

Alex, your average high school student finds himself having a strange day which ultimately leads to the end of his life. He wakes up in the sight of a goddess who gives him a chance at a new life, obviously with some conditions. He is now sent into a world of magic and fantasy, thrust into a game made up by Gods for their entertainment and goals, what role will Alex play in this new world with his new identity and...Gender and how will he cope with the challenges that will come his way? Additional tags: Gender-bender, Yuri, Harem, Reverse-Harem

FailedRomantic · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


"Aaah" Alex moans softly at the sensation in his ear. He is reminded that his ear has always been very sensitive. 

'Maybe it's a subconscious thing' he thinks to himself before... 

"Aaahh! S-Stop trying to d-distract me from what you just s-said." he says 

"Your tone isn't very convincing right now but fine" she says as she rolls her eyes. 

"Why are you acting like it isn't something you've wanted all your life" she says somewhat exasperatedly. 

"Since when in the hell have I ever wanted that?" he remarks adamantly. 

"I don't know if you are trying to act coy or if you really are a fool" her voice taking on a stringent and grave tone 

"Do you seriously think you can hide your lust from me, do you think I can't pick apart your hidden desires as easily as I please and air them out in the open , or what...do you think I could've just picked just any random degenerate on your planet to do this job hmm... it seems this servant of mine has a very low opinion of her new master." 

Alex tries to find somewhere to hide, shirking away from the intense gaze of a Goddess but to no avail, so he just tries to sink into the sheets of the bed, crawling ever so slowly away from her embrace, seemingly afraid of something. 


"Maybe you are right, I don't know but for your information, I have always been attracted to girls and I've never really looked at dudes that way...hell I was practically around hunks and playing against hunks in my sports matches across the country." 

"America had a variety of ethnicities, all with their fair-share of good-looking men but I have never really felt much while looking at them, so I don't know..." 

He hurriedly explained himself, still shirking away from her. 

"Haah" the goddess sighed extensively. 

'This is gonna take a lot of work, that human really did a number on him, thankfully he came here much earlier than predicted, let's slow down the time a bit and have some fun' she smirks devilishly to herself as she looks at him trying to run away. 

"Alex, my lovely servant, though you would have found this out yourself, I feel like this part should be made clear so what I'm about to do to you isn't rejected as much as it should." 

She says she slowly crawls over to him 

"First of all, you are only attracted to A girl not TO girls and similarly your attraction to males was practically lost as a result of the former happening as well" she says as her hands grip onto his leg and pull him closer. 

"Y-yaaa! W-what do you mean exactly?" 

"Basically, you had what your world called a Yandere childhood friend and girlfriend who practically beat and fucked the shit out of you till the only person you had in your heart, mind and any sexual cravings your dick had and wants was only directed to her and only her" she says matter of factly. 


"huh" he blanks out in confusion. 

"I admit it was a bit crazy and funny to see, even for me honestly, that girl really is something, she has my admiration." 

"BULLSHIT!" he shouts in frustration. 

"How is that even possible... I wouldn't say I'm overly strong or something but how can someone like me, who is practically as fit and athletic a teenager could possibly be, possibly be beat and sucked dry by a woman of the same age as me, I find that hard to believe" he refutes frantically. 

"Hahaha, that girl is really something isn't she." she laughs hysterically 

"First of all, she was smarter than you, if your average IQ as a child was significantly above average, near genius territory, she was at genius territory and close to exceeding it, and coincidentally with that tool of yours called the internet, her brain practically developed much much faster than yours through her constant browsing ever since she was a child." 


"She practically had a head start on maturity and her feelings were quite clear to her early on and obviously she was batshit crazy too so yeah..." 

"Secondly, her family advocated for physical fitness to an overbearing degree, so she was always strong for a girl...that doesn't even count for her abnormal strength... so she practically had you beat on all fronts." 

"Are you fucking kidding me???" his eyes popping out in disbelief. 

"Oh, a word of advice, don't actively try and seek her in that world until you are stronger than her as you might alert her or people working for her, and trust me when I say this, when she tries to find you, she will find you, she has this crazy sixth sense about you so if your mannerisms are anything similar and you exhibit any strange behaviour that indicates you aren't a native, she will most probably figure out it's you". 

"That's complete bullshit!" he says in defeat 

"Hey, it isn't my fault you attracted a woman that batshit crazy that she will even still love you in the after life, she might torture and play around some unlucky girls and guys in that world to satiate her sadism but I doubt she would let anyone but you touch her...how lucky are you anyway" she says as she shakes her head in frustration 

"Fucking hell, and the job you give me is just gonna make her even more batshit crazy...fuck me man" his head practically hanging low at this point 

"Not my problem but Good Luck" 


After thinking for a while Alex figures out something... 

"Oiii, isn't what you just said you practically saying you can't make me as Op as her patron god can, isn't that a clear admission of defeat?" his energy comes back to life as he asks her quite smugly. 

A vein bulges on her forehead and she silently and quickly appears behind him, flips him onto his stomach and 


"Aah, ouch!" he cries out in sheer pain. 

She slaps his ass fervently. 


"How dare you..." 

"Aah" a low whimper comes out of his mouth. 


"Compare MEEE!!!!" 



"To that blundering buffoon of who only knows how to fight, fight, fight all day long" 


"Aaahh Mistress, please have mercy!" he cries out in frustration and pain because for one, the strikes are painful as hell but what's really annoying is how pleasant she is making it out to be, as if she is taunting him. 




This goes on until she is satisfied and throws him back to the two large pillows again. 

"Ouch ouch ouch, my ass will never be the same again...I was just asking a very relevant question" he says he rubs his ass trying to soothe the pain but to no avail 

"Hmph, I can give your new body all the necessary qualifications and even give you something that can help you be faster than her at progressing, but it isn't my problem she's much smarter than you which will obviously lead to her comprehending shit easier, don't put your inadequacies onto me!" 

She says as she finally calms down and she crosses her arms and still glares at him. 

"Hayi hayi, this servant is incompetent, I humbly beg for your forgiveness" he bows his head dramatically but all he gets is a snort. 

Alex lets her stew her thoughts for a while and as he looks down at something and a thought comes to his head. 

"Hehe, I still find it hard to believe when you say this 'Rose' practically wringed me dry, I've got a pretty good schlong if I say so myself, a whole eight inches worth, was she secretly a succubus or something?" he says this out loud in disbelief but some admiration is evident in his tone. 


"Hmph, she was just as much of masochist as you are, so she loved every second of impaling herself on it, gave her much more motivation to go harder" she quips back, her frustration quickly coming back to her but now for a very different reason. 

She silently appears close to him again, pushes his head down and making him lie on his back and takes his cock in her hand. 

"Envy isn't really something I'm used to feeling since I am practically the most beautiful being in existence, but even with my divinity turned of, this body is still the most divinely beautiful mortal coil out there" she says in a haughty tone. 

"For this dick of yours to have the gall to stay flaccid in front of me is a form of blasphemy I can't tolerate." her eyes start to slightly glowing pink. 

"Well I did come out of practically eternal torture so forgive me for being out of it in this sense" he says apologetically with the hardening and rise of his cock telling a different story. 

"Don't to use the void as an excuse, that girl messed up your perception of sexuality way too badly, you don't know how lucky you are to have me personally fix it for you." she says she rubs his balls tenderly with her fingers. 

"Ahhh, not much to complain about there I suppose" he says, sinking himself further into the sheets, his body relaxing at the sensation. 

"Don't get too full of yourself now my dear Alex, once I am done with this dick of yours, I will show you the pleasures of the female body in every single one of your holes THROUGHLY!!!." the pink mist in her eyes taking on a heavier hue as she grips his balls a little tighter. 

"Ahh, I'm not too keen about that but we'll see...Arggghhh, I'm cumming!!!" 

His body taken to a peak he's never experienced before as he slowly sees stars at the edge of vision as he comes to terms with the grim but pleasant reality of situation he finds himself in. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Chapters with * in the title will have some sexual scenes and those with ** will be full blown stuff btw.

FailedRomanticcreators' thoughts