

In the magical world of Archonia, there lived a Girl, Who lost her parents and labeled to be the witch due to her rare hair and eyes. Her life then changed due to the encounter of a certain man.

BC_016 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

The Moment of Despair

Due to the sudden leave of Lucio, Elsha returns to her old daily life. Even though all the things she did were the same as always; the evening time was always the one she looked forward to. Because she has someone who listens to her worries and shares stories.

"Sigh; 6 days passed after Luk was gone. But, why does it feel like 6 weeks passed? Sewing clothes is the only way to pass the time. It's so boring now. By the way, was the formation I prepared was correct?" While sewing each needle slowly, she continues to speak.

Suddenly, she heard a noise in front of her house.

"Why it's so noisy outside" 

Annoyingly she drops the cloth and needle in the basket and walks towards the door. Upon opening the door, she found her house surrounded by the villagers holding fire torches. While she saw everyone from the village except the old man Wilfred.

'What happened? Why is everyone gathered here?' she thought.

There was a silence even though there was a lot of people. Then the silence was broken by the village chief.

"At last, you showed your true color, you accursed witch."

Even though she didn't know what happened, she realized that this argument would not be over with some cursing words.

"What happened everyone?" she asked with gaining a little courage.

"Shut up, because of you my husband is in dead bed" a middle-aged woman shout.

 Continuing her so many people began to cry, curse, and throw rocks at her.

About 5 days ago after the meeting, everyone was investigating to find the reason for the pandemic. To be precise, they were trying to find out how the witch cursed the village. Even after 4 days of searching, they cannot find anything. After the evening of the fifth day, the villagers gathered due to the sudden notice from the village chief.

"My people, I called everyone here today to give the good news that I got. Due to submitting a report of our current problem, the lord said that they will dispatch an alchemist and doctor from the capital"

"Woah.. from the capital, our lord cares for us. Even this is the edge part of his land." Every villager was moved by the lord's generosity.

"But chief, what we need now is a priest right? Why does a Docter need to cure a curse" someone speaks from the crowd.

"But we didn't find any evidence that this disease is a curse. So how can we bother the lord." The chief even though he is displeased due to no evidence, he calms the crowd.

The old man Wilfred was calm because Elsha had escaped from the villager's scheme. Suddenly a woman crying while holding her child in her hands rushed into the meeting hall. His body was covered in black circles and couldn't even lift his arms.

"This is due to that witch. She cursed my son because he hit her some days ago"

The hall becomes silent. The old man realizes 'even though her child is sick they are only finding a way to kill Elsha'.

Suddenly a man speaks from the crowd "I knew it. It was the witch doing".

And the crowd began to sing the same words. These words spread like wildfire and the people who were looking for a reason to kill Elsha got a perfect excuse to kill her.

"Everyone chief already said, if we find out that the witch is responsible for our misery, we could kill her. Let's go for the witch's house on the hill and kill her" Without hesitation, as if they found a relief, they marched towards the flower hills.

And now the current situation at Elsha's house.

"Get down from there and receive your punishment"

"Purge the disaster from our village"

The enraged crowd began to throw stones at Elsha. To protect Elsha, Skye pecks the person in front of the crowd. Suddenly somebody hits Skye with the plank and she flies and hits the ground.

"Skye!!" Elsha runs towards Skye with eyes full of tears and holds her. Elsha looks at the crowd with ferocious eyes and due to her emotion, she loses control of mana and large ice spikes rise around her. The crowd backed off in fear.

"Th- the witch is trying to kill us" They cry out.

"I must control myself. I shouldn't use magic for hurting people" With the help of the ice spike she gets a chance to escape. She ran while holding Skye in her hands.

At that time at Wilfred's house, "I wish Elsha could escape, that poor child suffering for years". 

Suddenly the old man hears a knock.

"Yes, I will open the door. Who will be at this time?"

The old man was surprised when open the door.

"Elsha! What are you doing outside? Quickly come in" the old man said.

"Grandpa, I guess today is the last day so I came to thank you"

"My child, you are leaving the village, right?"

"Yes, Grandpa"

"Then wait sometime" After saying this the old man goes into the other room. After some time, he came back with a bag and a cape.

"Elsha, take this. The bag contains a ration for a month and beef jerky. And some money, use this cape while traveling"

"But Grandpa, how can I accept this? I just came to say goodbye, you always helped me. How can I accept more?" Elsha tries to reject it.

"Elsha, you are also like my granddaughter. Is it wrong to help my granddaughter?" Elsha tears up.

"Now, escape from this lunatic village before they find you."

Elsha slowly leaves the house. While closing the door, she looks at the old man.

"If fate helps let's meet again my child"

And by saying bye to her only relative, Elsha walks slowly and disappears into the darkness of the night.