
Choosing second to come first

It begins a bit rough but improves as it progresses just due to it being my first work, the world as everyone knew it changed, John though refused to bend or bow, well others seemed to be corrupted and changed by there choices John kept his sanity, or rather had no sanity to hold onto as the voices in his head that others beside his best friend dismissed as imaginary become more prominent, as he sets out to make his mark he learns the nature of the changes to the world, finding out more and striving to get stronger and to kill the so called gods who where responsible for it, but everything comes at a cost. So just a small heads up, it starts a little rough but I can promise it Improves as the chapters go on, a bit slow but it's my first real novel so hope you all enjoy it :-) Ps. This story is writing itself, so all the twists and turns are by its own choice as I'm just the one putting it on digital paper as odd as that sounds, share a stone if you like it and I'll also try to keep as consistent as I can with updates.

Coronis_Nocturn · สมัยใหม่
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97 Chs

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

It was a short trip to Elena's greenhouse, upon seeing John and seemingly sensing it was him she practically lunged at him and embraced him tightly. "Master! Your finally back! We've missed you so much! You have no idea how hard it was for us with that undead thing going around in your body!" Elena couldn't help but explain almost crying as she complained about Lesh.

Not entirely sure what to do John merely patted her on the back and gently rubbed, telling her softly to let it all out and having her complain before she finally calmed down a bit.

"Feeling better now?" He asks her getting a small 'uhuh' in response.

"Good, I'm sorry I was gone for so long but I will try not to do it again." He tells her, feeling her hold him tighter.

"Could you bring some of the captives out for me though? I know this sounds cold and mean but I'd like to see and try to sort things out with them a bit for myself, to try and figure out what to do from here, I will try to spend some time with you later though," He tells her, feeling slightly guilty for taking advantage of her like this and focusing on other things when she clearly just wanted to enjoy her time with him back.

Giving him a look and a small nod she gently bent down and put her hands into the soil, slowly at first almost unnoticed the ground began to shake before the shaking increased, a small passageway revealed itself as roots seemed to part the soil and make up the walls going down, glowing stones lining them providing a unique form of light.

slowly the trio headed down, Elena telling them she had some other things to take care of but would know when they where ready to come back out slowly closed the entrance behind them.

"It was a small walk proving they were kept quite far down before the trio heard moaning, faint at first but slowly growing louder and filled with pain.

Ahead what the noticed once the ground levelled out at the bottom of the stairs where a long line of cells, there bars made of roots coming from the ceiling into the ground and there doors a mass of smaller roots coming off of the larger ones, the dividing walls a mix of rocks and roots ensuring they weren't easy to break through with a single glowing stone on the top of each cell making it extremely hard to even differentiate day from night but thankfully it seemed a make shift toilet and small wall around it existed in each cell and even a small basin sink filled with water from a dripping root and a small bed coming out the ground with a makeshift blanket.

Making there way further in they passed the girls, each in their own cells and clothed in small strips of cloths just enough to cover there modesty and the bastard seemingly stuck to the wall by roots, his hands and arms unrecognizable mass of bone and wooden plants breaking through what skin was left, his face slashed almost to ribbons and his chest almost opened, his legs mangled and deformed, a women standing infront of him slowly cutting him with a wicked looking sword, small whisps seemingly coming off him with each slow deliberate cut. The girls smile particularly bloodthirsty and her eyes almost half lidded.

A shiver ran down Johns spine at seeing this, he knew the look on the women all too well, and couldn't stop himself from saying, "So a real bloodthirsty Sadist into personal torture porn of victims, can't say he doesn't deserve it from what I've heard but I'm unfortunately going to need to edge you here, I have some questions I need to ask him and I cant do that if his to blanked out on the pain his feeding you to give me enough of a answer." John says snapping Saya out of it.

Quickly turning and seeing she had a audience she couldn't help but blush and sputter, trying to make some kind of excuse or reasoning for what they saw.

Holding a hand up John tried to stop her. "No need to explain, a sadist recognises a sadist, and it's not like I have any room to judge you, I'm into my own stuff so yeah, no worries, and considering what this ass did to you its only fair you get your pound of flesh, if it gets you off even better." He tells her with a small laugh only adding to her embarrassment.

"So you're the scum I heard about huh? Personally, I think you should be killed or worse, but I agree that it would be letting you off far too lightly but I'm not a judge, I only came to ask you 3 things, answer honestly and I'll consider either letting you die or letting you go." John says going a bit closer to him, getting pained groans.

"Did you do what you did by your own choice? And did you enjoy hurting and breaking the girls, taking advantage of them? Final question, is there any way to fix this Rebecca girl and the other 2 and undo what you did?" John asks causing him to look up at him, in a horse pain filled voice he asks if John is serious getting a nod in return.

"I did it myself, I enjoyed it, when I got to do it and get stuff for it I went out the way to refine how I do it, honed my craft and got better at it, found better ways to break and drug the girls as I broke them to my whim, Rebecca and the twins where my biggest success, subservient to me and any guy who can speak down to them and trigger the breaks, if you let me go I can try and teach yo-" He didn't get to say anything further, all the well he was speaking he didn't notice John getting angrier and angrier, a unholy rage building in him being let loose in a solid punch to his face almost twisting and breaking his neck from the strike. What followed was a few more strikes, blows to his stomach, a few more to his face and even some to his joints resulting in cracking noises.

"Feel free to keep doing as you want to him, see about giving him a week or 2 break with medical attention and healing before you start the next rounds, we don't want him to start getting used to or enjoying the pain after all, it would also be a type of refresher for you as well a tolerance break." He tells Saya getting a bigger blush than before as she rubs her legs together at seeing what he did to the bastard.

"Wait! You promised! You said you would let me go!" The horse and pain filled voice caused John to stop in his tracks on his way out the cell and look back at him.

"I promised I would consider either killing you or letting you go, and I did consider it, but as you began speaking and making your opinion clear I realized you are worse than some of the monsters that exist in this world, now I don't doubt there are plenty others like you or worse, but you're the one who had a effect on those by me so you're the one who's here, once I leave now I don't think I'll be coming back to your cell, if I did I'm worried I would probably kill you. I don't want more blood on my hands." John tells him with a glare before turning away and quietly saying the last part.

So had some trouble with the site, but got this chapter up atleast and a few set for the next few days, sorry it took so long, my internet provider is full of nonsense and home life has been hectic not just because it's almost Christmas lol

Anyway thanks for reading :-)

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