

Catastrophe breaks the thousands of years of foundation of entire humanity and bring them to extinction. It wasn't man made nor natural but something more bizzare from unknown milky-way, a meteorite of some destroyed plantery system as large as Urasia!, came forth and from the sky as if it's going to rip apart whole blue sky. Due to this unknown, countless countries along with its citizens were wiped out. When push came to shove, remaining humans joint created a last circle of society to face off the unknown. Past turning into dust, present crumbling in front of their eyes, future were uncertain. With the Crashed Meteorite from unknown milky-way, it brought, something, something like a parasite, which soon mixed in within the wind, turns into a disease which mutated many deformed some and what's remain gained some supernatural ability, but threat of the Unknown is still there. Wanna know more then stay tuned with me, cuz, I have a long way to go......

VelRiose · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Apocalypse~ It's the end

"When world collapse, where were you? Do you planned a vacation?, having fun with family? or being a pushover working overnight? so silly questions aren't these, but one thing for sure when world collapse, in an instant everything changes throughout the Earth. As I am trying to get some sleep, I heard some of my classmates chatting on this so called "World Collapsing" topic. As they continue talking about how our earth is going through changes, First of Climate change!, second Crops evolution!, third unknown species were seen in Ocean as well as on lands, and last but not least Earth's expansion due to a huge meteorite fallen on Earth and covering whole north Atlantic till south Antartica.

After the impact Oceanside nations wiped out not a trace left of them. Ever since then 6 Months had passed, remaining nation's are on high alert, due to continuous monsters appearances. Even humans advanced machinery's are useless against these giants. Whole world is upside down. Law's of physics doesn't matter anymore.

"Hey Rio! are you just gonna sleep throughout this journey, come on, be a man, come here, come! come!, we are going to play Cards we're short on one, come and play with us."

Rio opens his eyes as he knows this familiar voice, which came from his right hand side third seat in G487 Airplane which departed from 'UEU headquarter' to its destination 'Kyotra a neutral zone' facility, as most of the passengers are worldwide selected University students doing major in physics, biology, aerospace and others.

This was a 3 month's journey which has finally come to an end as these selected 260 students are the future of the human Race. The Earth is going through changes ever since that meteorite, Dark gray in colour and surrounded by mysterious flames which burnt everything which comes in its contact be it land, trees, animal's, birds & humans until only ashes remain, merged with the Earth.

The Meteorite is half of the size of The Red Planet and have its own eco system, scientists of UEU have just found out that recently. How that happened, that's a mystery most advanced mind on earth is trying to find out but so far no answers has been found. That's why "United Earth Union" was formed 5 years ago when meteorite was fallen and destroyed half of the human race. After then "UEU" launched this project to find more advanced mind and that's how Rio and Party is here.

As Rio who was tired of this journey, want to get some nap, pulled back down his seat a little to get himself comfortable. Luckily no one was sitting behind him so he let himself comfortable, used headphone to get out of these noisy bunches and started reading a magazine while listening music and after a while closed his eyes. Just then Jena Dillo, who was chatting with her group of 4 (2 Boys 2 Girls), noticed that Rio was sleeping, she who likes to tease and play prank on him had a cunning smile on her face and she shout out loud in his ear by getting near him. "wake up...!"Jena Dillo a popular girl in the team she is from Sikkim in india, now that part has vanished from the Earth though, Jena and her family were victims of the apocalyptic time.

UEU are giving places to live to those who have lost there homes and means of survival. Jena did everything she could to get a quota in "Chosen Ones" cuz this is the only way she will be able to give her family a better life. she studied 16hours a day, without any financial support or teacher. She learned all by herself, this changes her personality after seeing this new cruel world. Well she passed and now here she is. Rio kñows Jena's background and the efforts she made to get here well Rio was from zone 23 too. He and Jena were in same class in zone 23 institution. He barely have any eye contact with her much less talk, up until only two of them passed the "Chosen Ones" exam.

Well for good or bad Jena started teasing, making prank on him ever since. Rio whenever sees Jena his lips sealed off, words couldn't come out, he literally becomes speechless. With this behaviour most of their friends have pretty much idea of Rio! but about Jena! they can't be sure. after all Jena is cute, pretty and also team representative, who can't be speechless in front of such beauty, and she has a charming personality with around 5'9 feet height, beautiful sparkling ruby eyes with same colour brows. her thick slender nose melt any man's heart for seeing her heartfelt smiles of slender pink lips. A blue colored handkerchief is wrapped around her jug neck and yellow square stripes are made on it, along with the stars at the end. The round neck frock suit she is wearing, barely able to cover her bouncing mounds. There is lotus embroidery on the shoulder. Red net work on white cloth is making the dress even more beautiful. Her beautiful silky brown hair bun is enhancing the beauty of her beautiful face. She looks dazzling with her pink pair of trousers pants and red pair of shoes with white laces. she also have other dreses but for now, she looks good in this one.

Rio who opened his eyes some moments ago after he heard a familiar person, his gaze shifted from the magzine in his hand to that person's face. He straighten up himself, get his window seat back to normal, put magzine back to its place, and he gave a smile to Jena then...,

Rio:- "J-Je-Jena...! what's up? wh-what ha-happened? wh-why are y-you shouted just now?" He stutter while replying.

Jena:- "Huh, Rio! Don't you know what time it is. it's still 8 in the morning (half past 8 as someone speaks from her back). hmm, Okay! it's Half past 8, but that doesn't matter, what matters is this moment, this time, this journey we all have gone through, which is going to come to an end."

"So, atleast show some enthusiasm, talk to us, play with us, have some fun, or make some friends. Man, you're hopeless. I have seen you since our journey started, you either get yourself busy with instructor's or closed yourself in your room or do some other things to isolate yourself. well if I'm in your place I would have gone insane long time ago but look at you, nothing seems to phase you and..." before Jena could have finished her speech Rio! who was silent up until now raised his left hand, in a manner to get permission to speak from Jena, which she nodded, in Yes.

Rio:- "Sorry! I cause a lot of trouble for you Jena." he doesn't stutter this time and continues speaking, "I know I'm not good in many things so I always avoided those things. I thought only for myself, my selfish desires but I actually hurt you accidentally. So for that I'm sorry! I extremely sorry for that and I promise you that from now on I won't be a nuisance to you anymore. You asked me to play cards with you, okay then, let's play."

Rio's eyes turned teary as he finished his speech, which he wipes out with his handkerchief, and looked at Jena who is still standing confused, after some seconds later she goes back to her seat and give herself a rest. Other passengers who heard these two Chosen Ones vocal fight, some smiles, some added their opinions, some looked confused, and some had expression of that 'its a lover's quarrel.'

Well, Rio sits back in his seat and interlocks the fingers of both hands in front of his chest. He could hear his fast and loud heart beat. He also watch Jena who looks confused of 'what just happened?' expression on her face, while lost in her own dimension. After some thought Rio come up to a decision, tilt his head left-right seems convincing himself that this is the time of action.

As Rio stand up while other passengers were busy dealing with their own matters, He moved towards Jena, he almost there, just then, a sudden wave of strong deadly thunderstorm shaken up to down the whole Aeroplane. Thunderstorms mix of noisy, thunder and sparkling, lightnings, rips across the sky and cold winds whipping through the mountains.

This airplane carrying more than 300 passengers in which all technical or mechanical functions suddenly stopped. The pilots are wondering what to do next; cuz this isn't a normal storm with black cloud's covering whole sky. Strong wave of winds after winds, making this storm extremely powerful and difficult to navigate. While passengers didn't have any idea what's happening outside until whole Airplane was shiver down by a strong gust of wind, and lighting sparks a fire in left wing, which no one noticed. Suddenly the lights of the plane goes on and off. In such a situation, people also started panicking while making noises.

As some people got up to talk to the pilot, at that moment the plane veered to the left, due to this shock some people hit the windows of the plane, break it and fell out. These 60 or 40 people called by the nature as some off them on the brink of deaths door, some's skull pounced, seeing these gore's sight many lost their minds. Then suddenly the plane turned to the other side, then other passengers somehow manage and seated on their seats.

Everyone is tense and despair seeing the great yama smiling at them, passengers fear rising up. one of the air hostess unbuckled off her seat belts as she would talk to the pilot but to her surprise whole controle unit and systems were completely destroyed by lightning strikes even pilots body turned to ashes by now and to make things worse plane is heading somewhere that no one knows.

Seeing this sudden change of development many gotten pretty much good idea that jaws of grim reaper coming near every second.

"Pilots are... dead! They are dead! turned into pile of ashes! what do we do now? what do... we... do?" one of the air hostess came out of operating chamber, horrified, mumbled these words until she fainted.

Chill silence in pitch black plane, thunderstorm's sound echoes throughout the falling Airplane. Fear, anxiety, helplessness could be seen as passengers were trying to unlock the falling planes emergency door. All the passengers are going towards death, their faces are full of despair. Rio unbuckled his seatbelt as soon as the air hostess told about the deaths of pilot's.

As soon as Rio stand up, he was sent flying back to his seat from the cover of the fleeing people. The plane turned around, thunder and lightning fell continuously sparks outside of the windows, strong winds engulfed the plane, as cracking sound of plane being tear apart can be seen, that makes people more horrified as they try to jump off, from emergency doors and windows but no one can change their fates. Ryo's voice shattered and as he saw Juna and his companions vanish from his eyes. whole plane started burning as it falling down. Lightning made it easier as if continuous numerous strikes is the reason of G487's downfall.

Airplane split in half and moments later a big bang "Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!".

The plane split into pieces before and then came a bright light that pierced pitch darkish gloomy night that attracted the attention of people crying out for help. As everyone having flashback of their past, their dreams are shattering in from of their eyes but non of them can do a thing. As they all engulfed in a series of explosions one after another whole plane shattered in pieces and moments later "Boooom!"

The plane hit a rock before its front part caught fire and with a loud explosion, the entire plane went up in smoke with people on board. then the rest follow-through with Rio and other passengers on board. Some jumps down from the burning plane in hope of surviving but little they know jaws of black sharks ready to taste warm human snack once again. A few minutes before the explosion, as soon as Ryo saw Juna going into the lap of darkness, he felt that his whole world is going upside down as she left him behind.

"Death is in front, so what to fear and when I'm going to die then I prefer to die in her arms." Rio's face was reddened his clothes were ripped from here and there barely covering his chest. His Black jeans with yellow pattern in one of his back pocket, has experienced its own share of life in these last couple of hours. "Even as I die I want to embrace our light one last time" Rio thought and jumped with a smile, into the strange dark sky to hug his love one last time and tell her how much he loved her.

"Boom!, Boom! Boom!"

"Krack!, Krack!, Krack!"

"Boom!" "Krack!"

Vampiric hums echoes throughout in pitch black gloomy night. Explosion was so much terrifying that it even land, Ocean don't know where that plane crashed is still shaking up. After some hours, creepy silence taken place, it is so much eerie that no living being can stay still without losing its mind.