
chosen by the gods

Kazuto is a troublesome man. Although he killed thousands of people with a disgusting smile, he cannot be called evil. Because this is what is needed to survive. Of course, this is what he thought. This is not the mindset of the woman who now has him trapped. That woman was sitting in a royal posture facing Kazuto, she was the head of one of the biggest clans. His clan had many wizards and mutants, which is why he was able to trap Kazuto. Kazuto was killed by that woman. What Kazuto had in mind was "revenge", but not the clichéd revenge that ends with killing the other person's entire family. Rather, a revenge in which Kazuto would take over the whole world and that woman in front of him is like a slave in front of the king. When Kazuto's soul was in the endless darkness after being killed by that woman, something strange appeared. [system message] [You have been chosen as the chosen of the gods, you will soon be reincarnated in the previous ten years] Seeing this message brings a smile to Kazuto's lips. "Wait for me, I will take my revenge on you soon"

FX10000 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


After reading this message, Kazuto looked at the place where the wolf and Hela were fighting

The reason Kazuto was worried was not because of the wolf's strength, but because Kazuto was worried that now the wolf was kneeling in front of her and waiting for his death.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kazuto grabbed one of the chaos daggers and threw it at the wolf with all his might.

At the same time, Hela raised her hand and was ready to land on Greg's head

A speed race was now established between Kazuto's dagger that had been thrown and Hela's hand that was coming down towards the wolf.

If Hela won, the reward she received was to vent her anger on the wolf, but if Dagger won, Kazuto received the wolf's ability.

Although these moments were short, they were very breathtaking, as Kazuto did not know if he would have the chance to receive this ability again.

Unfortunately, Hela's fist was faster and hit Greg's head hard.

Exactly one moment after Hela killed the wolf, the dagger passed by the wolf's body, which meant that even if the dagger had reached the wolf sooner, it would never have hit it.

"Ahh, I really wanted that ability."

What Kazuto said was completely true, because even though Kazuto had high rank abilities

But his abilities consumed a lot of mana and were not suitable for combat, so he needed a useful ability that consumed little mana.

But unfortunately, it seems that he had missed the opportunity to acquire a great ability.

Kazuto was actually a bit upset when this happened to him and decided to use the system messages he received during the fight.

[Your level has been upgraded]

[Your level has been upgraded]

[Your level has been upgraded]

[You have completed the learning requirements for the "King's Winning Claw" ability]

[Name: King's Winning Claw

Rank: B (★★★★★★★)

Description: This ability gives you very high cutting power to your hands, but you can only hit once every time it activates, and it has a 10 second cooldown and consumes 2 mana]

"What? But I couldn't kill the wolf"

Kazuto looked around and examined the lifeless bodies of the wolves around him.

He sighed and said

"I told Hela not to kill the wolves and only hurt them."

Suddenly, a spark struck in Kazuto's mind.

"So it is"

Kazuto had noticed something important.

And that important thing was that even if his divine beast kills a creature, because Kazuto owns him

EXPs are received by Kazuto, since Hela was one of his abilities

It was amazing, and it could help Kazuto get stronger much, much faster.

" Condition"

It is better to put my status statistics on the things I need first.


Name: Kazuto

Species: human

Class: None

Rank: D

Level: 18

Life value: 3213

Upgradable stats [Strength: 20 Speed: 12 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 10 Mana: 20 Endurance: 15 Vitality: 15 Chance: 4]

Stats not upgradable [Charm: 16 Horror: 48]

Unused Stat Points: 15

========Continue Status Page========

[Artemis looks at you with satisfaction]

[Artemis sent you 10 medium HP potions]

"Thank you Artemis, for potions, I use them well."

[Artemis looks at your bare upper torso]

["Artemis" gets embarrassed and says, use the HP potion to heal yourself as soon as possible and get dressed]

Kazuto tilts his head slightly in confusion and then says.

"Artemis, I don't know why but I feel like you're sneaking a peek at my body."

Kazuto pauses and then says with a strange smile.

"But you don't need to be shy, it's normal for a virgin girl to be curious about men's bodies, you can look as much as you want"

[Artemis shouts, I'm not a virgin]

[Artemis is angry with you]

Kazuto sighs.

"I don't know why the gods are so strange, first he is a deviant god of forbidden love and now he is a hunting god who rages"

Kazuto raises his head and looks at the sky and says

"Nothing can surprise me anymore"

[Loki laughs loudly and says, "Congratulations, you're the first human to make a god angry]"

I don't pay attention to Loki's words and start using my stats points and my status page looks like this.


Name: Kazuto

Species: human

Class: None

Rank: D

Level: 18

Life value: 3213

Upgradable stats [Strength: 20 Speed: 20 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 11 Mana: 20 Endurance: 15 Vitality: 15 Chance: 10]

Stats not upgradable [Charm: 16 Horror: 48]

Unused Stat Points: 0

========Continue Status Page========

As Kazuto finished his work with the status screen, he felt someone hug him from behind.

And after a few moments, he felt that a few drops of water fell on his back and wet his back.

Kazuto turned his head and looked behind him to see Hela hugging him from behind and pressing her face to his waist crying.

After a few moments, Hela removed her face from Kazuto's waist and looked above her head where Kazuto's curious eyes were watching her.

Hela quickly separated from Kazuto in embarrassment and tried to cover the tears in her eyes and although she tried to hide the disturbance in her face, she failed to do so and said in a voice that was shaking from crying.

"It- It looks like you're still alive, I thought for a moment that I should look for a new master."

Although Kazuto heard Hela's words, he did not react to it

Kazuto had forgotten this feeling for a long time, the pleasant feeling of knowing that someone will be upset if you get hurt, there is someone who will always worry about you.

It was a pleasurable feeling that Kazuto had long since forgotten.

Although Kazuto always seemed like a savage, murderous and sadistic, but

With the small drop of tear that now came out of the corner of his eye, you could understand that even he wants someone to love him.

Kazuto made a promise to himself that he would not lose this feeling again, he would protect this pleasurable feeling with all his heart.

I decided to reveal more behind the scenes of Kazuto's character from now on.^_^

FX10000creators' thoughts