
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 11

"Watch out!"

Okay, instinctively pulled Alexander Noah and blocked the dagger with his arm. It was out of surprise that he blocked it with his arm when he could have avoided it. This resulted in his arm being broken by the dagger.

Alexander gritted his teeth, grabbed his arm, and looked at the children coming out of where the dagger had jumped. They were five people. Their faces were also quite familiar.

"Zachary and his kitties."

Noah took up positions in front of Alexander and fixed his eyes on them.

"Push and howl will find each other. I never thought a team of two sub-strata bastards could survive so long."

Zachary lost his old ranking after the exams were announced. Moreover, the participants of the new groups were one shirt stronger than them. As a result, his falling ranking fell even further, and no one could maintain his ranking except for a few people from the old group.

Zachary, like many other children, came from a noble family. Although his ego did not work against the instructors, he caused the children who were below him to be superior. Noah and Alexander were from the lower strata. However, the ranking was always above him.

This made him angry.

The unhealthy children of the lower strata had been cleansed after two years, but they were still standing.

How could he accept it?

There were no strong or weak in the Black Dragon Camp.

Those who are alive. And those who are not alive.

"Don't bother us and cut your own throat. Alexander's arm is broken. He cannot resist us with one arm. Noah, your melee skills are equal to mine. And we're more than you."

After Zachary turned his dagger in his hand, he started running smiling. The children behind him had taken action with him.

The ranking of all of them was close to the top ten. Since their age and size were the same, there had to be little difference. In such a case, scoring superiority would be the key to victory.

"They were just five people."

As Noah rushed forward with his daggers, he called out to Alexander without turning back.

"I take Zachary. The others are with you."

The two daggers collided with each other, and sparks scattered around. In the first battle, Noah had the upper hand. Aside from his physical strength, his posture was also excellent.

But there was not the slightest concern on Zachary's face.

"4v1? Are you stupid? It won't take us a minute to get you done. Everyone attack!"

Zachary and Noah also had to fight each other in training. they were both familiar with each other's fighting style. Everyone in the group was familiar with each other's style. So Zachary had a firm judgment that they were going to win this war.

Except for four of his friends, Alexander was injured. He would no longer be able to use his right arm. Even if he did, nothing would change.

But why was Noah smiling?

"Eyes are misleading."

Zachary couldn't understand what he was saying when a lifeless body fell a few feet behind him. Out of the corner of his eye, his face was torn to pieces by something, and his chest had collapsed inwards. Someone who had opened an acupuncture point could not bring out this power.

As they trained with Qi, the hardness of their bodies increased. Their bones and organs were also stronger than before, and their skin was hardened.

Each child in the group was strong enough to lift four hundred pounds without any difficulty. There were some monsters among them that could reach up to six hundred pounds. However, no one had the power and power to smash someone's face in a single blow.

"Where are you looking?"

Noah took the opportunity to focus on him somewhere else, deflected his attack, and got to the bottom. He grabbed his by the collar and threw his over the shoulder in a sudden move.


When Zachary suddenly realized he had seen the sun, he was still in shock.

A black dagger was descending to slit his throat. Time had slowed down, and Qi, which was strengthening his body, was suddenly cut off.


An explosion sounded from inside his body.


Alexander killed his last opponent with a single kick after smashing him to the ground with false movements, waiting for Noah's job to be finished. It had been a long time since I combined strategy and martial arts. Now he was able to get to a certain place in his own fighting technique.

Defeating one person is no different from defeating ten thousand people.

For those who understand strategy, numbers don't matter.

That was the new fighting philosophy. He was able to defeat many people at the same time in all kinds of situations. Even if his arm was broken, his legs were still there, wasn't he?

'I need to improve myself in different martial arts.'

His arm hurt, but his pain was insignificant. Because he had developed new understandings while fighting. This could have allowed him to develop further.

"Haven't you finished your job yet?"

As he sighed, he saw Noah stagger strangely and fall back. He was startled by what he saw. A deep restlessness gripped his body, and without hesitation attacking Zachary with a Throwing Kick as he ran.

Jumping off the ground, Zachary didn't have time to meet the kick. Because he attacked with perfect timing.

His kick to the chin caused him to stagger a few steps.

Contrary to Alexander's expectations, his feet were not cut off the ground.

"You... did you open the second acupuncture point?"

Second acupuncture point! Another point after Central Residence; Cloud's Door! The minimum requirement for a person to be considered strong was to be able to open Cloud's Door. But that was close to impossible at this age.

There were exactly five acupuncture points in The Rise of the Black Dragon. When all of these points were opened, the person would be able to make all kinds of movements, and even in Elysium, he could not be ignored.

There was nothing complicated about opening acupuncture. Everything was directly proportional to the number of augers created. The augers determined the amount and strength of Qi drawn from the atmosphere. The more augers there were, the easier it was to open the acupuncture point. Because the amount of Qi was increasing at the same rate.

For example, Alexander now had seven Qi augers. In Noah, it was thirteen, which showed that he was a genius in development.

Not everyone could stand the violence of thirteen augers.

It was said that pain at this level was the same as an arm fracture. The difficulty of continuing the meditation with the pain of a broken arm was only understandable.

Zachary was on the tenth bend.

This was an acceptable level.

Given that an average one opened his second acupuncture between ten and fifteen augers, it shouldn't have been surprising that Zachary leveled up.

"Hahahahaha! Now that I've opened the second acupuncture point, no one can be my opponent! Alexander, you can fight more than one person at a time, but you can't do anything against someone on the second level."

Alexander did not answer him. He continued to attack only to distract attention from Noah. Kicking someone on the second level might not have hurt, but other things could hurt.

"You're trying in vain!"

Zachary grabbed Alexander's kick with his doubled strength and attacked his chest with his palm. His speed was also higher than before. So Alexander shouldn't have been able to resist.

But Alexander seemed to be expecting this. With his left hand, he deflected Zachary's attack and grabbed his arm by the elbow. Then he pulled him and headbutted him.

Zachary's world became blurred, and blood began to bleed from his nose. Even though he was only eating a head, even his balance was somewhat lost. This was the opportunity for Alexander.

He kicked dozens in just seconds. Each of his kicks hit pressure points on Zachary's body.

After three seconds, Zachary fell to his knees. His limbs had lost their ability to move, and he had difficulty even directing his Qi.

The situation had reversed in just a few seconds.

"Please! Please don't kill me!"

Zachary finally understood the situation he was in. He didn't have time to think about how he did it. He was defeated.

Alexander picked up a dagger from the ground and walked to Zachary. For the first time, Zachary began to fear this little boy to death. His cute and lively-looking face was like a sight from hell this time. Just looking at him caused him to be filled with indescribable fear.

"Nope! I want to live! Please, I'll do what you want!"

Alexander was dizzy. Blood loss was very high as the broken bones in his right arm shattered several important vessels.

"Let me go!"

Zachary was waking and spinning Qi around his body to gain the ability to move. In a very short time, he would succeed.

But he didn't have that much time.

Alexander slowly slit his throat, completely emotionless. He then took the five badges he was wearing and went to Noah's side. He could hear the voices of those moving in the forest, and those who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity headed here.

He grabbed Noah by his outfit and tied his right hand to his body before lifting him.

The enemies were approaching at full speed and had little time to escape.