
Child of Infinity in Omniverse

A fanfiction stories based on marvel, dc comics, naruto, dragon ball, Dxd, Death Note, Harry potter, , Campione and other animes and cartoons. * No Face slapping * No System * Genius Mc * OP Mc -----‐-----------××××××××------------------ There will be some bullshit at start so please bear a little as story progresses so i can introduce famous marvel and dc comic characters. -----------------××××××××-----------------

Hidden_shadows · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
68 Chs

Uzumaki Sister Confession

The moment they confessed, atilia had already woken up and seeing mito Confession she was also slightly surprised but before accepting their Confession I asked atilia to explain them our origin, the source of their power, our relation and how they will have to live with us for whole eternity if they decide to be with me.

After listening to atilia explanation mito and meiko expression changed into suprise, understanding, anxiety, astonishment and other emotion and they tried to rush their answer at which, I stopped them and said you two should first think about everything with patience and discuss this matter with your father before taking a decision because this will decide your future at which they nodded like woodpeckers and rushed toward their home and I think today their father gonna be busy.

( People who don't know mito and meiko mother had died after giving birth to them and they were taken care from childhood by their father, who was also the clan leader of uzumaki clan during warring state period.)

( So don't complain why I didn't mentioned their mother in any chapter.)

I and atilia turned to look at each other as we can guess mito and miko decision, I can tell atilia is more happy than me as she has taught them for more than 2 year and her relation with both of them is stronger than me as they were her first disciplines.

I looked at atilia and asked are you happy to corrupte your discipline to not leave you alone at which she gave me a glare and said-

''It was you who seduced, my pure discipline''

At which I retorted that - ''I was in sleep most of the time, how can I seduce someone by just sleeping?'' and we started bickering and accusing each other until suddenly kaguya and shiryu appeared beside us and said ''master, the clan member whom you saved, had arrived again and said he brought the things you asked for from the clan'' listening to their report at which i nodded and asked them where were you these day at which both their expression changed from serious to shame but I decided to ask them later.

I went outside as saw Ishiki levitating in the air and while levitating I appeared near him at which he gave me a respectful bow which, I dismissed it and asked him if he brought all the things at which he nodded and handed me a pair of bracelet and said all the things you wanted are stored inside it.

I asked him have my father awakened from his sleep at which he replied with a 'No' as I was about to return he stooped me and said the king had told me to say that your father had ordered him to give this before his slept to you and he presented two marble sized balls in front of me and said please open it in an open field if you want to see what is inside it at which I nodded and said him to return the clan.

Returning to my room, I asked atilia to follow me to my inner planet or to be precise a small solar system as it had a one white sun, four Mars sized planet with 16 natural satellite. I landed on the second planet which had 3 moon and first made a crater of size around 2 km with my powers and filled it with water.

( Mc is overpowered at using darkness, reality , destruction, space , wood , water and ice law.)

(But he is really bad at other elements such as fire, wind, life, thunder, yang at which he need atilia helps.)

( Mc also can't use creation and light energy no matter what as his destruction and darkness energy repel them, so he uses magic as a replacement to do make small sized creation like some clothes, food, or something he needs.)

I asked atilia to first create a super huge forest, atmosphere and three miniature suns and place them near the white sun.

Then I shared some mental images of various building designs to atilia and she started creating them with her creation energy and just in few minutes you can see a small futuristic city with mix of traditional culture standing surrounded with lakes and forest. I opened the bracelet and various seeds of plants and tree came into my view and I started planting them while using my wood law and a huge garden formed at the side of the lake, seeing this scenery I was also happy and said to atilia from now this is our new home, why don't you chose a name for it at which atilia after thinking for some time said ''Kayla'' at which I didn't objected as I liked the name too.

Atilia asked me do you want to create animal and human too at which, I said to her that you can create all animal you want but don't create humans as I don't want human in my world.

I will create a new lifeform of trees, when I grow stronger at which she nodded and started creating various bird, animals and mammals and separated them in the forest at which I felt now it truly look like a complete planet remembering about the marble sized ball Ishiki gave me, i took it out and entered some chakra in it and it started glowing after some time it and transformed into two car sized beast:

1. First one was a tigress with 11 tails and after manifest it directly jumped toward atilia and started licking her face with her tongue.

2. Second one was a huge she-wolf with 12 tail and after manifesting it kept looking at me with serious look and I would have thaught she didn't like me if not for seeing her huge swaying tails at her back and i moved toward her at which she wrapped her tails around me.

( She-wolf basically means a female wolf)

( People who are wondering what is inside the bracelet, In the bracelet there are some artifacts, otsutsuki technology used for cloning and other research devices, numerous type of plant and tree seeds, chakra fruit and some daily necessity.)
