
Child of The Sun And Moon

Given birth to on the forest floor in the darkness of night, he had always been alone.For him this was not an issue as it was the only life he knew and considered it of little importance as he found peace and contentedness within the forest he called home, little does he know his birth would cause an upheaval for the beings that rule within the shadows of the world, for his existence poses a tremendous danger to their rule and power. He will have to find out who he truly is along with the power he holds if he wants to survive these ancient beings. Will he be able to make the hunters become the prey or will he just be another count among the thousands of bones that make up their thrones? This novel is set in the world of twilight but will not be focused on the characters of the main story, instead it will delve deeper into the lore of the world and will even touch on new things that haven't yet been answered or exist in the lore. Our Main Protagonist Aidon is a character of my own making as well as others that will come along and is owned by me. the characters and the world it is set in by Stephanie Meyer is owned solely by her and I lay no claim to them except those of my own making. I hope this novel will be loved and if there are any mistakes within the writing of it I will gladly accept corrections. I will not answer any questions in regards to what or who the Protagonist is not what are his abilities. All will be answered the further into the world you go. Enjoy your journey.

micheal_martin · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

09. Math

After digesting the information sent over to him on the fundamentals of language and how to understand it, speak it and write it he felt a high on learning this amazing art and realize how much of a lower existence he was living as an animal instead of an intelligent being, he quickly pulled up my memory of the being that gave birth to me and realized it was his 'Mother' and also replayed the words she said in her last moment, 'I love you Aiden's, I love you; to show deep Care,empathy and loyalty to someone, to bypass all means of reasoning in regards to selfishness and be selfless for another person,a feeling. He now understood what she meant but didn't understood the intricacy of it as it seemed that this love was tied to emotions that he have yet to fully comprehend. 'Aiden' this seems to be a reference to his self as there is no word for Aiden other than what seems to be words akin to a Name, so it is a Pronoun and seeing as she was talking only to him when she Said 'I love you', it would mean Aiden is his name. He unpacked all this information in mere millisecond when he heard one of the three; Female,Ladies, Women,Sisters say " Can you now understand us little one?", He looked up to the one that spoke and realized she was the one that sent him the precious gift of language,"yes, I understand you", " Good I am sorry that you had to learn about how to communicate so abruptly, I would have much preferred to teach you as how most intelligent beings learn, slowly, but based on what I could understand from your open telepathic link you would have never understood anything I wanted to convey to you unless I taught you like one would teach a dog or pet and that in itself would be very tedious and an affront to your intelligence, this way is a much more convenient and efficient way."

" I envy your gift' said Zaphrina while looking at Aiden as one would look at a Golden egg," while mine has some aspect of yours, I suspect yours is the purest and most powerful form there is to Psychokinesis. Though I will have to teach you how to be safe as this could have made you lose your personality and essentially erased and overwrite your mind making you think you were me with all my memories,a very scary thought." One could see the concern written on her face on how she could have essentially erased this child ego and replaced it with her own do to his innocence and pure Naivety in opening is mind for others to access,"As of now you are not allowed to accept or take information from anyone's mind until you have a perfect grasp on who you are as a person is that clear?" She said to him sternly. Listening to all she had to say he thought deeply about whether or not what she said would inconvenience him and seeing that it didn't he answer yes, deciding to follow along with her plan seeing as it would only bring him benefits from being obedient.

Senna and Kachiri could only smile wryly while looking at Zaphrina scold the child, usually she was the more free spirited of the three sisters and seeing her so serious they realized how much she seemed to care for this little one despite just meeting him. " now now sister, don't be so hard on him, at least ask him his name before giving out demands and scoldings" said Kachiri ,to which Zaphrina Blushed greatly in shame realizing she hasn't even introduced herself and her sisters properly much less asked the little one his name though she doubted he had one, seeing as he had no clue what language or words were a few seconds ago."Pay my two sisters no mind little one" said Senna,Rather liking the nickname her sister Zaphrina gave the boy," I am Senna and these two or my sisters, the one that admonished you just now is Zaphrina and the other is Kachiri, what is your name or what would you like us to call you?"

Looking at Senna he felt a sense of calm overwhelm his senses and he could see just like Zaphrina she also was a bit extraordinary but he felt safe with her as his mood stabilized," my name is Aidon". Heading this Zaphrina was a bit surprised the child had a name but she had to admit, it was a beautiful name," and where are you from Aidon,do you have a family how did you get here do you know about what tribe you are from?"," I am from the forest and I have no family I have been in the forest since birth and you are the first I have ever met outside of the Animals I hunt for sustenance or game, I do not understand what you mean by a tribe Senna."

"What she mean is, from who do you Orginate, Humans? Vampire? Shape Shifters? Witches? Child of the Moon? We are Vampires, of course we were once human like all Vampires,But that was many Hundreds of Years ago. Speaking of years how old are you Aidon?" Asked Kachiri while also mentioning the different beings, or as they call them tribes, that are on the Earth. Hearing this Aidon was silent for a bit seemingly deep in concentration going through his perfect memory back to when he was conceived to see if his mother mentioned anything but all she said was his name, nothing was told about his origins where is was from or what tribe his parents were from. " I don't know, I was born as I am and I cannot recall my mother saying anything about my tribe when I was conceived, she only told me she loved me and my name and from then on I began to wonder the forest,Hunt,Play, Grow."

Hearing this all three sisters was surprised,because they realized this immortal child was born an immortal and not turned like the Vampires and the Children of the moon, plus he said during his time in the forest other than Hunting and Playing he also grew, as far as they new an immortal was unchanging it's one of the reason vampires did not turn Children immortal because they would be forever unchanged and frozen in not only their body but also their mindset as their brains would no longer grow and mature. Which left them to wonder if he was a mortal, needing to know this Zaphrina Asked him once again how old he was because she could never bare to watch such a beautiful child she was now attached grow old and die of old age and yet she would never want to force this cursed life of thirst upon the child." I don't know how old I am, I can tell u how many moons I have seen but I have no concept of the thing you call years." To this Zaphrina smiled wryly as she realized when she sent over the information regarding language and communication to his mind, she never sent over the understanding of math." Aidon I know I just told not to accept any direct information to your mind until you have full control of your ability,but I forgot to give you something that is fundamental to us as an Intelligent species." "And what is that ?" Asked Aidon, looking him dead in the eye she said in the most serious of Manner, "Math".