
chosen by the gods

Kazuto is a troublesome man. Although he killed thousands of people with a disgusting smile, he cannot be called evil. Because this is what is needed to survive. Of course, this is what he thought. This is not the mindset of the woman who now has him trapped. That woman was sitting in a royal posture facing Kazuto, she was the head of one of the biggest clans. His clan had many wizards and mutants, which is why he was able to trap Kazuto. Kazuto was killed by that woman. What Kazuto had in mind was "revenge", but not the clichéd revenge that ends with killing the other person's entire family. Rather, a revenge in which Kazuto would take over the whole world and that woman in front of him is like a slave in front of the king. When Kazuto's soul was in the endless darkness after being killed by that woman, something strange appeared. [system message] [You have been chosen as the chosen of the gods, you will soon be reincarnated in the previous ten years] Seeing this message brings a smile to Kazuto's lips. "Wait for me, I will take my revenge on you soon"

FX10000 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


I feel satisfied that I was able to get a new title, and a title that boosts terror is very useful, because terror is a stat that cannot be increased with points obtained from leveling up.

As well as panic, it makes other enemies afraid of you and unable to make the right decision against you, so panic stat is very important.

Well, now it's time to get to my main work, which is to increase the value of life.

I think I'm level 2 now for killing that guy, but I can't see my stats until the status screen is activated.

I hold the iron rod that is in my hand more tightly and I go towards one of the people who is looking at the scene of another man's death by me and I hit the rod hard in his face. And he dies at that moment.

But to go to level 3, I have to kill a few more people.

I forgot to say that every time a person gets a level upgrade, he will be given 5 stats that he can use on his favorite stats to get stronger.

But there are other ways to improve statistics, for example, exercising or doing things related to that statistic, for example, the fear statistic that increases by killing and scaring people and other creatures with medium to high intelligence.

Well, it's better to skip this talk and get to the point

It seems that they gathered together to kill me and one of them said loudly

"Ahh, we will cut you to pieces for killing our friend"

And I grinned and scratched my ear

"Well, instead of talking nonsense, come forward and see what you are doing."

He came towards me and threw his fist at me, but I dodged his fist and hit the dear twins in the middle with my rod, and he fell on the ground and started moaning loudly in pain. did

I put the rod in his head with a grin and said

"It doesn't work."

The rest of the workers were scared when they saw this scene, but they remained united and attacked me

I am proud of them for their work and I keep their memories alive as experience points and life value points with my precious life on the status page.

I would kill them by swinging the rod as I laughed happily

Suddenly an unplanned event happened and I looked at my hand and saw that my left sleeve was burning in the fire.

I looked around the corner, and saw a pair of monstrous blue eyes.

A man about 20 years old with blue eyes, blonde hair and white skin.

A flame was burning in his right hand.

I couldn't help but be excited to see this scene, because he seems so talented that he can use his abilities even though the world has just changed.

Now you want to ask why I am happy?

It's simple, because killing a talented person will make a big impact on the world and increase the value of my life.

I smile and pass over the corpses of the workers and go to him and say

"Oh, that's very interesting, you seem very talented, what's your name?"

The blonde haired man replies with a thick frown

"The person who is going to die in a few minutes doesn't need to know my name."

I laugh at his pride and say.

"So prepare yourself for an interesting fight"

And with a metal rod in my hand, I run madly at him and he throws fireballs at me, although some of them hit me, I dodged most of them.

When I got close to him, I put all my strength into one blow and gave him a heavy blow on his side and he fell on the ground.

Even though his hand was broken by my blow, he didn't even make a small moan of pain and was looking at me with angry eyes.

Suddenly a black page appeared on which he wrote.

[ Select.]

[ 1_ Kill the person in front of you

Bonus: Increase panic stat by 2 items

Increase of life value by 200 units

Category B short shajshir]

[2- Humiliate the other person.

The person in front of you is a 19-year-old boy named Richard, he is the son of the owner of one of the largest food companies that have branches all over the world.

Although he is a boy, he has a feminine body and appearance, but no one has dared to humiliate him using this.

You humiliate him by using this method.

Reward: Become Lychard's boyfriend

Gain a unique ability

Lichard acts like a girl when he is around you.

Penalty for failure: becoming the target of all members of his father's company.]

I was surprised when I saw these choices, because the system wants to turn me into a gender deviant.

I like women more, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in femboys, so I'll definitely choose the second option.

Honestly, I am not experienced in writing

And there may be some problems until the 30th part of this novel

But I try to reduce the problems as much as possible

So please support me with comments and stars

Thanks for your support

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