

In the magical world of Archonia, there lived a Girl, Who lost her parents and labeled to be the witch due to her rare hair and eyes. Her life then changed due to the encounter of a certain man.

BC_016 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Lucio Von Forcalor

Due to the rumors about Elsha being a witch since her childhood, she never had a friend or anything, and due to the death of her parents, she never had any serious conversations with anyone. While being in the village, she only talks to the old man in the shop and no one else.

Due to the lack of socialization, she is having a difficult time starting a conversation with the young man.

'How to talk to him?' That was the question Elsha had when she saw him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Me? My name is Elsha, and what's your name?" 

He looked to the distant sky and said "Why should I tell you, my name?"

"Huh?" Elsha annoyed.

'First, he asked my name and now he is not telling me his name. Is he stupid?' Elsha thought

"And also, I never asked you what is your name. I asked you, who are you?" He corrects her.

"How did you find I was thinking about it. Did you read my mind"

"Your stupid face is as obvious as clear water," he said.

'Arghhhhh, who is this man acting almighty, it's variously annoying me. Hmmm… the way he dresses, he looks like a Noble's son. Hmph obvious, that's why is he acting almighty?'

"Are you from the count of this land?" She asked

"Why are you asking so many questions"

"I only ask you two questions and I'm already annoyed"

While she saying all this, he never looked at her or minded her. Due to his attitude, Elsha became angry "At least have some manners, when someone tells their name you should also tell them your name" she says in a loud voice.

Due to continuous nagging at last he tells his name,

"My name is Lucio Von Forcalor"

"Forcalor, hmm…. I never heard about that family name. So, you are from outside the village, right?"

After a little silence he replied "Yes, you can tell like that"

"Hoo… Then how about the outside world, you traveled here right? I have never been outside the village."

After hearing this he looked at her, and at that time the Moonlight fell on her face. Due to her white hair, the light reflected and was like her hair was sparkling.

He sighed and began to tell her about his travels.

As they began to speak, she sat near him. They began to talk about each other. She listens to every story about his travels. 

"Wow, the outside world is beautiful and also there are so many countries like this. I also like to travel. But it's like you have been traveling for so many years, but you are only looking 20 years to me" she asked.

"Ha. ha. I was traveling at a young age, ha. ha," he says.

'Why did I tell an obvious lie?' He thought.

"Wow, you are so brave to travel at a young age," she says with an innocent face.

'Wow, is she acting or…' He looks at Elsha.

After seeing her innocent face, he whispers "Yup, she is an idiot"

"Hmm…. Did you say something?" she asks with a stupid face.

After seeing this Lucio laughed. Then he held his face and thought 'Me? Laughed? And I don't know what this comfortable feeling that I'm having now. I guess, it's not a bad feeling' he looked at the river and thought.

After some time

"I guess, it's already so late" After saying this Elsha jumps from the rock.

"Lucio, see you tomorrow, bye" And she runs.

"Wait, when did I say I will wait for you here?"

But Elsha already runs off so she didn't hear.

"Ha…. waiting for someone feels not bad. How many years has it been I feel like this? 100 or 200? do I even had emotions? But strangely what this feeling. Sigh… I guess, I'm affected by some annoying emotion" After saying this he looks at the moon and smiles.

At the time Elsha walks to her house. "It was a fun day right Skye" Skye chirps. "We found the new place full of fruits, also fought with the Lynx, found new place for water and…"

Elsha suddenly remembers Lucio's face. Her face and ear became red "Why did I remember that idiot's face now, He was so annoying and acting almighty and also, also..." She remembers when he smiled "Also his smile was cute" she whispered.

"Argh, let's go Skye before I go mad" Elsha shouted in a loud voice.

Skye chirps while sweating and follows Elsha.