
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 17

Although it was quite surprising that Alexander was the leader, no one dared to oppose it. They nodded softly and finished the preparations and set off. An instructor was guiding them as they were going out for the first time. The road was not short, although they had set out early in the morning they arrived at sunset.

The instructor left them on the main road.

"I'll wait for you here."

He tied twenty other horses, including his own, to trees. Alexander and the others, dressed in black, drove up the hill southwest of the main road.

"We don't have much time, let's share tasks."

Alexander landed on the branch of a tree and examined the enemy camp. The Bandits of the Gold Hunter centered on an old castle that had fallen into ruins. The walls of the castle were filled with cracks, and a large part of the ceiling had collapsed, but it had not lost much of its glory.

At the entrance, there were two ten-meter-high watchtowers. The front was covered with wooden traps. It was most likely a protection against monster raids. Moreover, a team of ten scouts stood guard next to the entrance.

Judging by the situation, it was difficult for them to enter quietly. Although most of the bandits were not cultivators, they were too numerous to be underestimated. Since Qi was nothing unlimited, they couldn't attack stupidly. Moreover, if we were talking about a group of two hundred people, extra caution had to be exercised.

Alexander remembered the information given to him. The Gold Hunter Herald was a fourth-level expert. In addition, the leading bandits of the camp varied between the three and second levels. Unless they secretly handled it, they were likely to cause trouble.

"Why are you pretending to be a leader?"

Graham, Natasha, and the twins stood out. Others also had strange looks in their eyes. It was quite strange that someone as weak as Alexander was a leader. Although everyone was against it, he did not take off his anger because it was the command of the Shadow and the instructors. But now the instructors were away.

Graham and the others stood out.

"They've been giving you special treatment lately. Do you satisfy them with your body?"

Graham looked at Alexander with a cheeky smile.

"Shut up, Graham. If you want me to cut your dick and put it in your mouth, you can go ahead."

Noah drew his sword and approached Graham. He had a crazy look in his eyes. He had known for a long time but kept quiet. Because Graham had made no attempt, but now it was different.

"Are you thinking of going against me, Noah? Really? Do you think you can beat me?"

Graham also twisted his body as if he was going to attack at any moment. Indeed, it was not certain what would happen if the two most powerful people of the group in terms of development fought.

"You will make our place clear. Graham, I don't care what you say, but if the mission fails, you'll die, rest assured. So we're going to split into two teams. One team will take care of the scouts while the other team will infiltrate and destroy the first group it encounters. Instead of infiltrating the castle, we will attack head-on."

Graham's goal was to cause trouble. He didn't think Alexander would really take the leadership issue seriously. It wasn't really easy to deal with them. He hated both Noah and Alexander.

Alexander was not stupid enough to fall for the provocations of a fool. Although he believed that anger was necessary, it was best to stay away from it at times like these. Moreover, they had a long way to go. He would have had a lot of opportunities to deal with Graham.

What he had to do now was complete the assassination.

After taking the ten people he trusted most with him, he disappeared into the trees, giving Graham a chance to say anything else. The others followed him and quickly drove away. At times like these, it was important to take sides.

Graham watched their departure in anger. He was now one of those responsible for the assassination, and this was stated by the mission leader in front of witnesses. If it failed, the cathedral would not allow itself to stand out easily.

He prepared the others. He had to do his part. He would take on this task as there was less risk to handle the guards at the door.

They approached the castle with the Shadow Step. I don't know if it was because they were advancing very slowly, but the enemies didn't notice them. Graham slowly approached the strongest sentry and used the Heartbreaker to tear his opponent's heart to pieces in one move.

At that moment, the two Kunai were stuck in the throats of the scouts standing at the top of the watchtowers.


The wind was blowing hard. It was essential that they were quick, as the smell of blood would soon bring the whole camp to its feet.

In an area not far from the entrance of the castle, two different teams were standing by the campfires. They were harder to handle than outside. Because he was more likely to make noise. But just then, something strange happened.

Those in the group standing on the right began to struggle by grabbing their throats. Graham's eyes were sharp enough. He could see the silver wire wrapped around the necks of the guards. Noah came directly to his mind. Because his best weapon was silver wires.

As soon as the guards began to suffocate, the other guards suddenly fainted. As the shadows hidden in the darkness behind him wiped their bloody daggers on the guards' clothes, one of them made eye contact with Graham.

This was Alexander.

Only he could have such cold eyes.

Graham gritted his teeth and entered the castle with the others. There were about two hundred people in the castle, and there were three other groups that they had to deal with until they entered the camp leader's room. These were the closest groups, and the purpose of their killing was the possibility of causing any trouble in the assassination.

Graham deftly moved out of the darkness. When he got to the bottom of the enemies, he managed to slit their throats in one move. In any case, he was the strongest student in education. He had something that even Alexander was helpless for.

Pure power!