was unable to maintain her balance and slammed hard into Noah's body.

Alexander survived the attack by tilting his body.

"You're a little different."

Alexander attacked the Herald's body with the force he received from the Shadow Blow. It was so fast that it was impossible to follow it by eye. Although the Herald easily survived the attacks at first, it accelerated so much after a while that it had no choice but to fight back.

Meanwhile, Graham, who attacked from behind, managed to deal a successful blow with his short sword.

"I did it!"

"What have you accomplished?"

The Herald's head turned one hundred and eighty degrees and he made eye contact with Graham. This sudden move shuddered everyone.

A third arm popped out of Herald's armpit and made Graham's belly squirm. Graham successfully avoided the attack, creating a space for the twins to attack. The twins took this opportunity to make large cuts to the Herald's body.

"It won't work."

Herald turned his body, not caring about his wounds, and his arms began to drift at such strange angles that they caused the children to move away.

Meanwhile, all the wounds on his body were healing quickly.

"I'm so much more than a human being anymore."

When he stopped, he looked at Alexander and smiled.

"It's impossible for you humans to defeat a perfect being like me."