
Chrisley's Destiny

SYNOPSIS Every Child is always fortunate to have a parent who cares and treats he/she with love. But in Chrisley's case she's very unfortunate. Being maltreated by her mother and assaulted by her father is what made Chrisley unfortunate. Ever since she had been a little girl till now,she has never for once received a parental love. An occurrence happened to her and that made her escape from home. After escaping from home, she was found by Marianne Norman and that made her live in the Norman's mansion. It turned out that Miguel fell in love with her. Just when happiness was about to take over, something happened. Will that separate them or bring them together?. Is Chrisley really destined to live like this? Find out. CHRISLEY'S DESTINY

Okiki_Ola · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


Chrisley tied her hair and proceeded to descend the stairs.

"Chrisley,stop!" Delaney screamed while running towards her.

Chrisley looked at her and shook her head. She was about to take a step, when someone pulled her away. It was Delaney. Delaney slipped and she rolled down the stairs.

Chrisley was terrified. It happened within the twinkle of an eye.

"Delaney!!" Chrisley screamed in terror.

She sighted liquid on the stairs. She walked past it carefully as she descended the stairs. She knelt beside Delaney,who was already unconscious.

"Delaney wake up" Chrisley said and tapped her but she was getting no response from her.

Chrisley's heart began to thump, like it was going to jump out of her. Beads of sweats were already on her forehead.

"Somebody help!!" Chrisley screamed but no one came.

"Is someone not in this place?. Help!!" She screamed.

Two body guards ran inside.

They were shocked to see Delaney laying helplessly on the floor.

"Could you please help me?" She asked with concern.

Unknown to her, Brielle was hiding behind a pillar and watching everything that was happening.

"Very cunning" Brielle muttered.


"We're you blindfolded while walking?" Miguel scolded.

"I'm sorry" Delaney apologized.

Miguel glared at her.

"Stop glaring at me. It's not like I did it intentionally, I was protecting your girlfriend" Delaney said with a frown.

Miguel gave her an askance look.

"Protect me from what?" Chrisley asked.

"Falling. There was water on the stairs" Delaney said.

"How come you saw it from a far?" Chrisley asked.

"I have a very sharp eyes" Delaney said.

"How did water get on the stairs?", Chrisley asked.

"One of the maid's mistakenly spilled water on it", Delaney defended.

"That's carelessness. I will punish the person who did this "Miguel said fiercely.

"No, I'm sure it was a mistake and it won't happen again. Let's forget about this", Delaney said.

"Well... thanks for saving Chrisley", Miguel appreciated.

"You don't have to thank me. I was only trying to make sure she isn't hurt and I'll do anything to protect the both of you", Delaney said.

"Thanks",Chrisley also appreciated.

"I think we should leave. You need to get some rest",Miguel said .

"Yeah sure", Delaney replied with a smile.

Miguel and Chrisley walked out hand in hand.

"Maybe she's not as bad as I thought", Chrisley said with guilt.

"I told you,you were only being paranoid", Miguel said and pecked her lips.

"I was just jealous", Chrisley said.

Miguel raised his brows and smiled.

"Does that mean you've fallen in love with me?", Miguel asked with raised hope.

"I didn't say that. It's normal for me to get jealous,since I'm in a relationship with you", Chrisley said.

Miguel bit his lower lip sadly.

"More reason why I love you a lot", Miguel said earnestly.

He stared at her full lips and began to lean in. He was about to capture her lips,when his phone rang. He groaned and took it from his back pocket. He checked the ID,it was Valerie. He winked at Chrisley and answered.

"Sir, you have a contract to sign with Fresh Threads in the next ten minutes", Valerie said over the phone.

"Oh shit!", Miguel exclaimed and hung up.

"What's wrong?", Chrisley asked.

"I have an important meeting. I'll see you later",He pecked her lips and rushed out.

"He's right,I was just being paranoid", Chrisley said and made her way to the library.


Delaney stood up and started laughing.

"Oh my... Delaney, you are so so good. Your plan was indeed very perfect. I love that a lot", She said and chuckled.

She walked over to her closet and brought out a bottle of white wine and a stem glass cup. She poured herself some wine and sat on the rocking chair which was beside her king-size bed.

"Cheers" She raised the cup and drank from it.

"First mission is accomplished. I just hate the fact that Miguel wasn't the one who carried me . I want to be in his arms so badly", Delaney said and rubbed her arm.

"Wow!, you're celebrating", A feminine voice was heard.

Delaney almost poured the content in the cup on her body. She was really caught off guard.

"Easy",The lady said.

"Who are you? and how did you get in here?", Delaney asked with anger written all over her face.

"One question at a time. Well, I'm Brielle. Nice meeting you" Brielle said with a smile.

"And I think you forgot to do this" Brielle said and took the remote on the small table,then she pressed the red button.

"The door is locked now", Brielle said and dropped the remote.

"What do you want?", Delaney asked.

"I saw what you did back there", Brielle said and sat on the bed.

Delaney gulped down nothing.

"What... what... did you see?", Delaney stuttered.

"Everything dear. I saw the way you poured water on the stairs and pretended to save Chrisley", Brielle said and took the cup from her,then she drank from it .

"So?. What are you going to do?", Delaney asked fearfully.

"Chillax. I'm not going to tell anyone", Brielle said.

Delaney gave a sigh of relief. She frowned when she noticed Brielle's maid uniform.

"Let's be strong alliances", Brielle said.

Delaney laughed out loud.

"An alliance with a maid?" Delaney asked mockingly.

"It's Brielle and it's not going to cost me anything to report your evil scheme" Brielle said.

Delaney glared at her.

"Why do you want us to be strong alliances?", Delaney asked.

"We both hate the same person and I want us to bring that bit*h down", Brielle said with a smirk.

"Who told you I hate Chrisley?", Delaney asked.

"Gosh!,you ask too much questions", Brielle rolled her eyes.

"I hate Chrisley a lot. I would do anything possible to separate She and Miguel", Delaney said with an evil smirk.

"You really like Miguel a lot?", Brielle questioned.

"Yes. I have loved him since high school and I'll keep on loving him.If I can't have him,then no one will", Delaney said with a glare.

"She came here as a maid and now She Is in a relationship with him, Brielle said with hostility.

Delaney chuckled.

"So,She is a maid. I can't believe Miguel could stoop so low to the level of falling in love with that classless, ugly girl", Delaney said with irritatedly.

"Just be my alliance and Miguel will be yours forever", Brielle assured with a smile.

Delaney stared at her for some moments, then she smiled.

"Yeah. We'll surely make a good one", Delaney said and stretched her hand for a shake.

Brielle also smiled back and responded to the handshake.

"Killing two birds with one stone. Miguel is all mine", Brielle said inwardly and smirked mischievously.

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