
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

DonPablos · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 10

From that day on, the children were left on their own. With the exception of daily compulsory education and Hell's Week, which was repeated once each season, the children were educated on their own. Compulsory education lasted eight hours and sixteen hours were free, except for eight hours.

Those who wanted to do education could be listened to.

If it were somewhere else, the children would use this resting opportunity, but this was the Black Dragon Camp. If they didn't want to disappear by natural selection, they had to work hard. Otherwise, they would be left behind by others and destroyed.

A general exam was held at the end of each month. Those who ranked high in the exam were eligible to enter the Black Dragon Lair and the last ones were eliminated from the camp. Thus, in just six months, the number of people in the group fell below fifty for various reasons.

Other groups were added to the group that fell below fifty, and so it was completed again to the hundred.

Alexander and Noah were training together. Like many people, they were teams and helped each other in training. Noah was one notch higher than Alexander in practical lessons, while seven notches lower than Alexander in theoretical lessons.

Alexander and Noah were experimenting with a new fighting technique. Noah's 24-Forms of Bodytraining helped improve both of their bodies. Only in such a short period did Noah and Alexander attain physiques far above their peers.

They had always ranked high in the exams held every month and had the chance to enter the Black Dragon Lair. They were not hiding anything from each other except for some things. Especially when they entered the Black Dragon Lair, they remained faithful to the plan they had made in advance and prioritized the information they could make up for their shortcomings.

While they weren't the best in individual strength, they were the best in teamwork.

Another half a year is behind us. While the intra-group discussions were on the line, it was announced that there would be a new exam. This exam, which would be held only two days later, would have at least one thousand two hundred people and the awards were magnificent.

The exam was to be held in an area with a radius of fifteen kilometers. In the exam, which was to be carried out only in teams, a team could have a maximum of two people. The exam would end after ten days or when the number of teams was reduced to half.

The goal was to collect badges and survive as much as he could before these conditions were met. The ten teams with the most badges would be rewarded in abundance.

Two days later, the entire group was left in a mountainous area. There were eleven more groups distributed in different parts of the mountain, which numbered about six hundred teams. Only those who were skilled would survive this test.

Alexander teamed up with Noah, of course. Each student was given a dagger. Although they had not yet switched to the use of original weapons, most students knew about the use of daggers. From the moment they started theoretical lessons, they began to learn.

Alexander and Noah quickly climbed into the trees and focused on finding provisions until nightfall. Because they were both taking Plant Science courses, they knew what to eat and what not to eat. After finding enough grass to handle them for a while, they continued to wander through the forest.

The two were moving extremely slowly. They used darkness to move forward like ghosts, and after a ten-minute walk, Alexander suddenly paused. He took cover at a nearby tree and signaled to Noah.

Noah looked upwards after shaking his head. Ten meters away, a short student on a branch at the top of a tall tree was looking around. A stone they were going to throw from here was enough to drop the child, but neither of them acted immediately.

As Alexander looked around, Noah kept his eyes on the boy at the top of the tree. He suspected that this might be a trap. A mistake they made would have no going back.

Alexander moved through the bushes and eventually crouched. A little further on, there was a person hidden in the bushes, and behind that person, two people were lying in an ambush. They were not far from each other and were in a position to help at any moment. They were going to be against four people.

Noah looked at Alexander's back. When he received one of the signals they had previously agreed upon, he sighed deeply and withdrew. He slowly moved around behind Alexander and took a position behind one of the enemies.

Alexander suddenly jumped out of his seat and threw himself into the bushes.


The boy responded quickly. He met Alexander's dagger with his dagger and threw his kick. Alexander took a step back and scanned the surroundings. As soon as he acted, the other two people also sprang into action, while the person in the tree began to descend.

The boy stabbed his dagger again, but Alexander suddenly disappeared before his eyes. It was hard to follow anything in the dark. It took him a moment to realize that he had collapsed to the ground, but this time the struggle meant death.

Alexander struck the boy's throat with his hand, then pushed him away, causing him to hit the other child who had attacked him from behind. At the same time, he appeared in the hiding Noah and finished off someone in one fell swoop. He then threw his dagger at the boy who had come down from the tree.

The boy in the tree could not avoid this as he was coming down and fell to the ground due to the dagger stabbing into his arm.

Everything had happened so fast.

The children on the ground quickly revolted and the struggle began. Alexander and Noah were not powerless. Their opponents were not equally powerless. But they lacked teamwork. Alexander and Noah suddenly changed positions.

The battlefield had changed completely. After only a few moves, the two children got down on their knees and stopped moving.

"Take care of the other one."

Alexander called the children and told Noah to take care of the others. Noah moved quickly and returned a minute later with a badge in his hand.

The boy who fell to the ground tried to escape without hesitation.

Alexander shared daggers and badges; then the two walked away from where they had found it without hesitation. Although their war ended quickly, they made a lot of noise. War had such a side. He would forget that death was now the enemy, only to make him think that he was another participant in a game that he didn't want to end.

If they didn't want the game to end, they should be afraid of revealing themselves, not death.

The two continued their progress with an emphasis on secrecy.

Soon they arrived in an open area. Although they heard about someone's conflict, they did not interfere and continued to hide to gather their energy.

Alexander and Noah made a change of guard, resting and gathering their energy. Alexander yawned, helping Noah get up.

Just then, a black dagger jumped out of the forest.