
Choosing a Mom in Heaven

God couldn't be everywhere, so He created mothers.

DaoistasPURs · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter Five

Some people experience the darkest moments of their lives when their family members fall ill. They deplete all their savings to ensure the proper treatment for their loved ones, accumulate substantial debts, and watch as their cherished family members lie in a sickbed, enduring the torment of illness. This situation causes them immense heartache, and at the same time, they worry every day about financial matters.

Some people have just lost their romantic relationship, along with their job, and their family cannot provide any support. The question of where to live tomorrow becomes a significant concern.

Mila feels a bit sad, recalling what she said to Sophie: "God hasn't answered you because God believes in you."

But this is the system's perspective, in reality, Mila has a different point of view. For some people, life seems like a tribulation or redemption, no matter how hard they try. They find it challenging to overcome these difficult moments on their own, and throughout a person's long life, the accumulation of all the misfortunes can be enough to break their last mental support.

But she also believes in the system because God is not omnipresent and all-powerful, which is why mothers were created.

Half a month has passed, and 115 and 328 still haven't chosen their favorite moms. Mila can tell that 115 is a particularly cautious baby, he is very careful and deliberate when making decisions.

328, on the other hand, is a more casual baby. He just hasn't taken the selection of a mom as a serious matter yet. Right now, his favorite thing to do is sleep, so he has the fewest stars.

Mila walks to the side of Baby 115. At the moment, she is standing in front of a screen, and Mila notices that she looks at the screen very frequently.

"Baby 115, do you like this mom?"

She bites her pacifier, "She seems like a very kind person."

Mila follows her gaze to the screen, where a charming career woman is walking on the cold street, holding a hot coffee. When passing by homeless people and street performers, she generously gives them money.

At this moment, Mila receives a system prompt indicating that she can conduct bug testing with Baby 189.

"Good baby, I have other tasks right now. If you choose a mommy, let me know, okay?"

115 nods obediently with the pacifier in her mouth and then shifts her gaze back to the screen.

Passing by 328, who is playing on the ground, Mila walks into the cloud to find 189. When she finds him, he is currently grabbing a star. Excitedly, he says to Mila, "I've already caught 40 stars! Can I be with my mom soon?"

"You're really great, and Mom will feel your efforts." Mila takes 189's little hand and leads him towards the energy column.

"Where are we going?" 189 bites his pacifier, communicating with Mila in the language of his inner baby thoughts.

"We're going to see the mom you chose." Following the system's instructions, Mila opens the energy column, and a golden spatial vortex appears in the center. She picks up 189 and steps inside.

In the blink of an eye, they arrive in front of a villa. A short-haired lady with a red headscarf is directing gardeners and servants to trim the garden. Several doctors are also waiting in front of the villa, as today is the day the dog is expected to give birth.

The previous bug in the system caused the runaway baby to coincide with the day the homeowner's cat was giving birth, missing the opportunity to become the mother's child and instead turning into a little kitten.

Now the system is conducting tests everywhere to identify the cause of this bug and hoping that such a situation will never occur again.

Mila holds 189's hand in the garden and advises him, "Baby, please keep holding my hand and don't let go, okay?"

189 nods, but his eyes are fixed on the busy short-haired lady in the garden, the one he has chosen as his mom. Standing here, he feels so close to her, sensing the warmth of her energy.

Mila frequently checks the watch in her hand. The time for the dog to give birth is approaching. She holds 189's hand tightly to prevent any accidents.

The four adorable puppies are born safely. The veterinarians attentively assist in cleaning the puppies and provide a checklist to the servants, hoping they will pay attention to the issues listed.

The short-haired lady's eyes glisten with tears. After seeing that all four little babies are born safely, she also breathes a sigh of relief, thanking God for the blessing.

Mila encounters no anomalies here, and the data returned by the system is all normal. However, at this moment, the system sends a meeting notification, suggesting that in the vast database they have collected, they may have analyzed the reasons for the previous error.

Seeing that 189 has never taken his eyes off his mom, Mila crouches down and asks him, "Do you have anything you want to say to Mom?"

189 nods after looking at Mila and then glancing at the mom he chose in the distance.

Tonight in the villa, the short-haired lady chosen by Number 189 is having a dream. In the dream, there is a young and beautiful lady wearing white clothes, leading a baby towards her.

The baby, biting the pacifier, walks up to her, takes her hand, and says, "Mom, I'm working hard to collect little stars. Don't worry, don't choose other little babies. Can you wait for me?"

She can't control her tears as she looks at the adorable baby in front of her. Married for four years, they have been trying to have a child, but pregnancy has not happened.

She is shedding tears as she looks at the adorable baby in front of her. His little clothes have the number 189 written on them. She caresses his face and hair, nodding and saying, "Mom is waiting for you. Mom and dad have been waiting for you. You are number 189, right?"

She gently pokes 189's little clothes, and he obediently nods.

She smiles tenderly, holding 189 in her arms and saying, "Baby, don't work too hard to collect stars. Mom and Dad will wait for you always."

Watching the angel and the baby walking farther away, she also wakes up from the dream. The dream was so real, and she describes it to her awakened husband, crying and laughing.

The white hall houses a circular tiered conference room filled with staff wearing white work uniforms.

In the center is an energy column surrounded by virtual screens displaying the data results analyzed by the system. It turns out that it's the result of a series of coincidences, and these coincidences are extremely rare to encounter.