

In the magical world of Archonia, there lived a Girl, Who lost her parents and labeled to be the witch due to her rare hair and eyes. Her life then changed due to the encounter of a certain man.

BC_016 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

The Forcalor Dukedom

The people surround the consultant's desk.

"What happened?" a bear-sized man asked. He had a claymore on his back.

"Don't know, until now there was a number in gauge, but it is showing zero now" Iris said.

"Oi Clara, is the measuring gauge broken?".

"I don't knyow" Clara said while shivering.

"*Sigh*, you don't have to panic Clara. We already saw her magic, so I can vouch for it. Now just say the value you measured before it turned zero"

"Hmm.. I don't know if it is due to an error, it showed 500"

Iris and the bear guy were shocked.

"Oh, not bad little lady," the bear guy said.

"Wow Elsha, you have a mana level close to B-rank adventures. Oh right, the magic you used on the cliff, you need this much mana to use. So, it is right that you have this much mana" Iris said.

"Clara, no need to worry, I know you can't give her an adventure card because of the gauge issue. But if you need confirmation, you can ask the merchant guild about her abilities" Iris said.

"Nyaa… I didn't say I can't, it was our gauge problem. So, I will provide the guild card according to the data. Congratulations Elsha and support the guild today onwards. You can select Quest from the board and you are currently D-Rank. So, select according to rank"

"Elsha, you are starting at D" Iris looks at her with a smirk.


"The normal rank everyone gets is G-Rank. But you are starting at D-Rank"

Elsha smiles in excitement.

"Bye the way little lady, my name is Alec. In the future, if you need any help in the quest or for party just ask." The bear-sized man said.

"Thank you, Sir" 

Alec then smiled and went back to his table.

"Now Elsha, Let's select a quest now"

 Both of them approach the quest board.

"It is your first quest. So, let's select something easy" After saying this Iris selects one quest.

"Hmm. this is good for a newbie"

Elsha's eyes sparkle in excitement.

"Okay Elsha, let's go and catch some chickens"

The excitement in her eyes suddenly shatters into a thousand pieces.

"Why are we going to catch chickens?" Elsha asks in a bad mood.

"It's your first quest, no fight. Safety first"

"Boooo" Elsha rebels.

"So, there is no objection. Let's go" Iris picks Elsha and goes for Elsha's first adventure quest.

While Elsha was enjoying her new and ordinary life.

In the Nether Realm,

Because of Vulcan's promise of looking for Elsha, Lucio arrives at his dukedom for his siblings' Come-of-age ceremony. The realm is covered with nether wind, and cold and frozen barren lands, where snowstorms hit. Lucio slowly walks through the land. After walking some distance, the vision-blocking snow slowly fades and the shadow of a big castle appears. The peak of the castle hits the sky of the Nether Realm, four sides are protected by a fortress, and the three-headed hound of Hades Cerberus is lying in front of the gate guarding it. This was the castle of the 41st seat holder in the nether realm. He slowly approaches the gate. The hound slowly raises its three heads. But seeing who it is it slowly drops its head.

"Who goes there" the little devil who guards the gate asks but someone from the back hits his head.

"Open the gate if you don't want to die. Look at the young lord's face"

He noticed Lucio's angry face.

"But sir by young lord means the 1st son who was away for 500 years?"

"Tsk. This is why newbies are a pain in the neck. Boy, look at the hound, you know what will happen when anyone unknown reaches the gate"

"Yes, it will show off its aura and scare anyone who approaches the gate. I know, because it caused me trouble when I was trying to enter the castle to apply for a job. I also remember his laugh, when I was about to piss because of-. Ha, it is embarrassing"

"So, you know. Now look at it"

The little devil looks at the Cerberus to notice that it is shutting his eyes by force to look like it is sleeping, it is shivering, and sweating.

"Sir, am I seeing things? The all-mighty Cerberus is sweating" and he began to laugh loudly.

"If you want to laugh like this, open the gate, or else you will also be like Cerberus" The little guy ran and opened the gate. Lucio enters the castle.

"So, sir. what happened"

"Oh, it was when the young lord was still a toddler, that he approached the gate. For Cerberus as usual, tries to scare the young lord. But the young lord burns the hound's tail. Normally, Cerberus is never affected by fire or lava even if it is on the lower floor of the nether. So, it was laughing like the moment it laughs when you were about to piss. But suddenly it runs around the fortress because of the never-ending flames on its tail. Also, the young lord ran with it and was laughing. After this incident, the hound never barks or looks at the young lord"

While the guards are speaking about Lucio, he enters the domain. But the inside domain was full of greenery and lively, unlike the outside of the nether. Like a dukedom or a city in the human realm, there were devils, who were doing their jobs. Little devils running around the plaza. When they saw Lucio, everyone greeted him. Unlike the fear because of his position, they were greeting him due to admiration and respect. Even though he is in an annoyed mood, Lucio greets back at everyone.

A man pulling the carriage of hell horse rides in a hurry and stops near Lucio.

"Young lord, why didn't you inform us when you were arriving and where the hell is Vulcan? Ahh sorry young lord pardon my words"

"Ha. no problem and Vulcan is on a mission I requested"

'Is the young lord in a foul mood?' he thought

"Then, please enter the carriage young lord"

"Yes, yes"

Lucio enters the carriage and it ride toward the large castle. After exiting from the carriage Lucio enters through the huge stone door, which is open by two cyclops guarding the door in Armor.

"Welcome back young lord" The servants greet Lucio. But he was annoyed by everything. He walks through the hallway with an angry face.

"What happened to my dear son? You came back after some time, but why are you not showing a happy face after you return home?"

Lucio saw his mother, giving him a gentle smile. Her name is Rebecca von Forcalor. With a black long hair and golden eyes. She was originally from the Buer Dukedom, which is known for its intelligence and knowledge about the nether world. They are responsible for the management of records in the nether realm and 10th seat holders.

"I'm back Mother"

"Oh, what happened my son? Did something bad happen?"

Lucio remains silence.

"Oh, by chance my son found my daughter-in-law after 500 years?"

Lucio Flinches. She looks at him and smiles like she found everything.