
~Chapter 3~

So peace fell upon the land and it was a long peaceful life for the humans for centuries... Huh? You d-didn't hear anything I had said from where (Y/n) was taken... Argggg you're useless,  stop zoning out so much bloody hell. Alright back to the story once again.

"Well, well, well... look what we have here!" A loud yet powerful voice had said. (Y/n) shook at his voice but slowly calmed her nerves. She looked to the dragon king and was in awe, she remained silent for the king to continue. "One of you greedy bastards are invading my lair is it?" She looked over to the dragon standing along side him. "Now, now, you might not want to scare her too much, those humans make a nasty little, what's the word, a face they make when they're scared... its kinda amazing isn't it? But anyways... why don't you speak up? Who are you little human? Just one of the lacky's of the bigger names? You're all gonna die here you know..."

"I-Im uhh (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)!"

"Just like he said, look at me! I wonder... do you ever think of anyone other than you're damn self? All you human are the same!"

"That's where you all are wrong!" She pauses hearing gasps fill the air. "We humans wanna live just as much as you dragons do. I have no idea why war was waged upon the two species and quite frankly I don't give a damn! You dragons are just like us humans!"

"Why you little-"

"We say all these things about one another without taking note of each other's feelings, that's why I have taken the journey to set things back to the way they were!"

"No one gives a damn about your actions or what you have to say because you're say does not matter you fucking human!"

"Now, now why don't we just calm down! Why don't we just kill all the humans?"

"No just watch." He turns away and looks back at the human "Now, why don't I give you the ultimate choice, you either escape and everyone dies or you stay with me and I let everyone else go... what's it gonna be, greedy human! Make your choice you lowly human!" She couldn't answer immediately, so she stayed silent. "Well arnt you taking you're damn time! I'll give you two hours if not decided by then I kill you and kill you're comrades... guards take her back to her prison cell!" They took her back and she stayed silent.

Now here Knight Madoriya stands worrying about her safety and starts discussing how they are going to rescue her.

"Right men we need to come up with a solution to save her, we may have lost people due to them being taken as hostage, it may also seem like we are finished at the moment but this battle has just began. So men what do you suggest we do? I need lots of ideas!" Silence befell them all until the silence was broken by the Knight Todaroki. "I say we spilt into groups, each group doing a specific task, the first group heads in as a decoy, the second goes and searches for the adventurer and the other group saves those who has been taken as hostage, if they're not dead by then."

"Todaroki... th-that's an excellent plan! Men y-you heard what he said, gather yourselves into three groups and we will discuss what the plans are!"

An hour and a half passes, (Y/n) still hasn't made her decision. She keeps on repeating herself over and over. Should she stay and set her comrades free or should she run and leave the rest to die. "Oiii have you made your decision yet? Whether you did or not the king wants to see you!"  They soon left.

"Well??? What will it be??? Your escape or you're comrades???"


"I gave you enough time, stop thinking! Well what is your decision?"

"I'll... stay..."

"Hah, I knew you'd pick that greedy human you- wait what?" The king now stunned by what she had said had not said anything further, except for his trusted and loyal friend, "Wellllll, that's a new one, haha. Taking the self sacrificial road, I did'nt expect that. Looks like someone's trying to get on you're good side eyyyy Bakugou!"

"Th-theres no way, no one would be that much of a-a dumbass. You... you're actually gonna save them?" He's looks away all flustered.

"Well yeah, I wouldn't want to kill people just for the sake of myself escaping, I'd much rather stay behind knowing my comrades went home to their families and are alive..." she closed her eyes having a smile on her lips."Didn't you just like... meet them today? It's obvious, when you walked in you didn't even know their names.  Someone was introducing themselves, or did you think I didn't pay attention?"

"So you've been watching me? What the hell!"

"There were rumors and a prophecy about a female adventurer bringing peace and every war that has happened we have searched for a female between the humans who came to fight against us. We didn't find any till you came along an-" the large red dragon was interupted by the King. "And we decided to execute the female because why would the dragons want peace with the humans after what that dumbass did!"

"Why would you not want peace?"

"Because humans are shellfish and greedy dilingquients, they do not deserve peace!"

"Well what would you rather do to humans then huh???" The king smirked and slowly step by step made his way to her. "Don't you know what we dragons do to humans like you right? Even still you're gonna choose to stay?" Stops halfway and turns "tch, some human you are. Do you really think they'll do the same for you?" (Y/n) looked down knowing he was right! She had barely had known anyone more than a day. "Hmpf, looks like I have to be a dragon of my word, now shut up and let the hostages go!"

Once again the kings friend Spoke "are you sure you wanna do that Bakugou? We can just as easily eat them up in one gobble!"

"And go back on my word Kirishima! I'm the dragon king and I don't go back on that! We're better than those humans..."

"Amen to that but I thought you know a little carnage is something you might of wanted there!" Kirishima trailed off feeling as if he had upset his king. "What's the point of it, it won't end the war! It'll just make more revenge stories!"

"Haha I'm sorry bakubro. As for her, what will we be doing with her? Can I take a bite?" The king once again tched "stupid idiot, I'm curious about this human! Now leave us alone!" With that said, everyone who was accompanying the king had left, except for (Y/n).

"Your such a damn idiot you know that! You chose all those people, tch they not even trying to find you! Yeah so what if one out of the bunch does? Humans are all the same. So why do you... feel so strongly about it?" She looks to her hands and back to him "well to tell you the truth I actually don't know... haha..."

"Tch, you're a bigger dumbass then I thought, us dragons are better in every way! Why don't you just, give up on them. Why are you just sparing their lives!"

"Because I don't want to see terror upon the land of those who have lost their loved ones!"

"You wanna see what real terror looks like... I'll show you!" The dragon king starts transforming into a dragon. "Gaze upon my true form can you see it? A face of a dragon, one that is about to devour you!"

"Wait I thought the dragon you call Kirishima said I'm part of a prophecy?" Bakugou stared at (Y/n) unamused, still in his dragon form. "I did say I wanted you dead did I not?" She looks at him with a smirk on her face and does not respond, "Why are you looking at me like that? You don't think I got it in me? ARE YOU TEMPTING ME???"

"No, not quite!" She turns slightly looking around holding her chin thinking of what to say next till an idea pops into mind. "Actually I was thinking of a bet!"

"A bet? Why would I make a bet with a lowly human like you!"

"Its just a small tinsey bet!" She held a small gap, in between her index finger and her thumb. "Tch, you've got so nerve don't you, you dumbass!" He started growling in an irritated manner. "Fine, I'll give you a try what's the bet? And what do you have to offer me anyways??? You want me to talk in my human form?"

"Well actually, yes it would be less intimidating. If you don't mind?" He quickly transforms back to human form. "There is that better?" She simply nods with a slight smile developing on her features. "What's the bet human?"