
Children of Stars

"Attention to these following areas... There will be a huge hurricane coming so evacuate soon and..." that's all Jade heard before it all became a static sound. Jade is about to evacuate with all the essentials he prepared when his stomach suddenly churned that nature is calling. He could only go to his dilapidated hut and resolve the issue there. He is about to flush when it suddenly became bright only for him to see that the roof is already blown. The big hurricane sucked everything including Jade, only God knows where it will take him. ... A world-hopping story where the main character travels in a multiverse and meets "strong people" through a storm. Knights and magic, beast-men, interstellar, etc.

VeanaMetria · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Jade woke up from his slumber only to discover that a power outage happened again. He checked his clock and it was already 8:03 am, when he looked through the window, it doesn't seem like morning. The sky is so dark from the Cumulonimbus that's thickening on the sky, that one can't even see a glimpse of the sun.

Still a bit groggy from his sleep, he composed himself and turned on the radio immediately, "Hissss…" a static sound continued roaring in his ears.


He is speechless, he forgot that this old radio of his has a signal problem.

Jade can only calm down and think about what to do. He left the radio on in case it will get a signal while he is doing something else. To freshen up his state, he ate breakfast to fill his stomach.

After some deliberation, he finally decided to pack up his things first lest he needs to evacuate in this situation. In his backpack, he prepared two sets of garments, enough canned goods that will last him a few days, and the newly bought emergency kit.

Checking again and again whether he forgot something or not, Jade finally heaved a sigh of relief and put the backpack down on the floor near the door. He planned to visit his parent to know their situation and unhurriedly wore the boots.

Stomping on the puddles, Jade concluded that there was probably a heavy rain last night. He followed the small rocky road to his parents' house.

"Rain, rain go away, come again another day…~"

"Itsy bitsy spider went out the water spout…~"


With boredom on his side, he sang rhymes and hummed some tunes to enjoy the walk even though the sky looks gloomier than yesterday.

Jade finally arrived and looked for his parents in the courtyard and called them at the same time "Ma, Pa…" but no one answered him.

"Maybe they are in the warehouse?"

When he got to the warehouse, he saw his parents frantically storing the equipment used for farming and the crops in high places with the other farmers. Amidst the busy atmosphere, his parents still noticed him.

"Jade come help we're almost done here we just need to put these fertilizers there." His mother shouted also pointing in a certain direction.

Jade nodded his head and walked to the pile of sacked fertilizers.

It took almost an hour for the people to secure everything.

"Jade let's go back to the house because we may have to evacuate with this hurricane getting stronger." His father said.

"Maybe I could also listen to your radio also, mine's not getting some signal."

"Let's hurry, aughh I feel something ominous with this weather…" His mom said gloomily.

"I know, I feel like it's happening again…" his father answered.

Jade looked at both parents and finally ask "What happened before?"

"Well, more than a decade ago there is this strong surge of a thunderstorm, and even the weatherman only detected that a hurricane is coming into the country three days late." Father Rose narrated the history solemnly.

"Until now, I still feel fear from that calamity. Everything it passes to becomes nothing. Both I and your mother at that time are still teenagers so we could only watch as the farm got destroyed." Mother Rose continued.

"Let's just hope that everything will be fine." Jade consoled both parents, but in his heart, he is also having a crisis because as he looked through the window earlier, he saw a dangerous aura that gave him chills.

Ever since he was a child, Jade discovered that he can see the aura from people, things, or even just in thin air. He hid this ability of his and made use of it to survive during his time in the orphanage.

Back then, he could only rely upon this ability to know whether a person is good or bad and finally stumbled upon the Rose couple.

"Stop worrying anymore, we still have to prepare." Mother Rose broke the silence.

The family of three continued to walk and arrived home a few minutes later.

"Jade, you turn on the radio." Father Rose commanded

"Yes." Jade answered as he walked to the cabinet and turned on an old radio.

"Hiss As of now, it is recommended for the following areas to evacuate… Hiss please evacuate as soon as possible, we got a report from PAGASA that the typhoon is Category #5 hiss…" The woman's voice was then replaced by a static sound not returning to the news forecast.

"Pa, I don't think the signal will be back soon, both you and Ma should just go to the evacuation center first. I'll go back to my place and get my belongings."

"Be careful on the road, it's slippery."

"Don't worry Pa, I'll be quick and careful, both of you have a safe trip also." Jade assured his parents.

Jade hurriedly but carefully journeyed his way home. When he got there, he could feel that even though it is still from a distance, the dangerous aura from the sky is getting closer.

Grabbing his backpack near the entrance, he then locked the door after checking the inside.

Just when he is about to go, his stomach suddenly churned indicating that nature is calling.

"Are you kidding me?!" Jade moved fast and resolved his business in the dilapidated hut he made for a comfort room.

He is about to flush the toilet when his surroundings suddenly became bright. He looked up only to discover that the sky is black and a big tornado coming his way sucking up everything.

Jade ran outside and put on his backpack to hurriedly get away from here. But his body is getting burdened by the force from the tornado slowly lifting him.

"No, no, no! I still want to live. Mama! Papa!" as called with panic and a face of


He grabbed onto a nearby pole but to no avail, he was still sucked inside the big tornado with a panic-stricken face.

For now, I can only update 1 chapter a day.

Good day to everyone if you ever stumbled upon this novel

VeanaMetriacreators' thoughts