
Chimera system

The world was changed when the first Door appeared. Suddenly everyone started to receive ability's only seen In movie's and novel's. The world was thrown into a setting of fantasy as these wonderous green Door's suddenly arrived and granted us power. That is until the Door's suddenly Shattered. The story follow's Draco, an average boy that wanted to be a magician with everything he had. So when it was time to get his collar off, he was ecstatic. However instead of the normal life as a Striker as he thought, Draco will be thrown into a world vastly different then he had expected. ________________________________ I do not own the cover of the book, if you made it and want it taken down just say so and I will immediately change it. ________________________________

Zuess_Wraith · ไซไฟ
84 Chs

The Great Beginning

The end is also the beginning. That's what earth told itself in the year xxxx. Others know it as the "THE GREAT BEGINNING" because that was when the first Door opened. Or rather the Door's opened. It happened all over the world, bright green rectangles started to rise out of the floor and were two meters wide and 3 meters high. The governments told everyone it was a prototype of hologram technology and then proceeded to warn people from approaching it. It did not take long at all for people to figure out it was happening all over the world and that it wasn't a hologram prototype.

The governments started to send their armies through only for them never to return. Stories started appearing about blue boxes popping up that started to name people. Sometimes it was as simple as the name builder, others got ones like knight, or shield bearer. And with these came enhancements to one's body, knights would get faster. Their bodies were able to gain muscle at an amazingly fast rate, their eye hand coordination would improve too. It wasn't till later that someone found out that they could pull up a blue window on command. On that window showed their name, title, rank, and numbers that correlated to their body's statistics.

There was Strength, Agility, Sense, Vitality and Wisdom. After more than half the population got titles and learned how to manifest these windows and it looked like it wasn't going to slow down, the government started to share the information they had collected. They were trying to get a grip on the situation as some with titles started to use the enhancements their titles gave them to rob banks and use them in other negative ways. They started a task force called the Strikers which helped track down and kill these offending parties. It was only after one month did things really go haywire. That was when the first Door shattered. The green giants that represented a turning point in human history once again shook the world.

As the days went by, people noticed the bright green doors being corroded with brown veins. It was only when the door fully turned brown did the real chaos happen. A shockwave of energy was released from it, rushing anyone that didn't have a title in a mile radius with a feeling like there was overwhelming pressure on their shoulders for a couple seconds. Then the monsters came. Things straight out of mythology and stories. Some let out little green people that attacked anything and anyone that moved with crude weapons while others let out one eyed giants with clubs that could crush an suv with a stomp of their bare feet. No matter what the army did they couldn't affect them with their weapons. It took over a week for the first person to find that they could summon tools that correspond to their title from what people could only guess was a mini pocket in space.

After that what was left of the governments set a bounty for the heads of these monsters. It was a tiring effort to clean the world and the earth's population was cut in half in the process. During the clean up people noticed there were crystals that were found in the body's of the monsters, which were later referred to as Spineweb as they had cracks in them that looked like a web. Researchers looked into these stones and found that they could be used by people with a title referring to crafting. Instead of getting a weapon and armor they got books, otherwise known as guides that they could absorb which would allow them to craft weapons and armor that had special properties.

Only problem was they couldn't teach others how to do this and no one was keen on selling their guide, seeing as if they didnt use it themself they couldn't get another one and they had to go find someone elses. Some people's guides held better skills then others so to get a highly skilled crafter was very rare, so they were a hot commodity and were guarded like the president. While lower crafters were more widely used. Made even worse when the strikers association started guilds. Then came the ranks. As far as the government could tell it was a built-in system to determine how strong a title was at any given moment. The government found a way to measure what rank people and doors were. Seeing as the only thing people can see about one another is their title which floated above a person's head if you focused on them, they had to figure a way to officially rank people as some people lied about their rank to be let into higher grade doors.

After those few incident's, you had to go register your title, name, rank of your title to the striker association as soon as your title showed up otherwise you would be put on a list to be brought in and forcefully detained. The period of time depending on how long you had gone without registering your title. After you turned 19 you could sign up as a striker which allowed you to then proceed to match with people to get access to go into a Door as all Doors required you to have a certain number of people to enter.

Hello, author here.

I realize the spelling and wording may be a bit wonky, so if you are unable to continue reading it because of those two thing's, then it is my loss. I wrote the beginning of this a couple month's ago, and it was my first try at writting somthing ever.

Im currently writting this for the story, as i had an idea and i wanted to get it out to the world.

It may be cliche however if nothing else, the cliche has my own spin on it.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Zuess_Wraithcreators' thoughts