
chosen by the gods

Kazuto is a troublesome man. Although he killed thousands of people with a disgusting smile, he cannot be called evil. Because this is what is needed to survive. Of course, this is what he thought. This is not the mindset of the woman who now has him trapped. That woman was sitting in a royal posture facing Kazuto, she was the head of one of the biggest clans. His clan had many wizards and mutants, which is why he was able to trap Kazuto. Kazuto was killed by that woman. What Kazuto had in mind was "revenge", but not the clichéd revenge that ends with killing the other person's entire family. Rather, a revenge in which Kazuto would take over the whole world and that woman in front of him is like a slave in front of the king. When Kazuto's soul was in the endless darkness after being killed by that woman, something strange appeared. [system message] [You have been chosen as the chosen of the gods, you will soon be reincarnated in the previous ten years] Seeing this message brings a smile to Kazuto's lips. "Wait for me, I will take my revenge on you soon"

FX10000 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


Kazuto stepped forward and stood in front of Hela and stroked her head

But this time his caressing was different, this time his caressing was not with lies and hypocrisy

Rather, he was full of beautiful feelings that came from his heart

"Thank you for worrying about me."

Hela was a little embarrassed and tried to avoid looking into Kazuto's eyes, but she couldn't look away from him.

"Who_Who said I was worried about you? I was just upset that I had to look for a new companion again and I didn't feel like it."

Kazuto gave a warm and beautiful smile in front of his behavior and said

" you are so cute"

Hela shyly punched Kazuto a few times, but since there was no intent to harm in her fists, her 'contract' ability didn't stop her.

But his blows were really painful for Kazuto, but still he could not spoil these sweet moments.

When Kazuto and Hela were experiencing emotional moments despite their age difference (because Hela is tens of thousands of years old), the system disturbed them.

[Forbidden Love constellation looks at you with happy tears]

[Forbidden Love Constellation tells you, the love between a bloodthirsty dragon and a terrifying killer is truly beautiful]

That's the case, so you, god of love, don't hurt, are you mocking me?

Just wait, not soon, but one day I will make you regret everything you have done.

Then Kazuto presses a kiss on the forehead and says

"Hella, always stay with me"

Hela is surprised by Kazuto's action, but then responds with a smile

"Even if I don't want to, I still have to stay with you"

After saying these sentimental words, both of them were hunting until sunrise, and Kazuto managed to level up a few levels.


Name: Kazuto

Species: human

Class: None

Rank: D

Level: 22

Life value: 3213

Upgradable stats [Strength: 20 Speed: 20 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 11 Mana: 20 Endurance: 15 Vitality: 15 Chance: 10]

Stats not upgradable [Charm: 19 Horror: 50]

Unused Stat Points: 20

=======Continued status page========

Well, I think it's time to visit the gods of Olympus, but before that I have to share my statistics.


Name: Kazuto

Species: human

Class: None

Rank: D

Level: 22

Life value: 3213

Upgradable stats [Strength: 25, Speed: 20, Agility: 30, Intelligence: 11, Mana: 20, Stamina: 20, Vitality: 15, Luck: 10]

Stats not upgradable [Charm: 19 Horror: 50]

Unused Stat Points: 0

=======Continued status page=======

Well, I gave five points to strength and five points to stamina and finally ten points to agility.

Honestly, agility is my favorite stat, that's why I always invest the most in it, but I don't neglect to improve other stats.

At the same time, a silver door appeared with twelve symbols on it, I think that each of these symbols is a symbol of one of the Olympian gods, for example, the moon is the symbol of Artemis and the sun is the symbol of Apollo, as well as the thunderbolt above The rest of the signs on the door are the symbol of Zeus.

At this time, Kazuto turned to Hela and said

"Please go into the system space, I will warn you whenever needed."

Hela confirms by shaking her head and goes into the system space

A silver door opens and a silver glow swirls through the door like a vortex, seeming to splash like a teleport gate.

Kazuto steps through the gate and enters.

Dears, I may be less active because of my school exams, but I promise you that I will write several chapters for you as soon as my exams are over, so please support me by voting for me.

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