

Elijah and Rile are on a nature vacation looking for their father when they come across a cave that their grandmother told them about. Unsurprisingly, the inside of the cave opens the way to the amazing world of Shoko. Interestingly, many products and houses in this country are made of chocolate. The inhabitants of the world of shock, the shockers, the salt marshes have long been enemies. The salt miners, who are trying to salt everything, try to dominate and steal the magic chocolate grains from the shocks. He also catches Elijah and Rile's father. Two young heroes have to help the shocked to save their father. But in order to achieve their goals, you need to go through countries full of magic. This is a very difficult path. Because they can become enemies ...

Aman_Togay · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


In one of the sweet houses, Bastuar, the chief of Shokokent, wakes up scared. He dreamed that he was about to fall off a cliff. It is covered with salt and hardly falls from the rocks. Although he woke up, the taste of salt in his dream still lingered in his mouth. The elder immediately opens the window. Autumn sun shines and fills the world with light and joy. The cool morning wind picked up fragrances from the north and turned the streets and courtyards of Shokokent into a magnificent palace. The birds are singing. Elder Bastuar began to feed the orchestra as usual. The most important food, of course, is the warm words that come along with the food.

After eating breakfast, the handsome, bearded old man headed for the palace. He heard the bad news from the women on the road before the palace guards, he couldn't believe it, he said, "It's impossible, it hasn't happened for many years. Only yesterday everything was intact, and today the mood is full of black smoke, "he said.

"Hello, sir," said the guards in a sad voice.

"Hello everyone," said Mr. Bastuar, glancing at the guards.

From the inside: "Everything is clear. Something frightening happened to us. In recent days, the number of people who are afraid of this theft has increased for no reason. Did we call the baby ourselves? " The headmaster began to think differently.

A well-dressed servant appeared in front of the bastard:

"Shokohan is waiting for you," he said, as if adding more and more salt to the bitter soup. As Bastuar walked down the hall, he noticed drops of chocolate on the wall, like a crying young man. It was as if a dagger had pierced his heart. Because the tears on the wall were a sign that the chocolate was gone. The truth is about five to ten meters away. Behind the sweet door made of golden chocolate, a bitter truth awaited him. But in the heart of the hope that all will be well is still struggling. When Mr. Bastuar opened the door, there was even a groaning sound, and behind him was the head of Shokokent, Shokohan, hanging his head.

- Teacher Bastuar, we are in a bad situation. The magic chocolate grains were stolen, - he said in a calm voice. The king's voice was calm, but there was a burning sensation inside.

- The grain is gone from us. So we have a rot, - said Bastuar in the voice of a thousand people.

- How is that?

- As shocks, we need to correct ourselves. This is a sign of it, - said the chief, looking straight into the eyes of the king.

"Mmm ..." the king thought for a while. - But it is necessary to send pursuers after the grain.

- Of course, but not everyone can do it. The people need a special person who can sacrifice his life, - said Bastuar with a white beard. - I will consult with other people.

- Who do you think are the thieves?

- Pickles, of course?

"Yes, they left traces of salt," said the king, looking down. That's the end of the story.

The people of the palace began to taste salt. They knew where the thief came from. The thief is from the land of salt. For a long time, pickles have not been able to capture these magical chocolate beans. Realization of bitter plans is an ancient goal of salt marshes. Because their lives were bitter. His speech is bitter, his sleep is bitter, and even his looks are bitter. He was jealous of the sweet lives of others and had bitter thoughts. The enmity between them has a history of three thousand years. No tricks were invented. But this time it will be enough.

It rained that day in Shokokent, and the chocolate buildings began to melt. In the absence of magic grains, the composition of chocolate changes. The people of Shokokent are worried and anxious. Thus, chocolate flows on the streets of the city. When the rain stops, the liquid heated by the sun turns into real hot chocolate. Then a chocolate lake appears near the city.

The king of Shokokent gathers the people of Shokokhan on Tattisai Square. This famous square could hold several thousand shocks. King Shokohan, the leader of the Shokis, did not know how to convey the bitter news to the sweet faces of his people. Because telling the bad news is not easy.

The shocks are silent, waiting for Shokohan to say something. Some have heard of this tragic news. The vast majority were women. But no one has officially announced it yet. However, Shokohan gathered strength:

- My people! A limited number of magic chocolate grains were stolen by salt miners. Then the shock is distorted and they do not know what to do. The people are noisy. Shokohan continued:

- These grains are very important for us. The source of the world's power is those grains. These seeds were preserved by the saints and left to us as a gift. Those grains must be returned. Do any of you want to return it? - The king looks around hopefully. There is a real silence.

After a while, a famous hero came out:

"I'm ready!" - breaks the silence. He will be joined by three other famous heroes. Shokohan is very happy.

The king meets these four heroes in his palace, who go to Tuzdeim with the elders. They are all strong guys. At one time, these brave heroes led the shocks to victory with the strength of a white hand and the tip of a white spear. These heroes are ready to perform any task. Ready to give fifty lives for the country. However, the elders suggested that Elijah and Riley be sent, not four.

Shokokhan listens to the elders and agrees to send two young children. But the khan still said:

- Who are these people? He asked the elders.

Elder Bastuar immediately:

- These guys are handsome and smart brothers - Elijah and Rile. They have been in our country for several days. The children first came to the village in the south, and then settled in a house in our city. Now they are in the house of a boy named Shokai.

"Tell me more about them," said the khan curiously.

- Although these two young children are from a simple family, their behavior is similar to that of a princess and a prince. Elijah grew up to be a responsible girl. He is very kind and honest. When he makes a decision, he thinks it over and finds a reason to do so. Riley, on the other hand, is more sensitive and quick to make decisions. But lately he pays a lot of attention to logic and is always ready to help the weak. When someone says, "I need help, go," he does his best. Their father and mother raised them in a special way.

- You know about them in detail. Where does this information come from? Said the king.

"From this book," said Bastuar, lifting an old book