
chosen by the gods

Kazuto is a troublesome man. Although he killed thousands of people with a disgusting smile, he cannot be called evil. Because this is what is needed to survive. Of course, this is what he thought. This is not the mindset of the woman who now has him trapped. That woman was sitting in a royal posture facing Kazuto, she was the head of one of the biggest clans. His clan had many wizards and mutants, which is why he was able to trap Kazuto. Kazuto was killed by that woman. What Kazuto had in mind was "revenge", but not the clichéd revenge that ends with killing the other person's entire family. Rather, a revenge in which Kazuto would take over the whole world and that woman in front of him is like a slave in front of the king. When Kazuto's soul was in the endless darkness after being killed by that woman, something strange appeared. [system message] [You have been chosen as the chosen of the gods, you will soon be reincarnated in the previous ten years] Seeing this message brings a smile to Kazuto's lips. "Wait for me, I will take my revenge on you soon"

FX10000 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


When I open my eyes, I see big industrial machines with people in blue and yellow industrial worker clothes working with them.

I think I am working in one of the factories now.

But that doesn't matter now, because the world as we know it is going to end.

Of course, I know what is going to happen, so there is nothing to worry about.

As far as I remember, about a few hours after the world changed, a huge fiery dragon fell from the sky on one of the factories in Tokyo, and the explosion of the flame of that place killed all living beings within a radius of 4 or 5 kilometers. .

Well, but I can survive with my ability, so there's nothing to worry about.

And of course, the fiery dragon that falls here, as one of the strongest monsters, establishes its own territory.

I forgot to say that after the change of the world, the size of the earth will be 10 million times, which means that the previous knowledge of the human being about the earth is no longer useful.

And these changes have an important reason.

The reason for changing the size of the earth is to provide enough space for the life of all the other races that are going to come to earth.

And of course, the race of some humans also changes to other creatures, for example some French became vampires.

Anyway, the most important thing is the rating system, which determines your rank according to your actions, and the more your actions affect the world, the more value you gain, and based on the value of your cartoon, you will receive amazing rewards and the above titles. You get great, of course, you get great rewards based on your rank in the monthly valuation system. And I'm going to kill everyone here to get started.

Well, killing is also considered a type of effect, so I can increase my rank by killing others.

Some may think that this is an evil act, but they are fools who cannot adapt themselves to the new world we are in.

As I look around for something to use as a weapon, I see a metal rod that is about 1 meter long, and I walk over to it and pick it up.

As I was examining the metal rod, a box appeared that was written in it.

[public information]

[Your world will change and be added to the list of FX worlds.]

When I read this, a disgusted smile appeared on my face, in my previous life, when this box appeared, I did not take it too seriously.

But now I want to record the first murder in my name.

I look around and see a 40-year-old man who was surprised by these strange writings.

Although I cannot see other people's system messages, but since this was a public notification, I knew that he was also looking at the system message.

Without a moment's hesitation, I hit the metal rod firmly in his head.

And he dies at that moment. After this, a black box will appear, which is written in it.

[first murder]

[You kill the first player and earn the title of first kill]

[Due to the effects of the title, your panic stats will be doubled]

When I saw these messages, I gave an evil smile.

"It's going to be a lot of fun."