
Child of Prophecy: Naruto AU SI

Reincarnated into an Alternate Narutoverse, the ruthless MC escapes to the Cannon Narutoverse and proceeds to turn it into an AU that suits him.

Joya_Zuni_Shikdar · อื่นๆ
19 Chs


It's been five days since I've ended up in the Cannon Narutoverse. But I don't think this is the Cannon Narutoverse anymore. My very existence has already turned it into an Alternate Universe.

I've sent my Shadow Clones to scout and gather information. According to the result of their search, it's been 26 years since Konoha came into existence, the Second Hokage is still alive and kicking. So it's a long time before Orochimaru established the Hidden Sound Village.

I am totally gonna rip it off. A Hidden Village of my own is a good thing for me. I don't think I can simply settle down in Konoha and live a relaxing life. I am too old to be brainwashed with the Will of Fire bullshit and Konoha is always a ticking time bomb. And after what I went through in my previous Dimension, I don't want to be a Leaf shinobi.

And then there's the Destruction of Uzumaki Clan. I am not in a position to do anything about that and I am sure that I don't want to do anything. All I am gonna do is to profit from someone else's misfortune.

I'll be gathering Uzumaki survivors and their descendants minus Nagato. I miss having a family.

Orochimaru must die as soon as possible. I will off him personally. Can't have a Pseudo Immortal running around.

And gain some loyal followers.

Eliminating some future threats before they reach their full potential is also a priority.

Zetsu and Madara will need careful handling.

And The Sage of Six Paths, my 'Father', as I happen to be a reincarnation of Asura, albeit a dimension hopping one, is bound to be troublesome.

I'll have to let Obito live. Just because the Emo Loser is Madara's insurance. At least for now.

Danzo will weaken Konoha from within in his delusion of grandeur and jealousy of Hiruzen. Which is fine with me.

And the last thing, this world's version of Naruto. For him I'll take a Wait and See approach. I want him to remain as close to as his Cannon version as possible.

I am going to kill this Kakashi too. And Hinata is on my list. I am going to destroy her. Menma's fiancee or any version of her is unacceptable. I don't want Boruto to exist.

And while doing all these, I'll continue to train and gain experience to be stronger and break my limits again and again.

If I am to avoid being stepped on, I must climb as high as possible...