
Childhood Soulmates.

Warning: Mature content. Farah Blade: Twin sister of future Beta Adam Blade of Blood Moon Pack, Daughter of Beta Alexander Blade, and his mate and wife Isabella Alexander Blade. Beautiful, Innocent, Body of a supermodel yet never has an attitude or show attitude, Sweetest person you will ever meet but at the same time firm and strongest person ( both in wolf form and human form) you ever meet, Never mess with her family and friends. The only person who can calm him (her Best friend who loves her most apart from his Parents). Xavier Knight Black: Future Alpha of Blood Moon Pack, Only son of Alpha Damon Knight Black and his Luna and wife Stella Damon Knight Black. He is arrogant, Ruthless, Powerful, and the Most feared person, the Body of the Greek God, Girls fall on their knees for him boys respect him and even some are jealous of him, mostly all fear him but he pays them no attention, the person that has his heart and most important to him is her (his best friend) and his Parents. Both wished to be each other's fated mate and when finally their wish came true, they had to face various difficulties just because they were fated mates but they overcame all difficulties and remained together and lived a happy life in the end with their newly developed family. _________________________________________________ Farah: MATE! Xavier: MATE! I and Xavier said it together. I can't believe it Moon Goddess just made my dream come true. My mate is my childhood friend, my Crush whom I have a crush on from childhood, maybe in love with, My Xavier, My Xavi, My Mate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the full journey of Farah and Xavier from childhood friends to soulmates.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


Farah's pov:

We remained in each other's arms for some time, I knew very well that this was where I belonged in my mate's arms. I am so happy, it feels so unreal but at the same time feels heavenly. After some time we parted from each other but not that far, still in each other's arms. Xavier kissed my forehead, I always feel warm by his forehead kisses but today it felt so good and heavenly.

Xavier: Happy birthday my Mate.

As soon as he said these words I felt like I was flying in the air, it gave me so much happiness being his mate and being called Mate by him. I suddenly realize.

Farah: you came!

Xavier: of course, how can I miss my princess's birthday? I could never miss your birthday, especially your 18th birthday, and besides my travel is no use because my mate is right here in front of me in my arms.

I blushed, he chuckled a little at my reaction because I was never shy and I never blushed in front of him.

Xavier: my princess is blushing, it is a new thing.

He said in a teasing manner, I hit his arm lightly but hugged him again, and he wrapped his arms around me tightly then when parted a little. He gave me a small box as my birthday gift as I opened it, I gasped, inside was a beautiful ruby locket. I thanked him and kissed his cheek.

Xavier: Well for now I am gonna agree on this but after this, I need more than a cheek kiss. Now turn around baby.

I Blushed so hard at his comment and endearment. Xavier had never used such endearment for me. I know very well what he said by 'I need more'. I turned around, he removed my hair. When he touched my neck, I felt an electric current in my body, I shivered a little. He put a locket on my neck.

Xavier: now let's go, love, to the party and make an announcement about us as mates.

I looked at him a little bit surprised. Before I could say anything.

Xavier: why wait unless you don't want us to be mates?

My eyes widen at his statement. I shouted.

Farah: What! NO! why?.....why?... would. I...

Xavier starts laughing hard. I realized that he was teasing me. I glared at him and pouted at him.

Xavier: Aww! Baby don't pout I was just kidding. Ok, I am sorry.

Xavier said in a sweet voice putting both hands on his ears. I am the only person that has seen this side of him and now I will be the only person who will ever see this side of him. I immediately grin at him. I pulled his cheeks, He looked so cute, and I kissed his cheeks again.

Farah: Ok baby you are forgiven.

I immediately became red as a tomato I just realized what I said to him.

Xavier: Baby! Hmm not bad. Come on love let's go to the party.

Melissa David's pov:

I feel so good seeing that no one is objecting to me being Xavier's chosen mate in the packhouse, I mean who will? I am one of the strongest wolves here. What surprised me was neither that bitch Farah nor her so-called friends opposed me not in a slight bit, I mean that is surprising because I know she is in love with him. I am a little bit worried that no one is her mate in the pack, it might be a chance that Xavier is her mate just like all of the pack members think or Xavier might choose her because of her close connection to him. NO! NO! Don't think about it, I will never let that happen. I was talking with some pack members when suddenly there was pin-drop silence, everyone was looking at the entrance when I turned around my blood boiled, Farah was with Xavier and her hand was in his hand, they had this emotion in their eyes which I couldn't predict. Wait a minute when did he come and why don't I know about his arrival? They both went to the stage and Xavier said with authority and happiness.

Xavier: Good evening my pack members. I have great news for all of you which you were waiting for a long time. I found my mate tonight and I would like to introduce my mate Farah Blade to all of you. 

Everyone gasped and then all cheered loudly. Xavier brought Farah close to him and kissed her cheek. She blushed. I couldn't believe in my eyes and ears what I was listening to. No, It can't be happening, it is not true.

Melissa: NO!

Everyone stopped cheering and looked at me. Xavier looked at me with rage and cold emotions, usually, I become afraid of his looks but I don't give a damn about it right now. Xavier said with a cold and Alpha voice.

Xavier: what do you mean?

Everyone moved backward and hung their head down in submission to their Alpha, my wolf also wanted to do the same but I fought with her and stayed on the ground and standstill.

Melissa: She is not your fated mate but you are choosing her as your mate.

Everyone gasped and looked at me with horror because I was accusing Alpha of betraying his pack members about his true mate.

Xavier: I don't care what you think in your gutter mind but there is only one thing Farah is my mate and your Future Luna, so just shut your damn mouth before I will kill you for accusing me as a liar.

Melissa: I will not accept it.

Xavier: Are you challenging my FATED MATE?

Xavier said in the coldest voice, everyone was shivering, and too felt horror shiver in my body, he emphasized the word fated mate loudly so that he was clear to everyone that Farah was his fated mate but I was not able to accept it. I can't let anyone be Luna because Luna of this pack is me.

Melissa: Yes!

I said with confidence. Xavier's expression changed suddenly. He becomes calm, it is the same as calm before a storm, everyone is horrified by his sudden change of emotion. He smirked at me. I know I am in big trouble, this is not good.

Xavier: Alright my mate will fight with you, but there is a slight change instead of fighting Luna's position ( when anyone challenges Luna if that person fails to win she is banished from the pack), it will be Death Fight.

Everyone becomes terrified by hearing his statement, I become frozen on the spot so does my wolf. A fearful shiver runs past my body. I know I am one of the greatest warriors of the pack but Farah is not a simple one either but is strongest in both human and wolf forms. I composed my sock and accepted the challenge with confidence. I will do everything in my power to take Luna's position. Both my parents and her parents and also Alpha Damon and Luna Stella tried to change his decision.

Xavier: ENOUGH! It is my final decision, if anyone opposes it or says anything about it he/she will be punished. Everyone is On the battlefield now.

Xavier took Farah's hand and left the party. I looked at Farah, there was neither shock nor surprise nor fear in her face and eyes. She was silent during the whole scenario.

Kyle David's pov:

I can't believe that Farah is his mate. Just like my sister, I refused to believe it but I become so much angry with the son of bitch Xavier how could he propose that idea, doesn't he get sacred about Farah, what if she dies but the thing is clear now whatever he is saying is not rubbish because he would not have said such thing if he was not sure about Farah being his true mate! ( because Fated Luna always wins challenges whether she is strong or weak and Farah is very strong that's why I don't mess around with her and her friends, not because of her overprotective family and best friend). Shit! Why Moon Goddess? Why did you do it to me? I am gonna lose either my Slut sister (whom I don't care much but still she is my blood) or Farah (my soon-to-be chosen mate, I don't care she is Xavier's mate). I am gonna make Xavier pay for it. I just can't stay in this pack anymore knowing about a fight where I am gonna lose someone close to me, but I promise if Farah survived I am gonna come back for her and take her with me. Looking at my family last time I left the packhouse and quietly reached the borders, everyone was so busy in a fight that they didn't even notice my absence. I crossed borders and I felt a bond breaking with my previous pack. I know Xavier will feel it ( whenever a pack member leaves their pack, their Alpha feels it just like when someone joins the pack) but I know he is too raged and angry this time to feel anything apart from his mate.