
Chapter Four: Caught!!! But still beneficial.

I was alarmed and immediately woke up from my day dream.

I moved slowly until I reached the stairs, grabbing this Glover vase which was next to me.

I held onto the vase firmly and started ascending the stairs. I moved up untill I reached where all the rooms were stationed. The corridor was a bit dark since the light was turned off, so I decided not to switch on the light because it would alarm whoever was in the house.

I moved through the corridor, pushing my small body against the white coloured walls. I was a bit scared but. I knew I had to stay strong, since I was the only one home.

I moved until I passed by Mum and Dad's room on my right, then mine at the side I was, then Brenda's on my right and then finally, Brett's room was ten footsteps away from me.

I raised the vase in a defensive position as I approached the room. The closer I got to the room, the clearer the voices became. But that did not intimidate me.

I was at the left side of the door, mustering courage to run and face whoever was in Brett's room.

In one go, I took off and screamed at the top of my lungs.


But I was shocked to see the people inside the room, and I immediately stopped in my tracks as my jaw dropped.

"Oh my fucking God" Brett roared at me. "Get the hell out of here you bastard."

I stood there as if glued to the ground, trying to comprehend what I just saw.

When I was about to hit the person inside, I was shocked to see a completely naked Brett with some naked girl who had blonde hair and black irises.

"What the fuck!" I said not minding what Brett had said. I was completely stupified by what I had seen.

"OMG!! AAAHHH!!!" the blonde haired girl screamed in a high pitched tone as she grabbed the sheets to cover her naked self. Meanwhile Brett also grabbed the towel placed on the table next to his bed and tied it around his waist.

He moved fiercely and came to where I was standing. His body towered over mine as he threw a hateful look at me.

"I said get out or do you want me to make you leave?" He barked at me with irritation clear in his tone.

I was now awakened from the surprised state in which I was. I slowly lifted my head to meet his gaze. His forehead was covered with frowns, his hair was all messy. There was lipstick here and there in his face, his entire body was covered with sweat.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I met his hateful gaze, his gaze was filled with anger and resentment towards me.

Brett gritted his teeth and clenched his fists out of anger because I was standing in the same spot despite telling me clearly to leave.

"Are you deaf or just stupid? I said leave." He roared again out of anger.

I was about to obey and leave when suddenly, some silly idea hit me.

I turned around and looked at him with a mischievous smile. I myself wondered where I got the courage to do that.

"What are you smiling at, you Devil?" Brett spat those words at me.

"Calm down, Brett." I started mischievously. "You know who won't be happy to find out about what happened here today?" I looked straight into his eyes, clearly trying to manipulate him.

"Don't you dare, you son of a bitch?" Brett roared, clearly understanding that I was talking about mum and dad. He lifted his had and pointed a finger at me while his head shook aggressively with the words he spoke.

"Mind your language, dear brother. FYI if I am a son of a bitch, then that makes you a fellow puppy." I shrugged my shoulder.

"And as you don't want to get into trouble with mum and dad for the twelfth time this week," I proceeded with my threats, " you better listen and do as I say, you get that?" I gave him a disgusted look because of what I found him doing.

He returned the same look and then smile smugly.

" Are you threatening me?" He was amused by what I was doing. He was probably wondering where I got the audacity to blackmail him. "What do you want?" He asked afterwards.

I smiled devilishly knowing that I now had him in a corner.

Dear readers, I am sorry for the delay. I have been quite busy recently and I didn't get time to write more chapters. But I promise that I will get done before Christmas. Thanks for your lov and support.

Reagan_Mukisacreators' thoughts