
chosen by the gods

Kazuto is a troublesome man. Although he killed thousands of people with a disgusting smile, he cannot be called evil. Because this is what is needed to survive. Of course, this is what he thought. This is not the mindset of the woman who now has him trapped. That woman was sitting in a royal posture facing Kazuto, she was the head of one of the biggest clans. His clan had many wizards and mutants, which is why he was able to trap Kazuto. Kazuto was killed by that woman. What Kazuto had in mind was "revenge", but not the clichéd revenge that ends with killing the other person's entire family. Rather, a revenge in which Kazuto would take over the whole world and that woman in front of him is like a slave in front of the king. When Kazuto's soul was in the endless darkness after being killed by that woman, something strange appeared. [system message] [You have been chosen as the chosen of the gods, you will soon be reincarnated in the previous ten years] Seeing this message brings a smile to Kazuto's lips. "Wait for me, I will take my revenge on you soon"

FX10000 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


He is sitting facing me in his chair in a royal posture.

People in black suits are standing around him.

He is the head of one of the top clans in this country.

His tribe, the Mutants, have many wizards in their tribe

He looks at me with his emotionless blue eyes and gets up from the chair and comes towards me.

With every step he takes, his footsteps echo in the abandoned factory.

When he gets close to me, he points to one of his subordinates and the man in black hands him a katana.

He pulls the katana out of its sheath and puts the blade on my throat and says in a cold tone.

"Either become my slave, or die now."

Hearing this, I became very angry and clenched my teeth and looked at him with eyes as if I was going to hunt him and said.

"Even death is better than serving a whore like you"

When I said this, I felt something in my throat.

When I looked down, I saw drops of blood dripping on the ground

A few moments later, I felt a small pain in my throat, and my breathing became heavier and my eyes blurred.

I closed my eyes and was ready to die.

In the last moments, I heard a voice that said.

"If there was another life, I hope we are not enemies"

And then my lifeless body fell to the ground.

Oh, I forgot to say. Honestly, I was also a mutant.

Can you guess what my ability is?

Let me give you a tip, my ability is the best ability to survive, but you can't protect someone's life with that one.

did you understand

That's right, my ability is immortal, this ability allows me to come back from the dead 10 times every 24 hours.

But today was not my lucky day, because this was the eleventh time I died today.

And I think they also knew this limitation of mine.

If I have another chance, I promise to reach the top and take over the whole world.

And the world turned completely black.

When I opened my eyes, I saw myself in a completely black environment that was only black as far as my eyes could see.

And I was suspended in this endless blackness.

After some time passed, a black box appeared in front of me with red writing in it.

[Congratulations, you have been chosen as one of God's chosen candidates]

[At the request of the gods, you will be resurrected. Please select your ability]

It was all a bit strange, but as long as I can live again, nothing matters.

And another page appeared that read:

[1- Marauder: This ability allows you to take over the abilities of people who are at most 10 levels higher than you.

2- Rapid learning (Ultimate type): Allows a person to learn everything they see in seconds, even if it is a unique ability or a bloodline ability, but learning everything has a very heavy price.

3- Rapid growth (Ultimate type): Allows a person to increase the EXP he gets from hunting and killing monsters and other creatures by 20 times.]

Well, if we pay attention, option 3 is the most suitable for the beginning and it allows me to grow much faster than the others, but in the long run, it is possible for people to increase the amount of EXP they receive by using their own items and other assets. And be stronger than me.

So option 3 is rejected.

Option 1 is very stimulating, but this limitation is disappointing.

So option 1 is also rejected.

So I choose option 2, because if you look carefully at the (everything you see) section, you will understand that it is not limited to abilities and it is possible to spells and even moves and martial arts and many more. Let's learn others.

And most importantly, maybe I can learn the abilities of monsters.

And I say in a rather loud voice.

"I choose option 2"

[ability selected]

[You will go back ten years]

[The beginning of Rastafari... 5% ... 27% ... 92% ... 100%]

And my new life starts from this moment.