
Chronicles of a Nobody

A young man dies full of regret with his monotonous life of emptiness. He finds himself in a dark space. One thing leads to another and off on an adventure he goes. First World: Naruto First time author here folks. Just trying my own take on a fanfic here. I'll try to post a chapter a day. Please feel free to post your criticism and opinions on the story. I'll try to incorporate everything I see and make it better.

Hoggysama · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

[Title at the end]

The pressure that grandpa was releasing was terrifying to say the least. He was already a beast 4 years ago and unlike Hiruzen who has been sitting on his ass in retirement the entire time, grandpa has not been sitting idle. Even though he says he's in retirement, he keeps himself in top shape all the time. The loss of one arm is a problem but not that much that he can be pushed around by anyone.

Rai smirked at the sight of this. All of them are now wearing pensive looks on their faces. They probably thought it would be easy to intimidate us. Though just grandpa alone might not be enough to beat them all, also retreat from within Konoha and protect the rest of us. But, he sure as hell can kill quite a few of them if he goes all out. And now they should know that as well.

"Was this necessary? This kind of cheap intimidation trick isn't even enough to scare my grandson over here." – Grandpa

The frown on their faces deepens with that. Shots fired.

"So you have made a complete recovery huh." – Hiruzen 'Truly a monster' he mutters under his breath.

"I see, so it was because you've recovered that you have the gall to come here to Konoha and try and kidnap a little girl. " – Homura

"I've already made it clear that it was not our intention, they did it behind my back." – Grandpa

"As if we would believe a word that comes out of your mouth. You Kumo bunch have always been shameless, you even tried to kidnap the previous Jinchuriki." – Koharu

"That's right, this time you even dared to something this underhanded. All to get your hands on a Byakugan. How are we supposed to trust you anymore? You came here under the guise of a peace treaty all to do this?" – Homura

"Trust? Hehe. Are we little kids here? We all know that this peace treaty is only going to last until every village has again built up their strength and then it'll be war again. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. As for talking about underhanded, that's rich coming from you when you have a sewer rat like Danzo in your village who has been manipulating conflict between all the other villages to suit your needs." – Grandpa

Silence. They probably didn't expect to hear that from Grandpa. Hiruzen has a strained look on his face the moment Grandpa mentioned Danzo. The other two old coots are quite good at keeping their poker face though. Truly a talent.

"How dare you speak like that about him? He has given his all to protect our village. I will not allow for his name to be sullied like this." – Koharu

"Truly a bunch of barbarians. All muscle and no brains. If you are going to put these kind of accusations on us. You'd better have the proof for it." – Homura

'Pfft. These guys are so predictable. It's like a stereotypical response where If you don't have anything productive to say. You act out in outrage and ask for proof.'

Rai's low chuckle caught the attention of everyone in the room. Rai was kind of being ignored the whole time and only now did they even remember that grandpa did not come alone for the meeting. They felt like they were being mocked when they heard the chuckle. And they weren't wrong either. A sly glint could be seen in the eyes of the two elders when they saw Rai.

"You sure have hidden yourself well. To not allow anyone to know of your recovery. You probably think we can't do anything to you. And you may be right. That's why you can openly be so courageous. But, the same can't be said about your precious grandson now can it?" – Homura

Grandpa now has a more serious look on his face. This is what he was most worried about as well. Before he could say anything. He was starting to lose his cool already and when she threatened Rai, he was about to completely lose it.

"Haha. Man that's funny. You're quite confident that Grandpa will not be able to protect me from you all. But the real question is who is going to protect you fuckers from me?" – Rai

The moment he said those words, he turned on his Golden Lighting Cloak and unleashed all his chakra out. Rai is now at the Emperor Profound Realm and his Chakra quantity is well into the Super Kage realm after he awakened a bit of his bloodline. The ground started cracking with all that pressure and the weaker of the people in the room were almost on their knees. Though, he could only let it all out and it wasn't even close to the kind of streamlined chakra pressure that grandpa was giving out, the sheer volume of it was massive nonetheless.

Now, the looks on their faces turned ugly. They were under the assumption that it'd be easy to strong-arm Kumo by capturing Rai. They even went as far as to announce it like it was a certainly. Only to be slapped in the face. They completely ignored the fact that an 8 year old has that much Chakra. Because at this moment, Grandpa started letting out all his killing intent at them. They knew they fucked up to dare to threaten him with Rai.

"What did you just say? You fucking bitch. I dare you to say that again?" - Grandpa Bellows. Barely restraining himself from tearing her to shreds.

Seeing the situation quickly turning awry. Hiruzen had to intervene. This was only supposed to be a meeting where some kind of compensation for this would be decided. But, due to the unnecessary actions by the elders who wanted to put up a strong front, things went completely out of control. Hiruzen quickly wanted to cool things down. He knows that if this continues, and if something happened to ether of them while in Konoha, war would be the only outcome. But before he could say anything.

"Are you looking for a fight Raikage? This is Konoha, Don't think you can just walk in and do as you please. We may be weaker but, we are not just going to allow you to do as you please and then walk away." – Homura yells out

The whole time that this going on, the other clan heads did not even let out a sound. They were observing from the side calmly at first, but with things turning awry. All of them were getting ready to fight. They know full well that should a fight break out, a lot of them would definitely die or be afflicted with crippling injuries. But, they were not going to shy away like cowards either. Have to hand it these Konoha folks. They really have gobbled up this will of fire bullshit.

Grandpa now is seriously contemplating his options. He regrets taking Rai to this meeting. If he knew something like this would happen, it'd have been better to not sign this peace treaty at all. He knows he could handle almost all of the clan heads as well as the elders. But, he will have his hands full with Hiruzen himself. He may be stronger than Hiruzen but he can't overpower him in a short amount of time and Rai will be in danger until then. Grandpa did not know how or since when Rai had this much Chakra but he knows that he won't be a match for all the clan heads and even if he does escape alone, Konoha still has 100's of Jonins they could overwhelm him.

(AN: I know, he could keep 10000 people at bay, but most of them were cannon fodder level shinobi and no real powerhouse was there. So, I'm assuming that he'd have his hands full containing Hiruzen as well as some of the stronger Jonins.)

Grandpa sees that Hiruzen has a strained look of regret on his face and concluded that Hiruzen doesn't want for this to happen. He thinks that maybe they could talk things out. Grandpa did not think that things would escalate this quickly. It was mostly standard intimidation tactics but things changed when Rai was threatened. He was about to speak up when he heard.

"Yare Yare. Look at you bunch, overreacting for something so trivial. Nothing even happened to Hinata. All this for a dick measuring contest. How pathetic." – Rai

"Shut the hell up brat! The adults are talking here." – Homura screamed. Veins popping up on his forehead.

"Let's get this over with shall we? Yoru." – Rai calls out

Yoru who was sitting on the window on the windowsill quickly jumped onto Rai's shoulder. She looks at everyone in the room and lets out a yawn. Rai's face was twitching slightly at the way she was acting. It didn't help that she was in her cute cat form at the moment and was not letting out any pressure whatsoever. She looked no different than a house cat.

"Heh. Look at you. You've called for a stupid little cat to save you all from this. What's it going to do to us, scratch us?" – Koharu says mocking Yoru

But before anyone could say anything at all. The most chilling voice was heard in the room.

"You got something against Cats bitch? What should I do with you? Should I shred you to pieces or slowly burn your insides with lightning?" – Yoru unleashes some dreadful pressure and killing intent at them.

The whole building was shaking from her aura, cracks forming throughout, if this kept up for a little longer, the whole building would crumble. And it wasn't just this building, the ones nearby were also shaking. As for the people who were facing the brunt of this pressure. They were all on their knees coughing up blood, everyone except Hiruzen that is. The look of horror on their faces were a sight to see. The look that says 'Oh, we're so fucked' is extremely satisfying to watch. You could addicted to this feeling.

'No wonder these classic wuxia young masters like to see people tremble before them. But unlike the reason for the trembling being due to their background, when it is due to strength, it's a whole other level of satisfaction.'

"Didn't you ask me whether I would scratch you? How about it? Shall I do that?" – Yoru jumps off Rai's shoulder and walks towards the kneeling group, she slowly enlarges her size as she gets closer. She finally stopped growing after growing to about the size of a tiger and creates lightning claws on her paws.

She is met with complete silence. Koharu who was the direct recipient of the pressure was looking like she was about to die any second.

"That's enough Yoru. No need to kick them when they're down." – Rai

"Tsk. You bastards got real lucky that I'm not in the mood to squash some weaklings. But, if you dare insult me again. I'll raze this fucking village to the ground. Even god won't be able to save you from me." – Yoru shifts back to her normal size and jumps back on Rai's shoulder.

(AN: Overkill?)

"Now, do you see? If we really wanted to take something from you, we won't have to come up with some two bit schemes. We can just take it with force and there's nothing you can do about it. You forget that is not the Konoha of old. You don't have the First, Second or Fourth Hokage anymore. You don't even have any of the Sannin in the village. You're just a shadow of the old Konoha. You'd do well to remember that before you try and challenge us." – Rai

"That's enough Rai. Let's leave. You have done enough." – Grandpa

"Alright Grandpa." – Rai

They turn to leave as if nothing even happened. The rest of them kneeling on the floor could only look at them leaving with conflicted and difficult expressions. This could have been so much simpler if they had calmly sorted things out. Now, they not only got their faces slapped, they also got their asses kicked royally. You reap what you sow.

Before exiting the room Rai turns back to give them another warning.

"If you dare try something against me or if I so much as hear a little bird speak about what happened here today. This place won't be called The Village Hidden in the leaf, it will be The Village hidden under the Rubble. Don't force my hand." – Rai then walks out along with his Grandpa

Hiruzen seeing this just sighs. A sigh full of sorrow. All the words that Rai spoke were like a knife to his heart. He looks around to see the state of everyone in the room. Seeing the pathetic countenance of every person in the room. He sighs again.

'Ahh. What a mess. I really am too old for this shit.'

Chapter 43: Yoru shows her might!

First Chapter with over 2K words. hope you liked this. It is honestly so much easier to write when there is real content o cover. I suck bad at making pretend small talk.

Anyways, this is the last chapter of the Konoha Arc. Now, there'll be a time skip. Haven't decided how long yet though.


Hoggysamacreators' thoughts