
Chronic Reincarnation of a weedman

Chronic a weedman from Compton California dies but, due to unresolved issues was given the chance to live again in another world. being reborn for him is a blessing in its own way but, how could he continue life without the only magic of his former world Earth. during his time dead he makes a deal with the god of life and death Anu Bis to have weed seeds brought to him upon his blessing ceremony before the statues of the Gods when he turns 12. Armed with the magic of weed he will work towards his goals of his past life. Only now he will be in a world with actual magic. can Chronic make his dreams come true or is life going to be just as hard as on Earth or harder.

Ricky_Wrisk · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Gods and Weed Seeds

Almost 7 years have passed but for Chronic it felt like days, especially since he was always looking for new plants to study and obtain. Determined to know everything about the nature of plants on Terra, and about how the effects of magic in the air and soils affected them. He learned a lot about them talking with monsters and people of the areas, the uses they have for only monsters and the uses for the people of the land. His search led him deep into caves and dungeons and high up on mountains and volcanoes, he even tamed three new monsters. A Divine Werewolf named Freki found in an abandoned church, it was about 6 miles under a mountain once used for worshipping monsters as Gods. a Lich King named Mabuz found in a decrepit castle once belonging to Decay, the last known tamer and self proclaimed Demon King while looking for Ghost Lilies. lastly a Star Dragon or Twilight Dragon depending on whether you hear it from a monster or person, named Dusk. Dusk was found just hatched deep inside a volcano, while Chronic was looking for a rare fire herd called Lava Leaf. like all monsters they were named by Terra, the world herself gives life to monsters and reincarnates them for balance. Today Chronic was heading for a small town called Luck despite all the bad things that happen there, the only place that never gets defiled is the church and that is because of fear of what the Gods might do. That made it the best place for Chronic, easy to blend in and come and go as he pleases, and if someone tries to rob or harm him no one will care how he defends himself.

"Just one more day" Chronic thought with extreme excitement, tomorrow he turns 12 years old and that means he gets his seeds. Arriving in town he gets stopped by a group claiming to be in charge, "Hey kid, if you want to enter farther into our town you gotta pay the toll. Looking at your gear we can only assume you have plenty of gold to spare, so it's gonna cost 100 gold pieces now, hand them over" said the biggest one with scars all over. He held out his hand with a toothy smile, "Sorry, I just don't want to give you anything but, if you're insistent on payment I'm sure I have something suitable just for you" Chronic said with a devilish smile. "Okay, hand it over and it better be suitable for someone of my standing" the scarred man said with a hint of threat. Chronic reached into his bag and pulled out a bag and handed it over, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword he waited for the idiot to open the bag. The bag was opened and inside was warm monster shit, "The fuck is this you messing with me you little shit? I'll have you-" and before he could finish he lost his head. It happened so fast no one ever saw Chronic remove his sword, during his travels he was taught different sword techniques from several fighting schools. Grabbing the bag before the headless body fell and placing it back in his bag, Chronic continued walking towards the inn. "Hey, what did you just do? You think you can just kill our boss and get away with it?!" shouted a woman with a fireball forming in her hand. Not even looking back he used Terra Spikes to kill the remaining group members, Screaming was heard as they all died. Entering the Luck Inn Chronic asked for a room and dinner to be delivered, seeing everything from the window the inn keeper told him it was free as long as he protected the inn for the night. Chronic set down 5 silver and said "Nothing in life is free, this should cover the food and room. If anyone comes for me you can collect their belongings to cover any damages" waiting for a key to one of the rooms. "Of course" said the inn keeper grateful for the payment, she quickly got the key and handed it over telling him the food will be ready in 30 minutes.

Thanking the woman he went to his room and waited for his food, it was delivered by someone Chronic didn't see in the inn earlier. Taking it he added a powder in it, surprised by his actions the man looked confused. Seeing that he asked "What did you add to the food? You didn't even try it so why add seasoning?" "I didn't add seasoning, what I added was something that will react to poisons" and as he said that purple mist started coming from the plate. Before the man could even blink he was a headless corpse, walking down stairs he saw the inn keeper tied up and being stripped of her clothes but ten men. Without a sound he summoned wind blades that removed the head of each man, reaching the woman he removed the rope around her hands and tossed her his cloak. Without a word the woman covered herself and walked to the back, returning thirty minutes later wearing new clothes and carrying food and the cloak. While she was in the back Chronic gathered all the valuables that were on the bodies and used Terra magic to carry them outside. He ate his food in silence, when he finished he went back upstairs leaving everything he gathered downstairs on the counter. The morning came without any other issues, Breakfast was made special for Chronic with plenty of meats. When he finished eating he thanked the inn keeper and left two pieces of silver on the counter, The inn keeper wanted to refuse payment for everything he did last night. However she remembered his words and simply asked "Will you be staying here again tonight?" with a little hope in her eyes. Seeing her look of hope Chronic said "Yeah, just one more night" gave a wave and headed to the church.

Reaching the church Chronic entered with a huge smile on his face, Today he turned 12 years old and will finally get his seeds. He walked up to a woman and man in robes, "Hello, I turned 12 years old today and I am here to get my blessings from the Gods" he said still smiling. "I'm happy to help as long as you are willing to pay the fees" said the man with a greedy smile. Before Chronic could respond a statue seemingly came to life, Anu Bis shouted with anger "Enough of your farces, leave our sanctuary now scammers before I show you your deaths" with fear on their faces the man and woman ran for their lives. Seeing Chronic, Anu Bis said "Welcome Chronic we've been expecting you to arrive today, come and touch the Chrystal in front of the statues" and the statue once again became immobile. Touching the Chrystal he found himself in a house with five Chairs around a large round table with an assortment of drinks and snacks. "Hello" said 3 voices in unison, the 4 Gods sat around the table. Abnoba, Ira, and Titan Mars were already drinking and eating snacks all from earth. "Hello, I'm Chronic it's a pleasure to meet you. Where are my seeds?" Chronic asked greedily with an excited smile searching the table, "Hahaha" all the Gods laughed "You were right Anu Bis, he didn't even wait 5 minutes before bringing up those seeds. Take a seat and smoke this, I'm sure you have been craving one right?" Titan Mars asked handing Chronic a blunt with a smile. Quickly taking his seat Chronic reached for the blunt and out of habit of Earth reached in his pockets for a lighter. "Chronic you have magic" Abnoba said smiling at his antics, "Right" he replied slightly embarrassed. Taking a huge hit Chronic coughed so hard he farted causing laughter to fill the room, even Chronic laughed when he stopped coughing. He felt himself easing into comfort, "So, I'm assuming you are all high right now huh?" Chronic asked watching the snacks be devoured by the Gods. "Yep" they all said together and again laughter ensued, one blunt later and another two were lit and passed around. Finally, after 12 years Chronic got his weed, and he couldn't be happier especially when the seeds were placed on the table.