
Chapter 55

Chapter 55

With a groan John slowly opened his eyes, he felt like absolute shit, his muscles ached, his bones felt sore and just the act of breathing felt painful.

"I really hope this isn't what its going to be like when I get really old." He couldn't help but mutter to himself as he forced himself up, a action taking far more effort than it should have and hurting a lot more than he thought possible.

"Now where the hell have I ended up this time? Last thing I remember was agonizing pain as if I was being put threw a shredder and bathed in acid well burnt all at once before Braedon saying he would handle things. I really hope he doesn't cause trouble but then again, his always been the calm calculating type, better him than one of the darker ones." He says with a shiver trying to picture the trouble some of his darker mind beings could cause.

"Well bud that aint very nice is it?" A distorted voice drew his attention, what greeted him was a copy of himself but reversed, instead of a red top he had black, instead of black pants he had red, his skin a inky black and eyes stark white like a blind man except for tiny pinpricks in the centre.

"Haha Yami? Damn, so I really am in some corner of my mind right now. Normally im still aware and somewhat conscious when I come here with this place being a faint imagining in my mind." John starts only for Yami to cut him off.

"But this time your fully in it like the few times ya arrived here in dreams ya know? And now your wondering about why and why ya cant sense or know what's going on outside ya?" Yami finished for him.

"Along with wondering why you say 'ya' so much, you didn't seem to have such a tick before." John quipped with a grin getting a growl from Yami.

"Well sorry princy for trying ta be different ya." He says in a huff but the grin on his face showing he didn't mind such remarks and knew it was a joke.

"So onto serious matters ya? You almost killed yourself bud, that fight with the self-titled keeper thing? It wrecked ya soul up something fierce, if we weren't around and you didn't have some of those weird undead things in ya head with us along with the little witch ya would be far past dead. Ya would have woken up, felt sore and then die a couple hours later, the pain ya felt before Braedon swapped out was your damn soul fraying." Yami says, turning serious as he looks at John conveying the extreme danger he was in.

"Well wouldn't be the first time I almost died from something, both in the real world and on the plane side of things." John says with a grin only for it to fall as he see's the serious look on Yami's face.

"It's far beyond that. In the real world as ya called it everyone has a predetermined time for there passing, its why some people just collapse and die, and others can be freaking shot or stabbed or fall from a super high place or more extreme cases where people get struck by lightning and live. It's because their time wasn't ready yet. But with what those god shmucks did screwed it all up I tell ya. From what we could gather karma, fate, life, death whatever balances that existed where chucked out the window bud, events in ya 'dreams' that would leave you sore after waking can full on kill ya now." Yami tells him, his voice raised slightly to get the point across.

Rubbing his eyes John couldn't help but ask to clarify. "So now I have to be aware when I sleep as much as I am when I'm awake? You realize how difficult that will be since often a person doesn't even realize there in a dream, even I have a lot of difficulty differentiation for the most part. Hell, more often than not I blend into the dream and only realize it after the fact. Cases where I am fully aware that I'm not physically awake only happen once or twice a week at most." He exclaims.

"I gettcha bud, I really do, its why we will be doing the best we can for ya. The changes did give us a little bit more leverage to work with, some more freedom if ya will." Yami says with a wide grin.

"And first things first is fixing ya soul up and getting it back together, or atleast a bit more stable, right now its like a wool sweater knitted by ya grandma who hasn't knitted in her life well jumped up on nose sugar and coffee, its got holes and points sticking out everywhere, to help though uhm we all may have kinda pushed parts of ourselves into them and mixed with it." Yami tells him somewhat reluctantly, looking away like a naughty child that had been caught playing with matches.

John just looked at him blankly, unsure what to truly say before sighing. "You lot where always like that, and it's not like I can actually do anything about it at this point. So where do we go from here? What do we do now?" He asks, knowing crying over spilled milk would get them nowhere.