
23. Day 2 Part 8

If you'd watched very closely, you might just have seen the entirety of Paris shake for a split second that morning.

Many would speculate on their own theories of why the capital would experience a mini tremor so out of the blue... global warming, over-population, the Illuminati...

None of these fanciful notions was anywhere near correct, however. The simple cause for the baby earthquake was a certain Chloe Bourgeois's screaming at a level that would even deafen most species of bat.

Poor Miss Bustier and Lila, caught in the firing line of her sonic blast, had no choice to to cover their ears in haste, lest something delicate explode inside their lobes.

After thirty seconds or so of this high decibel torture, things finally returned to normal, or as ordinary as life could be in a city where evil-infused moths regularly turned humans with an axe to grind into crazed super villains.

Taking a moment to steady herself, the first thing Chloe noticed after her 'little' outburst was that Lila had dropped the velvet bag she'd so nastily taunted the blonde with, in her haste to prevent permanent hearing damage.

"GIVE ME THAT!" Chloe snarled, as she ran over and grabbed her personal item with a rather elaborate dive along the ground.

Realising that the screeching ordeal was over, Lila removed her fingers from her ears and remarked with an accompanying eye roll: "I was going to give that to you anyway, you know. There was no need for the hysterics."

"What exactly is going on here?! First of all Lila, why do you have Miss Bourgeois's bag on your person? Also, why are you yelling like a banshee, Chloe? Can't I enjoy a nice, simple coffee for five minutes between class, without some new crisis starting?!" Miss Bustier shook her head at the non-stop tension in her job. Maybe she would take up her sister's offer of professional therapy, after all.

Chloe wasn't listening to either of them. Her sole mission was to make sure that her new Miraculous was still safe and sound inside the confines of her posh hold-all. If I find out that Italian witch has done anything to Zzubo, I-I'll...

What lay underneath the zipper was not quite what she'd expected, or hoped. She found the bee creature's form in her bag alright, but it was motionless and unresponsive to touch, almost like a stuffed toy. Anger level rising...

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIEND?!" Now it was the turn of Lila to see the worst of Chloe that day, as the heiress launched herself nails first at the smug brunette, and it wasn't long before there was much scratching, eye-gouging and general hair-pulling in the vicinity of the classroom.

Any boy who thinks a catfight in full flow is in any way 'sexy' would want to watch a few minutes of the real thing in all of it's bloody glory, before quickly changing their mind. Unless of course they were a complete sicko, in which case their opinion could be handily discounted.

In any case, the struggle itself was brief, as the ever reliable Miss Bustier was on the scene to break it up. Grabbing both young ladies by their lapels, she used all of her hidden reserves of strength to pull the dueling harpies apart. Deciding that she'd finally reached the end of her tether, she cleared her throat before raising her voice for the second time that day, which is as many occasions as she'd done so throughout the whole of her illustrious teaching career.


Poor Miss Bustier looked exhausted by her last word, unused as she was to being so vocal in a learning enviroment. But it seemed to have the desired effect, as Chloe's anger froze upon hearing the verbal onslaught, and even the usually irrepressible Lila felt her eyes widen at the teacher's hitherto unknown high volume setting.

"Now, let's sort this out shall we, calmly. No more shouting, screaming or scratching, from anyone, if you'd be so kind..." Miss Bustier was eager to move on to peace negotiations. "We'll each take it in turns to speak, and deal with the situation in an adult way. So, who'll go first?"

Chloe opened her mouth to speak, but it was the girl formerly known as Volpina who had her say first. "I don't know what she's so upset about, Miss. I found that bag in the ladies bathroom, and even though it has no name tag on it, I thought it might be Chloe's because of how expensive and nice it looked. I was only going to give it back to her, but then she started screaming and attacking me for no reason..."

"You're a liar!" Chloe nearly lost her temper again, but under the watchful eye of Miss Bustier, realised she had no choice but to keep her mood in check. "You've done something to my friend! She's not speaking to me! I'm afraid she might be... dead..." Her last word barely registered as a whisper.

"What the heck are you talking about?!" Lila seemed unimpressed by the teardrops that now lay at the edge of Chloe's eyes. "Please tell me you're not so short of friends you're even humanising a cuddly toy! Don't you think you're a little old for that sort of thing? Honestly, I don't know how Sabrina and Adrien put up with you. Do you pay them to hang around, or something?"

"Lila!" Miss Bustier reprimand the Italian student with a frown. "There's no need for that kind of talk! Are you saying, just because I slept with a teddy bear called Mr Growly that I talked to every night after my father died, that I'm some kind of loner, too? Because if you are..."

"N-no, of course not, Miss..." Lila realised she'd put her foot in it, and instantly tried backtracking at a record speed. "L-listen Chloe, I'm very sorry if I offended you by inferring that the close relationship you share with your stuffed bee toy is any less than one hundred per cent sane."

Chloe had issued more than enough phony apologises in her time to know one when she heard it, but she accepted the false statement anyway. "Fine, whatever..." she huffed, still fully intended to get her own back later.

"Now, do you have anything to say to Lila, Chloe?" Miss Bustier smiled at the blonde encouragingly. "After all, Lila just wanted to return your lost item, there was no need to jump down her throat, was there?"

"But, you don't..." Chloe would have loved to regale her teacher of the sordid tale of how the Italian student had quite clearly killed Zzubo and left nothing behind but this useless taxidermied specimen, but now that she possessed a clearer head, decided that a one way ticket to the nuthouse was not in her best interests. " O-okay, I'm sorry too."

"I'm so glad you girls seem to have settled your differences..." Miss Bustier was not usually one to brag, but she felt she'd done a great job as a mediator there. "No more fights or insults for the rest of the day, understand? I'm going to let you both go now. Are you ready?"

When Chloe and Lila indicated that they were, both were released from their teacher's firm grasp, and while they smoothed out the creases in their jackets from where they'd been restrained, Miss Bustier continued to speak. "I hope the pair of you are going to be slightly more cordial with each other from now on. You don't have to be friends, just learn to live with each other, okay? Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone for what little remains of recess. I need time to steady my nerves for the next lesson, and finish off my drink. See you later, girls."

Miss Bustier then turned away from her two problem students, implying the meeting was over. But as Lila left first through the door, Chloe was stopped in her tracks for a moment by the teacher remembering something and gesturing her back.

"Oh, and Chloe? Don't think I haven't forgotten about your little tete-a-tete with Adrien in the ladies bathroom. I'd love to hear all the details about it, after school today. I'll be informing Mr Agreste shortly, too..."

"W-what?! B-but my chauffer..."

"...Will have to wait. Now, off you pop. Get some fresh air. Maybe cool down that hot temprament of yours. It's going to be a big week for you Chloe, so you better make you're mentally prepared for it."

"...Yes, Miss."

As Chloe left, all Miss Bustier could do was shake her head at the delinquency of the teenage girl. You'd have thought coming from such a well-to-do background, the teacher mused, she'd at least have learned how to behave, but that doesn't appear to be the case. It really is all-or-nothing for her over the next few days, and she hasn't made a great start. But I have to keep the faith, because I know she has potential... YUCK!"

The teacher stared down at her now lukewarm beverage, which had been left out in the open for far too long.

...Unlike this coffee. She thought, before chucking the lot down the sink.


Chloe was obviously chomping at the bit to check on the condition of her kwami in more secure surroundings, but unfortunately trouble was waiting for her just around the corner. The heiress heard a separate set of footsteps matching hers' along the corridor, and it wasn't long before her new Italian nemesis had drawn level.

"So, are you going to tell me what this is all about or what, blondie?" Lila asked in rather a rude manner.

"I don't know what you mean, stalker." Chloe upped her pace, to try and lose her pursuer. "You found my bag. You gave it back to me. We said sorry to each other. It's over. Now would you mind getting out of my way?"

"Yeah, right!" Lila responded with a haughty laugh."I don't believe any of that rubbish for a single second! Miss Chloe Bourgeois, the vainest debutante this side of Europe decides to stop wearing make-up? Miss Chloe Bourgeois, obsessed with the teen model Adrien, decides to ditch him like yesterday's garbage? Miss Chloe Bourgeois, who doesn't care about anyone but herself, suddenly decides to become all chummy with a stuffed toy? Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean, and I won't rest until I find out the truth!"

"I think you need to take a trip to the hardware store... your brain is starting to run out of batteries!" Chloe snarled back. It wasn't one of her best put-downs, but under as much pressure as she was it was the best she could do.

"Oh, funny!" Lila sighed at the heiress's pathetic attempt at humour. "I'll tell you what would be even more hilarious... everyone discovering out that the most uppity girl in school walks around with a cuddly bee in her bag, that she calls 'Zzubo' and holds long conversations with. I don't care what the teacher says... anyone who does that at your age is nothing less than an infantile freak show!"

"What did you just say to me?!" Despite her earlier promise to the teacher to stay out of any future conflicts with the brunette, Chloe was about to land a hard one on her nose.

"You heard..." laughed Lila, pleased that she was getting to the heiress. " In fact, so impressed am I by your adorable love for your little buddy, I think I'll spread the gossip all throughout school! Just think of the newsflash that the mayor's daughter plays with baby toys, and even considers one of them her new bestest friend in the whole, wide world! I'm sure your street cred will go through the roof! Well, off I go to share the news..."

"...How much do you want?"

Chloe's swift declaration of defeat was music to Lila's ears. "Well, that took much less time than I thought it would. I must say I'm somewhat disappointed... I'd worked up this whole brilliant routine where my threats would get less and less subtle, and when I finally had you weeping on the floor for mercy, that's when I'd drop the bombshell..."

"Just tell me already, so you can get out of my face."

"Well, that's not a very nice way to treat a future business partner..." Lila responded with mock outrage. "Whatever would your 'Daddikins' think? Tell you what, let's not put a figure on it for now. When I really need something, I'll come and see you, and maybe we can help each other out. How does that sound to you, Miss Bourgeois?"

"Whatever. Please go away now, your ugliness is beginning to hurt my eyes."

"Oh, good one! Did you come up with that all by yourself?" Lila sarcastically sneered. "Or did your mother help you? Where is she these days, anyway...?"

Chloe worked wonders controlling her temper to avoid another violent incident. "The same place you'll be, if you don't leave right now." She snarled, through gritted teeth.

"Oh okay, I know when I'm not wanted..." Lila remarked, pretending to cry. "I'll make my way into the playground now, perhaps meet up with that hunky Adrien on the way. Now that he's single, perhaps I might stand a chance. Not much competition mind you, I heard that his last girlfriend was a real bitc..."

It was at this point Chloe started to lose her cool and lunged at Lila, who finally got the message and ran off, her malicious laugh echoing all throughout the corridors.

Chloe sighed in frustration at what had just transpired. Not only was she now an apparent victim of blackmail to that conniving minx, she also faced being pushed out of Adrien's life forever by the sneaky plans of the Italian girl. N-not that I care at all, obviously. Y-yeah, that's right...

Putting her woes with Lila to one side for a moment, and realising she was finally alone, the heiress fished out the inert form of Zzubo from her bag, mournfully turning over the still bee creature in her hands.

I only knew you for a little while, and although we totally got on each others nerves, and you were a really hard taskmaster, I-I'll miss you. I-I think I would have quite liked to be a superhero, maybe not for forty years, but just enough time to show the world that I'm more than just a fabulously pretty face. Oh, why it is all the people and... kwamis in my life keep leaving me? It's not fair... it's just not fair...

Unable to cope with the raw emotion bubbling through her mind at this time, she hurriedly ran over to the nearest bin, and through a stream of hot tears, threw the listless corpse of the insectoid into the depths. "Goodbye, Zzubo..." was all she could say, before rushing off into the distance. She never was very good at handing grief.

Instinctively rummaging through the bag where the kwami once dwelled, her fingers happened upon two solid objects. Funny, I thought this bag was empty now...

One was an almost half full bag of nougats, which she threw over her shoulder almost immediately. The memories were still too fresh... and she hated nougat, anyway.

The second item was a golden comb, that Chloe recognised straightaway to be the item in that hexagonal box she mistakingly thought her father bought for her the day she met the bee creature.

"I-I shall keep this in her memory forever..." She said, choking back a few sobs while saying so. "And brush my hair with it every morning in front of my honeycomb patterned mirror. Whenever I see my beautiful blonde hair waving in the wind, I-I'll always think of you, Zzubo..."

"Wow. With a eulogy like that, what are you going to do when I'm actually gone?"

Chloe stopped. Thought for a moment. That sassy voice. That bee shaped shadow on the floor. That obnoxious buzzing right behind her. It could only be...

"I'll thank you not to throw me in the trash, Chloe Bourgeois, it stinks in there. Don't chuck out perfectly good food either... I was saving those nougats for later."


"I have to thank you though, for rescuing me from that girl. I've never seen anyone so full of themselves in their entire life. Yes, she even beats you in that department, as hard as it is to believe."


"Do you know how difficult it was not to move for all that time ? Sheer torture, that's what it was! Still, I'm back now, so let's get back to our usual routine, shall we?"


"Mind telling me about what's been happening while I've been away? The truth this time please, I have ways of finding out what really went on if you're fibbing..."


It was at this point that Chloe Bourgeois, the most stuck up, self centred, selfish girl in all of Paris, engulfed her kwami in the tightest hug she'd ever given, snuggling into the bee creature while tears of joy were absorbed by the fur. "I-I thought I'd lost you forever, Zzubo. I-I thought I was going to be all alone. P-please don't leave me ever again."

Initially taken by surprise at this unprecedented display of affection from her mistress, Zzubo smiled widely, before saying. "That was the plan from the beginning, Chloe Bourgeois. May I just say too, if this is how you are now, perhaps I ought to 'die' more often..."

She then returned the hug... but not before producing her notepad from the day before, and ticking off another box.

AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry for the delay, everyone. I was off celebrating my birthday, and Ebaying all the clothes people got me that I didn't like/ didn't fit (hey, I'm too nice to tell them to their faces. Sue me).

I think this is one of my favourite chapters so far. Hope you liked it, welcome to all of my new followers... and I am now taking... wait for it...QUESTIONS! Step right up, ask me whatever you want, but remember the golden rule, NO SPOILERS! Ciao xx