

In the magical world of Archonia, there lived a Girl, Who lost her parents and labeled to be the witch due to her rare hair and eyes. Her life then changed due to the encounter of a certain man.

BC_016 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Combination Magic

Night ends and dawn comes. Elsha woke up from her sleep. Even though she wakes up, she is still tired from the last night. Elsha and others talk together past midnight, about their travels, and their past. it was Elsha's first experience spending time with friends without worries. While she was sitting on her bed, Skye flew down from her seat and sat on Elsha's shoulder.

"Hi, Skye. Good morning. Did you sleep well? Oh right, you were already sleeping while we were talking. Haaa… I'm still tired. If it isn't for the promise I made last night with Sis Iris. *Sigh* She said she would not allow me to do higher-level quests until I studied and practiced magic with her. Haaa… a promise is a promise."

Elsha slowly stood up from her bed and started to get ready for her practice.

After some time, Elsha prepared everything and went for Iris. When she reaches Iris's room, she knocks on the door and enters. Iris was already woken up and was waiting for Elsha.

"Elsha, did you bring everything I told you?"

"Yes," she answers.

"Okay. Then let's go to the city library"

"City Library?"

"Yes, there are a lot of books about intermediate magic and so on."

"Ehhh? So, we are not going to practice?"

"Practical comes after theory. Don't you know Elsha?"

Elsha tried to escape from studying along the way to the library but she eventually gave up on it. She couldn't escape from Iris's grasp. After so many failed attempts to escape, Elsha and Iris reach the city library. Elsha's eyes were wide open to see the big library. There were so many people there but all of them remained silent.

"Elsha, be aware don't speak loudly when asking me doubt. You have to remain silent in the library, okay?"

Elsha nods.

Both of them enter the magic section of the library and Iris selects some books and tells Elsha to sit on the nearby bench, where there is nobody.

"Elsha, today I will teach about what magic is and its attributes and properties. You have a good talent for magic and have a high mana capacity compared to other kids of your age. But you have no control over your mana. While we were traveling, I always noticed you. When you use magic, you are always shooting it raw without a spell or incantation. It will be not a problem for a stage 8 mage. But for a novice, it is really dangerous. Even though you use spells, you need staff to control the raw magic. But at a higher stage, you will gain more control over your mana and can use magic without staff to a certain limit. But if someone without knowledge of how to use magic properly, it will cause mental and physical exhaustion. It can even endanger your life if you course mana through wrong way."

"So, that's why you said to buy a staff yesterday?"

"Yes, and also you have to be careful while using your attribute magic because your attributes are negating type"

"You also told me about that while we were doing mana test. So, sis. What is a negating attribute?"

"A negating attribute is, an attribute which cancels each other."

"Can you explain more simply?"

"While a fight between a fire user and an ice user, the fire user wins the match in normal cases because the ice can be melted by fire. Like that, wind can be blocked by the earth element, fire can be blocked by water, and so on."


"So, Elsha you need to be careful while using it. But to be honest I'm a little interested to see you using combination magic."

"Combination magic?"

Iris didn't say anything and showed her palm to Elsha.

"Look carefully Elsha."

Iris shows a little flame in her hand and combines it with wind magic. When the flame comes in contact with the wind, it burns violently and becomes more powerful.

"This a type of support-like combination. By adding wind, it will enhance the firepower of the fire attribute. The next one is a little dangerous to show inside the library."

"Why is it dangerous?" Elsha asked out of curiosity.

"My next combination is Fire-Lightning. To be more specific Explosion magic."

"Explosion magic? Isn't it can be done only by fire magic?"

"No, no Elsha. Indeed, Explosion magic can be done by using only fire magic. But it is not an explosion magic but a normal explosion."


"The explosion magic you use is a normal fire-type magic spell 'Explosion'. But what I'm telling you is I can use it like an attribute. I can use many types of explosions and its firepower is on another level. The lightning spell when exposed to fire magic. Due to overcharge, it will cause a blast more powerful than a normal explosion spell."


"Did you understand Elsha?"

"I understand most of the part. So, we can combine our attributes, right?"


"Sis, I want to try it"

"Look Elsha, I know you want to try and I'm also interested. But I don't know what will happen when a person with a negating attribute uses it. Even negating attribute mages are rare, even we can say they don't exist," Iris explains.

"Oh, there were legends that, there were people who have negating attribute, and not to mention, they have all attributes."

"What?" Elsha was surprised.

"Yes, they were the Gods who were controlling our world with their powers, they said to be evil and, in the end, the 8 empires allied together to defeat them. It once happened. But don't believe in those stories because the victors were the ones who wrote their tales."

"Wow, they can use all attributes?"

"Yes, they are known as Archons. But be aware Elsha. Don't speak their names in public. It is like a taboo word" Iris whispers to Elsha.

"Anyway, don't change the subject I want to try combination magic"

"*Sigh* Okay, follow me. Let's go to the training ground nearby"

"Okay," Elsha happily follows Iris.

After they walked some distance, they reached an open space. Iris arranges the area and tells Elsha to stand at the center.

"Okay, Elsha. Try to combine your two magic and also don't forget to use your staff."


Elsha tries to concentrate herself. She always used magic by imagining the attributes she used. But she doesn't know what happens when her two different attributes are mixed.

'Will it melt as Iris says or it will cause another reaction?' this was Elsha's thought. With lots of doubts in her mind, Elsha finally cast her magic. But the next moment an explosion was caused and the ground filled with mist.

"Elsha, are you all right?" Iris panicked. She was trying to look for Elsha but due to the mist, she couldn't find her. But suddenly she noticed that the mist was not formed by the explosion and the mana in it also kept recharging. Iris tries to concentrate on the core of its mana supply. Though her senses were blocked by mist, Iris finally reaches the center where Elsha is standing amazed.

"Sis, what happened here?"

"Elsha! It's amazing"


"Let me tell you Elsha. Your combination magic is mist magic!"