
Chapter 32

Malcolm found him and sat down and laid his hand on Max's shoulders and began to pray with him. After a few hours they both went back to the waiting room to wait. As they sat down Sylvia and Malcolm's wife came walking in. At that very moment the doctor walked out of the or and started to talk to Max. We were able to retrieve the bullet and stop the bleeding. We did have to place a tube in her head to keep the pressure off her brain. Is she going to be okay doctor? The next 24 hours are going to be the most critical for Cassidy but when she wakes up don't be surprised if she doesn't recognize any of you. We're not quite sure how much damage was done and we were also able to keep the babies from coming early but her OB wants to follow her closely for the remainder of the pregnancy.

They should have her in a room in an hour once they have her situated a nurse will come and get you. Everyone shut the doctor's hands after the doctor left Max sink to the floor. His prayers were heard Cassidy pull through and so did their babies. A Silvia walked over Max stood up and wrapped his arms around her. Max tier is there anything I can get you? So we had asked. Max let go and said no there isn't so I just want to see my Cassidy and never let her out of my sight again! The nurse came out and got Max and let him back to Cassie's room and he took the seat next to her bed. He took hold of her a little delicate hand and started talking to her.

Cassidy opened her eyes and saw Max sitting in the chair beside her. She didn't know if he was asleep or if he was just sitting with his eyes closed. Max are you asleep? At the sound of her voice Max opened his eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining that he had heard her sweet little voice. Cassidy honey you're awake! Max where am I and how long have I been here? Cassidy you were in the hospital and you have been in a coma for a little over two months. Do you remember anything that happened?

Max I remember everything but please tell me you haven't been here this whole time? you have work and everything else. Can I see yes I have been here all along in case you woke up or something went wrong with the babies and no I don't have any work to do. At the mention of the baby's Cassidy's hands went to her belly.

yes sweetheart they are both still in there and are doing good. I sat here at night and watched them fight with each other. Upon hearing they were okay and well caste started tearing up. Max got up from the chair and crawled up onto the bed and just held her. The doctor came in and saw she was awake. He examined her and asked her a few questions. Can I see everything looks good so if it stays that way you can go home in two or three days! Then he left the room Cassidy looked at Max and nodded her head in agreement.

3 Days Later Max up Cassidy out of the car and into the house. Once inside the house he helped her down onto the couch and made sure she was comfortable. After getting her settled onto the couch Max went into the kitchen and made her some warm tea and brought it back to her and sat on the couch beside her. Max there is something I've been meaning to ask you but I don't want you to think I am crying but it's just something Nick said before he shot me that has me a little puzzled.