

Will your father's sword choose you? The War of Three Brothers, which took place ten years ago, changed the unknown fate of Rhivenia. The Sword chose Prince Charles to rule; however, his brothers dared to go against its choice. Prince Charles gained victory over his brothers, who were the victims of their greed. Executing all the traitors, he strengthened his reign and became the rightful king of three kingdoms. He's been living a peaceful life with his two wives and four children until an unexpected enemy shows up.

AARON_Amah · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs


You lie beside Matteo after the conversation ends. You don't feel tired, but you don't want to stay awake and watch your people die either. Sleeping is an escape from reality, and you need it.

You look up at the clear sky. The stars are shining beautifully, as if they are trying to give you hope. You wonder if they are even on your side.

You close your eyes, letting yourself drift off to sleep with the hope for a better future.

Somewhere in the North…

Captain Tameran stares at the dead pirate. He's never liked Elijah, so his death doesn't affect him much. In fact, he's not even surprised. What annoys him is the fact that someone dared to kill him without fearing Tameran's displeasure.

"No one saw who did this?" Tameran asks. The pirates shake their heads.

"We found him dead in the cabin," one of the pirates informs him. Ernald keeps his head high, hoping he doesn't look guilty. He's killed some people in the past, but he's never harmed his mates before. He can't help but wonder if he's losing his mind.

"I can see the bruises on his neck," Tameran observes. "It seems his murderer wanted to ensure that he was truly dead."

"What do you think, Captain?" a pirate asks him. "What shall we do now?"

"Go back to your work," the captain orders his pirates. "Everyone leaves the cabin. Ernald, you stay."

That's it. Tameran knows he's the murderer.

"Captain?" Ernald breaks his silence after the pirates leave the cabin. "Why did you ask for my presence?"

"Don't play the fool," the captain scoffs. "I know you killed him. Well, the bastard had it coming. I had been planning to get rid of him for a while, but not this way."

Then he takes a step forward, eyeing Ernald suspiciously. "But why did you kill him?"

Ernald has no answer. What can he even say? He killed Elijah because he wanted to save Freya. He killed his mate for a Rhivenian woman. How honourable is this?

"You love her." Tameran's words snap Ernald out of his thoughts. "You love the Rhivenian princess."


"I saw the letters, Ernald." Tameran stops him before he can defend himself. "You're a disgrace. You're willing to kill your own people for an enemy princess. Elijah was much more honourable than you!"

"Why don't we make peace with them?" Ernald asks desperately. "Why do we insist on hating them for something that happened in the past?"

"They don't even allow us into their territory, you pathetic fool!" Tameran raises his voice at him. He strides towards him, anger burning his eyes. Ernald steps back as his face becomes pale. It will end badly, he realizes. He will die here.

But at least Freya will be safe.

Is he really a fool for thinking that way?

"The last time someone disappointed me, I took his eye," Tameran reminds him. "But even he didn't kill his mate."

"Kill me," Ernald speaks, cringing at the way his voice trembles. Tameran stops in his tracks. He looks him up and down, scrunching his face with displeasure.

"Leave my ship and never return," Tameran orders him. Ernald widens his eyes. Where will he go? This ship is the only home he has. "There's no one more dishonourable than a man who falls for an enemy. You should thank me for not torturing you to death."

"Where will I go?" Ernald tenses. "I have nowhere to go."

"Go to your lover." Tameran smiles mockingly. "I hope your beloved Rhivenians will not kill you as soon as you step into their territory."

Back in Rhivenia…

You open your eyes to the grating sound of the gates and the happy screams of your people. You sit up and look around. A huge smile is plastered on their bloodied faces even though the dead bodies of their loved ones lie at their feet.

Your gaze shifts to the gates. You feel your lips curling up as your men ride inside with pride. They have found the cure. Your people will not die in front of your eyes any longer.

"Your Grace!" One of the soldiers dismounts his horse and strides towards you. "You must eat this!"

You look at the small herb in his hand, which you assume is the plant called White Arrow. It does remind you of an arrow because of its sharp tip and thinness.

You take it from the soldier and put it in your mouth. Water comes out of the plant and fills your mouth when you chew on it. It doesn't have a taste. You turn your head towards the spot where Leia is sleeping. Your eyes widen when you find her face soaked in blood that has come from her nose and mouth.

"She can't be dead." Matteo kneels beside her, caressing her face. His face is also bloody, but he doesn't seem to care. "Give me the plant!"

"We can't waste it if she's dead," a soldier argues. "She's not even a noble."

"She's alive! Don't you see her breathing?" Matteo tries again. "Give me the plant, soldier!"

The soldier gives up. He gives the plant to Matteo and steps back. That's when you realize he hasn't eaten the herb yet. Why does he care about Leia more than his own life?

Matteo gently opens Leia's mouth and puts the plant inside. "It's a cure, Leia. Chew it."

Leia doesn't move. Even if she's breathing, she doesn't seem to have the strength to chew it. "Chew it, Leia!" you encourage her, hoping she can find some strength. "I know you can do it! Listen to my voice. It's a cure!" You can't hide your surprise when Leia's mouth starts moving. She chews the plant with all the strength she has. You realize how hard it is for her as you see the pained look on her face.

"That's it," Matteo whispers gently. "You're safe."

"Why don't you take the cure?" You notice he can hardly stand on his feet.

"I will." He gives a dismissive wave of his hand

"Your Grace, you can return to the castle." A soldier appears at your side. "All cured people are inside. It's dangerous to stand here because there might still be some poisoned people."

"Amah." Leia's tired voice comes from the other side. She's sitting on a rock, smiling at you weakly. She's still shaky from the poison, but at least she's survived. "Where should I go?"

"I think you should take her inside," Matteo suggests. "And you should decide what you will do with her. Do you feel the same way as before the cure?" "She will stay with me," you answer. "She's my responsibility now."

"Good." Matteo smiles. "I know you will take good care of her." "Leia," you call the little girl's name. "Come with us."

She approaches you and reaches out to hold your hand. "Where are we going? "I'm taking you home," you reply. She frowns as if she doesn't fully understand what you mean, but she doesn't ask any questions.

"What will happen to my mother and father?" She looks at the dead bodies of her family. "We will bury them respectfully," you promise her. "Now, let us get inside."

She glances at her parents one more time before following you to the castle. "Amah." Matteo's weak voice makes you pause. You jerk your head in his direction. He's struggling to keep his eyes open. You note his trembling legs. He still hasn't taken the cure. "I need to tell you something. Please, hear me."

Before you can ask him any questions, his legs give out, and he collapses to the ground. You rush to his side and kneel beside him.

"Your Grace?" A soldier waits for your order.

"Lead all the cured people inside," you command him. "Ensure everyone's safety."

The soldier bows his head and gives you the plant so you can cure Matteo. He leaves to guide people inside the castle. Leia glances at you one more time before following the others. After they leave, you turn your attention back to Matteo.

"I will not take the cure." He shakes his head stubbornly. "B-But I have to tell you something before I die."

You don't understand why he wants to die so badly. He was happy a day ago. What has changed?

"Why don't you wish to take the cure?"

"Because I want to die," he chokes out. "But there's something you need to know first. I can't tell Richard or my sister. I don't want to see the disappointment on their faces. Besides, you're the king. You must know."

"Tell me," you encourage him. Whatever he's trying to say, it's obviously hard for him.

"I did it," he speaks lowly. "I-I poisoned your father. I killed K-King Charles."


"Why?" You shake your head confusedly. "Why did you do this, Matteo?"

"Because I…" He pauses to breathe. "Because I love your mother. I was tired of seeing your father mistreating her. I didn't understand why she loved him. She had never noticed me. I thought she would finally see me if your father didn't exist. That's why I r-returned. I…I made a mistake. I'm so sorry." After hearing all this, you can't hide your disappointment. You had so much respect for him. But he's a traitor.

What are you supposed to do now?

"I accept my fate." Matteo's words break your thoughts. "I've written my confession letter. I-I put it on the table in my chamber." He coughs, more blood coming out from his mouth. "I'm ashamed to tell my sister and nephew what I've done. Let them read the letter after my death."

You don't know what to say at this moment. You stare at his hand as he wipes the blood off his mouth.

"I'm sorry for taking your father from you," he says in a choked voice as a tear trickles down from the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry for endangering your kingdom. I was blinded by love. I'm a fool."

"Did anyone know about this?" Your gaze comes up to meet his. If anyone knew about it and kept it a secret, they're also guilty.

"No." He shakes his head. "Only my sister knows that I returned for Alvena. She warned me many times that I would lose my head if King Charles found out about this. But she didn't know I was planning to kill him."

He's slowly losing all his strength. He closes his eyes and breathes slowly. "L-Let me d-die."

You can leave him to die. It will certainly not be an easy death. You have seen people dying from the poison in front of your eyes. He will suffer a painful death.

Or you can take out your dagger and give him a swift death.

Or maybe there's another way. "I won't let you die." You show him mercy. "Now open your mouth."

"Amah, let me die," he pleads with a weak voice. "I can't live like this any longer. Richard, Atheris, Freya, Alvena and my sister…They will not forgive me."

"You can never know if you don't try earning their forgiveness." You force him to open his mouth. Having no choice, he takes the plant. He starts chewing weakly, unable to meet your eyes.

"They will find out s-sooner or later," he says. "When they hear that you let me live, they will not be k-kind to you. But I will not say a word to anyone, Amah. I will not tell them what happened here."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the North…

"Have they found the cure?" Erwan asks Allen. He notices the way his friend clenches his jaw angrily, but he doesn't make a comment on it.

"Yes," Allen spits. "And yet, they survived again. Why did you insist on not attacking them? They were vulnerable, Erwan!"

"Things didn't go as we planned," Erwan counters. "We wanted to poison the royal family, not innocent people. I don't want to kill children."

"Why do you care about Rhivenian children? They all are our enemies," Allen argues. "You have to make hard decisions if you wish to win."

"I can win without losing my humanity and honour." Erwan glares at him. "My father would be ashamed if I did what you wanted me to do."

"You didn't mean to harm innocent people," Allen's voice is now calmer. "But what is done is done. We could have taken advantage of it."

"I will win this war without harming innocent children," Erwan repeats. "I will kill the royal family, and that's it. My father wouldn't want me to harm innocents."

"Your father wouldn't want you to kill his nephews and nieces, yet here we are," Allen speaks lowly. Erwan falls quiet. He's right; his father wouldn't want him to declare war on Rhivenians. This is not what he would've wanted.

This is what Erwan wants.

Back in Rhivenia…

"Little one!" Alvena runs into your arms as soon as you enter the castle. "You're alright! You're alive!"

"Our men returned earlier than we'd thought," you say as she pulls away from the hug to caress your face.


Before you know it, you find yourself in Atheris's arms. Your mother chuckles and steps back so you can hug properly. Your sister's strong arms are wrapped around you, pulling you to herself. Behind her, Freya stands with her eyes full of happy tears.

"Let me hug my little brother." Freya nudges Atheris. After you finish hugging your mother and sisters, you come to face to face with Richard.

"I'm happy to see you alive, Amah," Richard says, but his words feel forced.

Over his shoulder, your gaze finds Isabelle. She's staring at the door with worry in her eyes, not caring about what's happening in front of her.

"I knew you would survive this." Sir Arnold smiles at you from the corner. "You're strong, Amah. I'm proud of you." The knight frowns in confusion when you approach him. You hug him tightly even though his armour hurts your body. You feel his strong arms holding you. You close your eyes, feeling safe and comfortable. It's something you don't feel frequently.

You break the hug after a while. He smiles widely and gives you a nod.

"Who are you?" Freya kneels beside Leia. The girl steps away from her and hides behind your legs. When your sister gets no answer, she looks up at you. "Who is she, Amah?"

"Her name is Leia," you answer her. "She's under my protection from now on."

Freya's eyes sadden as she realizes the girl's parents are dead. She gives her a comforting smile. Leia remains hidden behind you. "Matteo!" Isabelle exclaims, running towards the door. You watch her embrace her brother, smiling happily.

"Uncle." Richard hugs Matteo after Isabelle pulls away. "Why did it take so long for you to come inside?"

Matteo breaks the hug and puts his usual smile on his face. "I had to stay with the soldiers and help the others."

Of course, he can't tell them that he begged you to let him die. That subject will probably never be spoken of.

"I was worried about you," Richard admits. Matteo reaches out to ruffle his nephew's hair, grinning. "Come on, we must prepare. We will celebrate our victory and meet our allies tomorrow."

Then Matteo spots you. His smile grows bigger as he gives you a nod of gratitude before letting himself be dragged off by Richard. You sit on the bed in your chamber, staring at the sword on the wall which was given to you by Matteo. You wonder if it was all a lie. He said he returned for your mother. He never truly cared about you and your sisters, did he?

You should feel relieved that you've found both traitors and cured your people, but why do you feel like the danger isn't entirely gone yet? Why don't you feel victorious?

You will never be safe until Erwan dies. But even after his death, you don't think you will live the rest of your life in peace.

Your father defeated his brothers and even executed Francis for a peaceful future, but his plan failed. The peace didn't last long.

One enemy dies, another arises.

Will it ever end?

You can hear Richard's and Matteo's laughter from the corridor. You know forgiving him isn't the right decision, but you don't regret it. Now he will live the rest of his life trying to earn their forgiveness.

You don't know if they will ever forgive him, however.